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Three students taken to hospital after attack by teacher for uniform violation


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21 complaints & only an investigation.

I'm sure with all those angry parents, there will be a little get together & the teacher might not be able to use his hands for a while.


Nasty Cretinous individual.

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4 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

I had to buy 5 uniforms for my son this year already! The teachers hit the kids if they show up with the wrong uniform! The day my son get hit by a teacher is probably the day I will get kicked out from Thailand, I am not buying this BS.

I'll second that mate, except I fear I may end up in jail..

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4 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

this country is not salvageable.


It's not so long ago that the MoE issued a statement reminding everyone that physical punishment, of any kind, was against the law and requesting parents of any assaulted children press charges and not be fobbed off by the School directors and management.


Since then there have been copious reports of boys and girls of various ages being assaulted. 


And as usual, the school directors form a committee, the police do f/all, and it all gets talked away as some misunderstanding, with plenty of wai-ing and some crap about the teacher being good and loved by the kids.


Yep, your're dead right. Not salvageable as nothing ever really changes because no one makes the changes happen.

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4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

I suppose that if the parents wacked the teacher over the head with a stick they will be charged for assault, children have minimal rights here

when i was at school the use of the cane was very common.  thing is i was only ever caned when i done something wrong.  could never see the problem with that.   ask anyone over 55 years of age and they will yell you that if they were caned they never told their parents.  if they did then they would be punished again by the parents.  no wonder children never grow up these days with snowflakes for parents.

Edited by jonesthebaker
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4 hours ago, ben2talk said:

No, he needs re-educating.


If someone breaches the strict uniform regulations they obviously need dealing with. The army supports strict measures but not news coverage.


In future, they should have identifiable items removed, be shaved, lined up against a wall and shot.


This should deter other students from leaving a button undone.


People complaining are obviously oblivious to the problems of militarisation of a nation. Studying Hitler Youth behaviour, we see perfectly normal people doing things which we (in our priviliged civilised manner) might find difficult to understand.

You talk a lot of nonsense, this was already happening way before the military took over.

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17 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

The "teacher" should be left alone with the parents behind the school for a while before they throw the leftovers on a pickup to deliver at the gates of a jailhouse.

and you think the teacher is bad for what the did.  the irony is beyond irony.

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1 minute ago, jonesthebaker said:

and you think the teacher is bad for what the did.  the irony is beyond irony.


Next steps:  Just wondering if the Nation and the other news media will do any follow up or just nothing as usual?



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1 hour ago, jonclark said:


And I bet this isn't the first time he's whacked the kids either!


And let's not forget, it's quite possible the kids concerned here didn't have the full uniform because their families couldn't afford the whole kit.


So some of these students quite possibly got a severe beating (3 in hospital) for a transgression which is out of their control. 


Teacher needs severe punishment to the point of being in hospital with open visitation for all and sundry to visit and give their comments / feelings.


I hope the teacher will be strongly punished for what he's done and as an example, and is forced to pay all the medical bills. 

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5 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

I had to buy 5 uniforms for my son this year already! The teachers hit the kids if they show up with the wrong uniform! The day my son get hit by a teacher is probably the day I will get kicked out from Thailand, I am not buying this BS.

Go do to him what he do to your son but harder

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Don't tar an entire nation with the same brush. There are good, and bad, apples in every country/race/walk of life. 
What this teacher did was despicable! Hitting one student is inexcusable but hitting 21?!?! The teacher in question should be sacked effective immediately! 

So don't worry about Thai Visa with there little military based secret policeman , get a photo of this bastard that bashes kids on the head with a stick , and a photo of the school and plaster it all over Facebook . Teacher and school will be sorted in a couple of days . Yes the big man thought he could ban FB , no your not quite that powerful . Not yet like North Korea .

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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6 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Are they forced to join the Scouts, or is it just forcing them to wear the uniform one day a week in School, if so why? Pity Thai parents how many silly outfilts do they have to buy for the fancy dress parade anyway, at our local School they even have to dress up in sleep wear on Fridays, madness.

Monday - soccer uniform

Tuesday- normal uniform ( don't forget the vest) but must bring swimming kit

Wednesday- boy scouts uniform

Thursday- Tai kwon do uniform

Friday - PE uniform


It's a bit much


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Seems to be a little more to this story than is being portrayed.  I can see that most people commenting have forgotten what it is like to be a kid at that age.  ok,  the teacher has  been a bit heavy handed with some kids for breaking rules but i bet  the majority are simply jumping on the band wagon.   if any of the commenters had to spend just one day wth a bunch of wayward school kids these days then they would be calling for corporal punishment to be rolled out as standard.  one thing i know for sure is that when I or any of my friends were hit by  a teacher then we deserved it.  


people just love to be outraged these days.  and then they wonder why society is on a downward trend.  ooh, the outrage 'kids get smacked by teacher - world will end'

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5 minutes ago, Idiotabroad said:

Monday - soccer uniform

Tuesday- normal uniform ( don't forget the vest) but must bring swimming kit

Wednesday- boy scouts uniform

Thursday- Tai kwon do uniform

Friday - PE uniform




was much simpler in my day when the only hard and fast rule regarding dress code was to have footwear of some kind during the winter.   although they did allow kids to wear wellington boots during the summer  if parents couldn't afford shoes :)

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If the teacher has not already been suspended by the head then the head deserves suspension too.  Interesting point.   I remember reading on this forum a few weeks/months ago that in some schools the head is head in name only.  All control is with the school board.  He cannot go to the toilet without board permission.  Regardless:  We will never be told the outcome or the truth and no Journo will ever follow the story up because of fear of libel suits for doing so,  Reporting an event is news.  Asking questions a week later is victimization and needs strict discouragement..

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5 hours ago, soalbundy said:

I suppose that if the parents wacked the teacher over the head with a stick they will be charged for assault, children have minimal rights here

That wouldn't stop me.... 

I'm surprised one of the parents hasn't flipped out and shot the guy yet... But there's still time

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