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Three students taken to hospital after attack by teacher for uniform violation


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8 minutes ago, janpharma said:

About 7 years ago... at the age of 14....our daughter was told to colour her hair black...because it wasn't "black enough"...Can you imagine that these "teachers" are ruling?!...I went to that school and told the director that I would publish this story in "The Bangkok Post"...and so there was (suddenly) no need any more.  (By the way, the girl is a real Thai...no farang genes involved).  How crazy are these uniformed monkey's to impose such things?...

Brick in the wall ?

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1 hour ago, Idiotabroad said:

I have a feeling that the hospitalization of the three students has been blown out of proportion.


Thais have a tendency to go to the hospital for the littlest things.


That being said I am not trying to defend this guy, if it were my children that were hit for not wearing the right uniform I would be having a few words with the teacher.

Your second sentence is just ridiculous and just another way of Thai bashing. Oh Thais do this and Thais always do that. 

A kid been hit over the head with a stick should require a trip to the A+E  in most countries

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4 hours ago, Morakot said:


My head is already spinning just reading this... :shock1:


And you think you have a problem.


Often he will come home and say, Dad I need another set of blues tomorrow. Fortunately we have 2 sets so the ones he is wearing go into the washing machine after school, dry over night if I am lucky, ironed for "just in case".


The only thing he hasn't worn for a couple of weeks is the Scout stuff.

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8 hours ago, jonesthebaker said:

when i was at school the use of the cane was very common.  thing is i was only ever caned when i done something wrong.  could never see the problem with that.   ask anyone over 55 years of age and they will yell you that if they were caned they never told their parents.  if they did then they would be punished again by the parents.  no wonder children never grow up these days with snowflakes for parents.

Yeah, it's all the liberal parents fault...


7 hours ago, jonesthebaker said:

Seems to be a little more to this story than is being portrayed.  I can see that most people commenting have forgotten what it is like to be a kid at that age.  ok,  the teacher has  been a bit heavy handed with some kids for breaking rules but i bet  the majority are simply jumping on the band wagon.   if any of the commenters had to spend just one day wth a bunch of wayward school kids these days then they would be calling for corporal punishment to be rolled out as standard.  one thing i know for sure is that when I or any of my friends were hit by  a teacher then we deserved it.  


people just love to be outraged these days.  and then they wonder why society is on a downward trend.  ooh, the outrage 'kids get smacked by teacher - world will end'

The downward trend could be reversed...we need to hit them, only way.


6 hours ago, jesimps said:

Before I condemn him I'd like to know how big the piece of wood was. When I was a kid our teachers used to hit us on the head with board rulers, sometimes books.


I don't blame them, we were delinquents. Talking about the 1950s Liverpool, England.

Those children needed a big block of wood used on them, it's the only way


3 hours ago, Idiotabroad said:

I have a feeling that the hospitalization of the three students has been blown out of proportion.


Thais have a tendency to go to the hospital for the littlest things.


That being said I am not trying to defend this guy, if it were my children that were hit for not wearing the right uniform I would be having a few words with the teacher.

They go for minor contusions!   Whimps.


3 hours ago, jonesthebaker said:

indeed!  i went to a grammar school and the cane was applied to the back side  (the ass to our American cousins ).     applied at great speed and with considerable force i may add.    this method of punishment was a win win for all involved.   it  disciplined naughty boys and allowed the male teachers great pleasure in being able to cane small boys bottoms as a perk of the job.  

This guy is back. He really thinks this is a perk of the job? There is no irony there if you read his previous posts. 


3 hours ago, jonesthebaker said:

yep!  if corporal punishment is violence - which it s by pure definition - then i support it.  so it doesn't matter how many ??????'s  you add for shock value the answer is yes. 

Yeah, he's on board with beating.


2 hours ago, janpharma said:

About 7 years ago... at the age of 14....our daughter was told to colour her hair black...because it wasn't "black enough"...Can you imagine that these "teachers" are ruling?!...I went to that school and told the director that I would publish this story in "The Bangkok Post"...and so there was (suddenly) no need any more.  (By the way, the girl is a real Thai...no farang genes involved).  How crazy are these uniformed monkey's to impose such things?...

The Thailand school system is bananas. It's failing miserably. 

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14 hours ago, steven100 said:

a bit over the top teach    !     he needs suspension and  a damn good roasting by the head of the school.

A bit over the top steven where are your morals on life.

