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Trump asks U.S. Congress to help in fight against gangs, illegal immigration


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2 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

Where in that post did I mention NY post.


These childish play on words is tiresome, you guys continue on.

Did you or did you not write this in post #25?

"You can't justify the homicide rate in Chicago with charts and graphs and links to the NY post."

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19 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

Where in that post did I mention NY post.


These childish play on words is tiresome, you guys continue on.


Are you kidding?


Post 25 (that would be you)


thehelmsman Posted 1 hour ago ·

Trump is simply taking care of business as it should have been done many, many years ago. Not just Obama but Bush as well.

I get the fact that some hate Trump, but How is getting rid of violent gangs not a good thing, especially when they have no right to be in this country.


You can't justify the homicide rate in Chicago with charts and graphs and links to the NY post.

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Now.... Getting back to the OP subject.... I am American............... I don't like Trump, I despise many of his actions (especially the health care)..... But the 'gangs' (MS-13 being among the worst) have got to go...... and they don't need to be handled with soft gloves..... If Trump is 'pushing' that then that will be one thing I will like about him......  

I have a 'theory'......... "there just ain't no 10's"......... "But... There just ain't no zero's" either......

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Here's why his speech was inappropriate and may actually cause more problems.  Horrible thing for him to do.  He needs to get a speech writer and stick to the message.  And get off Twitter! LOL






Why Trump discouraging officers from being 'too nice' matters in Baltimore


The comments are stunning in any circumstance but had special meaning to many in Baltimore. It's exactly what many here believe caused the death of Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old Baltimorean whose death sparked protest and riots in the city and fueled an impassioned national debate over fatal police encounters involving African-American men.



But hey!  MAGA! LOL

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2 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

Trump was directing his speech towards the MS-13 gang. Convenient to omit that tad bit.

Watch the video.  He was in front of thousands of police.  He referenced them directly.  Told them to be rough.  And the applause was loud.  Horrible thing to do in Baltimore.

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6 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Watch the video.  He was in front of thousands of police.  He referenced them directly.  Told them to be rough.  And the applause was loud.  Horrible thing to do in Baltimore.

I've heard his speech, I am not as shocked as you it seems.

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1 minute ago, thehelmsman said:

I've heard his speech, I am not as shocked as you it seems.

He openly told police to be more rough.  Which is a huge problem in the US right now.  There have been riots in many cities due to this.  The justice department is suppose to be working on reforms to help the police and their relationship with local communities.  This doesn't help.


There are other ways to be tougher on gangbangers.  Openly telling police to rough them up is a terrible thing to do.  As you know, in the US, you are innocent until proven guilty.  Which is decided by a court of law, not a cop on the street.

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Police push back against Trump's law-and-order speech 


"A Boston Police Department statement said its "priority has been and continues to be building relationships and trust with the community we serve. As a police department we are committed to helping people,not harming them." 
"In New York, Police Commissioner James O'Neill said in a statement that to "suggest that police officers apply any standard in the use of force other than what is reasonable and necessary is irresponsible, unprofessional and sends the wrong message to law enforcement as well as the public."


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8 minutes ago, iReason said:

Police push back against Trump's law-and-order speech 


"A Boston Police Department statement said its "priority has been and continues to be building relationships and trust with the community we serve. As a police department we are committed to helping people,not harming them." 
"In New York, Police Commissioner James O'Neill said in a statement that to "suggest that police officers apply any standard in the use of force other than what is reasonable and necessary is irresponsible, unprofessional and sends the wrong message to law enforcement as well as the public."


Please, have an original thought. This copy and paste gets old.

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2 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

Please, have an original thought. This copy and paste gets old.

It doesn't get old. These are the leaders of the police force in the US.  Their opinions are very relevant.


How can you have an original thought about this other than Trump was wrong?  As is being proven by the above tweets.

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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

It doesn't get old. These are the leaders of the police force in the US.  Their opinions are very relevant.


How can you have an original thought about this other than Trump was wrong?  As is being proven by the above tweets.

Remember when Fergeson was being looted and burned down. Obama did nothing, at least now we have a POTUS who is trying to do something.

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9 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

Please, have an original thought. This copy and paste gets old.

