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Welcome To New Members - 2550/2007

Jai Dee

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On behalf of the moderators, admin, and members of ThaiVisa, we wish to welcome all new members to the forum... and hope that you find our forum informative and enjoyable.

:D to :o

This is the Welcome thread for 2550/2007, so post your introduction here.

C'mon... don't be shy... say hello.

Hi i am new to site, i posted ad yesterday but i cant seem to access it again to see replys??? maybe i did it wrong, can you please help me. it started off as dependants----thai children. my email is **plz pm ***

many thanks


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On behalf of the moderators, admin, and members of ThaiVisa, we wish to welcome all new members to the forum... and hope that you find our forum informative and enjoyable.

:D to :o

This is the Welcome thread for 2550/2007, so post your introduction here.

C'mon... don't be shy... say hello.

Hi i am new to site, i posted ad yesterday but i cant seem to access it again to see replys??? maybe i did it wrong, can you please help me. it started off as dependants----thai children. my email is **plz pm ***

many thanks


blueeyes, if you posted a classified ad people are not able to respond via the forum but will send you a private message if interested. Any problems using the forum feel free to ask in the Support Desk here

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I've been on for a while, I am an Australian retired Naval Officer and intend teaching English in Thailand. I am a Thai linguist and worked at the Aussie Embassy from 1996-98. I find this site most helpful and you guys all seem to be quite laid back so I shall continue to enjoy visiting Thai Visa.

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Quick hello to all, its nice to be able to keep a link open between trips.

I work a fair amount in Bangkok and KL.

Trying to do business with Thai and Malaysia, I must have the patience of a herd of saints and an unlimited life expectancy :o but we do eventually make some headway.

Due back in September, cant remember why now, its changed so many times.

Thailand has got a little bit of my soul, so I persevere.

Hope to get to know you all in a nice virtual way.

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Hello there, all ThaiVisa members and ThaiVisa guests wherever you are! I have actually been a member of this forum for a little while, but haven't noticed this topic until today (how could I miss it? :o ).

I have browsed through many a topic in the forum as a guest for more than a year, so it was a natural step for me to become a member myself. My personal opinion is that ThaiVisa is an almost endless and extremely valuable source of Thai-related knowledge, and I will do my best to contribute as best as I can.

Some personal info: I am a Swedish man at the age of 39. I am married to a Thai woman, and we currently stay in Bangkok. I have been in Thailand for more than three years (accumulated time) since the year of 2000, and right now I am trying to decide if I should try to get a decent job in Thailand, or if I should go back to Sweden to continue my career as a medicinal chemist at a pharmaceutical company there. Yeah, I know, most people would advice me to go back to coooold Sweden, but, as you know, Thailand is strongly addictive :D .

Anyway, I really like this forum, and think that it is getting better and better (NOT meant as brown-nosing :D ). Keep up the good work!


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... but, as you know, Thailand is strongly addictive :D .

Yes, Thailand can be very addictive.


Welcome to the forum 'chemist'... also welcome to other new members 'midasthailand' and "Cobalt60".


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Sawatdee -

I have been posting for a little while and just noticed this thread. I came to the forum to research retiring in Thailand and have learned much. I am still ambivalent over retiring as soon as possible, or waiting until things are more secure. It will be more of a series of extended vacations initially, anyway. We are not even sure exactly where in Thailand we would like to be.

So, more research will be necessary! The yearly trips to SEAsia must continue!

It's the prudent thing to do. :o



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Sawatdee -

I have been posting for a little while and just noticed this thread. I came to the forum to research retiring in Thailand and have learned much. I am still ambivalent over retiring as soon as possible, or waiting until things are more secure. It will be more of a series of extended vacations initially, anyway. We are not even sure exactly where in Thailand we would like to be.

So, more research will be necessary! The yearly trips to SEAsia must continue!

It's the prudent thing to do. :D




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Sawadee Ka,

I've been a TV member (lurker) for sometime and been coming to KP and Samui for 5 years (from Australia). October I'll be saving myself the plane tickets and hanging my hat on KP for a while. I look forward to chatting with other girls on the forum and maybe even have a catch up one day.

TV is a great reference and kind of lifeline to Thailand when I've been away, so thanks everyone.


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Welcome, and glad to have you :D Good luck and don't hesitate to ask for advice, most posters are quite nice and sensible :D

most of us? :o


Konnichi wa, everyone.

Konichi wa... allai wa?

Sawadee Sawadee... Welcome to Tv.com Tajitu! :D

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Hi im wotaplonker from England, middle aged guy who like many similar guys has fallen in

love with the los, sadly due to finances only able to get over there once a year (if that)

looking forward to visiting Bk later this year, I have heard its quite a place!!

thanks wap

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Hi All!

I just happenned to bump into this forum and to be honest I'm struggling with my tears at the moment.

My parents and I moved to Bangkok when I was 2 and a half years old. I went to thai kindergarten (I was the single farang-looking kid there :D ), then to Ruamrudee Intl. School. My parents sent me back to Hungary when I turned 13 and I'm still not able to live with this trauma. I felt and lived as a Thai person. I miss Thailand so much! :D

I very much hope that I may once again stay for years in Thailand.

I'm looking forward to get to know other members here.

Now I'll go look around in other topics too. :o

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What a touching introductory post! :o

Welcome to the forum. You'll find all types, stereotypes and unusual people on these boards, and we tend to find some harmony in that for most of us, from wherever we are and whatever we do, we have a deep love and/or fondness for Thailand, her people, her culture.



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On behalf of the moderators, admin, and members of ThaiVisa, we wish to welcome all new members to the forum... and hope that you find our forum informative and enjoyable.

:D to :o

This is the Welcome thread for 2550/2007, so post your introduction here.

C'mon... don't be shy... say hello.

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Hello All,

I've been reading the forum for a while now and haven't said sawadee, I'm currently working in the states -accounting :o - and am hoping to have a try at teaching in LOS sometime this Autumn. I've only been there for a holiday (twice), but have been thinking about a longer term stay there for some time. Hope to meet a few members when I'm over!

Any New Yorkers around the forum?

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Hi Everyone, I to am new to this board but have been looking at others. I will be going back to LOS in 1 weeks time after a 2 .5 year abscence due to family Thais pardon the pun. My wife is out there also we have been married for 9 years so I am not entirely new to the scene. Will be spending time up North and also in Pattaya hope to see some old friends and meet new ones.

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