It's called evidence. Not surprised you have no use for it. Especially given that cut and paste was use to show you denying what you explicitly wrote in this thread. Here's some more evidence for you: 


U.S. police chiefs blast Trump for endorsing ‘police brutality’

Police leaders across the country moved quickly to distance themselves from — or to outright condemn — President Trump’s statements about “roughing up” people who’ve been arrested.

The swift public denunciations came as departments are under intense pressure to stamp out brutality and excessive force that can erode the relationship between officers and the people they police — and cost police chiefs their jobs.

Some police leaders worried that three sentences uttered by the president during a Long Island, N.Y., speech could upend nearly three decades of fence-mending since the 1991 Los Angeles Police Department beating of Rodney King ushered in an era of distrust of police.



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1 minute ago, thehelmsman said:

Remember when Fergeson was being looted and burned down. Obama did nothing, at least now we have a POTUS who is trying to do something.

BS if you say Obama did nothing.  Let's not forget the police are not federal employees.  They don't work for the POTUS.  You should read this:



But you probably follow BS news like this:



‘Fox & Friends’ strikes again, this time framing President Obama as supporter of violent rioting


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7 minutes ago, iReason said:


Pointless deflection being employed is ancient.



Always when the truth hurts...

No, I was just curious if you could put a thought together without pasting someone else's words. You know, put your own thoughts into words.

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7 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

Remember when Fergeson was being looted and burned down. Obama did nothing, at least now we have a POTUS who is trying to do something.


When all else fails, employ the ancient, hackneyed and feeble retort; but, but, but, but, Obama.



Along with a boldfaced lie and shameless attempt to spread disinformation.

"Remember when Fergeson was being looted and burned down. Obama did nothing..."


No. I don't remember that.


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6 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

No, I was just curious if you could put a thought together without pasting someone else's words. You know, put your own thoughts into words.


Further pointless deflection of facts.



That element absent from your posts.

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A "helmsman" is a person entrusted to steer us into safe waters.


much like the "leader of the free world"


yet, and to quote Donald trump.... " you know... I can't fire you for being inappropriate, because I'm inappropriate." ... lol... the only truth from trumps lips, to date


your thought, my thoughts, others thoughts, are all relevant, and worth considering ( and/ or regurgitating), as they provide "stars" to guide as to safe shores.... or.... onto jagged rocks and certain doom.


trumps latest, much like most of his earlier, seem to be guiding us towards the jagged rocks.


personally, I thank the likes of ireason (et al) for the cutting and pasting ( whatever), as it shows a depth of research and understanding ( or willingness to try to understand), otherwise lacking in posts deriding this, as being unoriginal, or belonging to others.... and... this is not an uncommon thing, generally referred to as a bibliography


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13 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

It doesn't get old. These are the leaders of the police force in the US.  Their opinions are very relevant.


How can you have an original thought about this other than Trump was wrong?  As is being proven by the above tweets.

i'm surprised he didnt call "fake news" such is the level of his discourse

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1 hour ago, farcanell said:

A "helmsman" is a person entrusted to steer us into safe waters.


much like the "leader of the free world"


yet, and to quote Donald trump.... " you know... I can't fire you for being inappropriate, because I'm inappropriate." ... lol... the only truth from trumps lips, to date


your thought, my thoughts, others thoughts, are all relevant, and worth considering ( and/ or regurgitating), as they provide "stars" to guide as to safe shores.... or.... onto jagged rocks and certain doom.


trumps latest, much like most of his earlier, seem to be guiding us towards the jagged rocks.


personally, I thank the likes of ireason (et al) for the cutting and pasting ( whatever), as it shows a depth of research and understanding ( or willingness to try to understand), otherwise lacking in posts deriding this, as being unoriginal, or belonging to others.... and... this is not an uncommon thing, generally referred to as a bibliography


Impressed you actually know what a helmsman is. Unless you're steering your own yacht, a helmsman steers as he's told. The stars don't influence his decision making. Life at sea is not a democracy, it's a dictatorship. Hence, the Captain still holds the title "Master"



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In the US you are innocent until proven guilty , a concept Trump don't seem to understand.  The police enforce the law The courts under due process determine guilt or innocence and provide appropriate punishment .  The corrections system applies punishment.   All different and distinct responsibilities.


Only an idiot would suggest that the police should determine guilt and  behave differently toward those.  and only an Idiot would want such person to be their president.     But you know what they say about birds of a feather.


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