You do not hit or in this case attack children unless you are an animal and there seems to be a few in that league. dam good roasting you say if it had been one of my kids he wouuld never teach again that is for sure.

I think I will give your posts a miss in future as I cannot learn anything

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1 hour ago, Pinot said:

Yeah, it's all the liberal parents fault...


The downward trend could be reversed...we need to hit them, only way.


Those children needed a big block of wood used on them, it's the only way


They go for minor contusions!   Whimps.


This guy is back. He really thinks this is a perk of the job? There is no irony there if you read his previous posts. 


Yeah, he's on board with beating.


The Thailand school system is bananas. It's failing miserably. 

You are correct on most accounts:   Certainly no irony -  as the male teachers certainly did enjoy canning young boys bottoms.  Liberal parents are at fault in many things - considering liberalism is considered a mental disorder by the majority these days.  The Thai school system is bananas - no question there.  Yes i do agree with corporal punishment - or beating if you prefer the liberal term,  but not with a  big block of wood as you seem to advocate.  A cane when used sparingly - but never a block of wood.

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Scouts/guides is as far as I know mandatory up to M3. It is part of the national curriculum. Teachers (Thai) are also required to act as scoutmasters and dress accordingly, with really quite gratifying results in the case of some of the younger female teachers if tight khaki uniforms float your boat! They had a big parade and swearing of the oath ceremony at our school recently. The head Boy Scout ( an elderly teacher with spectacularly bandy legs) got very intense but nobody else took it remotely seriously. Most of the female staff were mincing around like drum majorettes - lovely stuff. Talk about "The school will amble past in rag order, taking their time from the NAAFI clock!"

They do have an annual field day which the children enjoy, camping out overnight and so on, but I'm not sure it achieves much, apart from entertaining the children.

Like so much here the older generation take it seriously, the younger generation (the younger teachers) regard it as a joke.

M4 up can volunteer for cadets, many do, not from enthusiasm for the military but because successful completion of the training (which is fairly Mickey Mouse), exempts them from the draft​.











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6 hours ago, janpharma said:

About 7 years ago... at the age of 14....our daughter was told to colour her hair black...because it wasn't "black enough"...Can you imagine that these "teachers" are ruling?!...I went to that school and told the director that I would publish this story in "The Bangkok Post"...and so there was (suddenly) no need any more.  (By the way, the girl is a real Thai...no farang genes involved).  How crazy are these uniformed monkey's to impose such things?...

Oh their crazy all right and ten years down the line we'll see the true enormity of their crazyness .. :shock1:

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KIds need a good kicking from time-to-time, they need to understand they can't just do what they want when they want otherwise they end up being accused of being 'hi-so' when they get older. This will have done them no harm, and the parents might need putting in their place too if they don't pipe down a little.

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Fascism. You can heap as much scorn or or outrage on people who do things like this as you want. The fact of the matter is that the way the system is organized now, people like him are in favor precisely because they have values like these. Barring a clean break with the past, these incidents are only going to become more common, and people are going to have less and less freedom to speak out against them. There's a retrograde feudal hierarchy that must be maintained and bolstered at all costs. That is the main (some would say only) priority of the powers that be.

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"Racism, xenophobia, caste societies and feudal systems = the scourge of the earth and the hallmarks of an uneducated populace." (Ref. poster 'over it').


100% correct and while there is no leadership to make change, because they do not want to, (and where there is a will there is a way)  abuse will continue, despite all the rhetoric about Thailand 4.0!  This continual abuse of the most vulnerable in society is sickening to all decent people. :post-4641-1156693976: 



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13 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

I, too, got the living daylights beaten out of me at school. But it never crossed my mind that the physical abuse I suffered was beneficial to either my ability to learn or my subsequent career.


If you have any credible evidence that the "spare the rod. . . " adage has any tangible merit, I for one would like to know of it.

Bad lads army, seemed to work wonders on the thugs

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12 hours ago, seminomadic said:

The real pathetic part of this I don't see discussed yet .... that the director "set up a committee" cuz s/he can't take responsibility for whatever actions or non-actions are brought against the teacher. Most Thais in decision-making positions are allergic to actually making any decisions because they bristle at responsibility.. Foist it off on a committee so any blame is diluted.

agreed; taking/assuming responsibility would be a close variant of loss-of-face which thais view as near-death;

introspection does NOT happen here

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2 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

agreed; taking/assuming responsibility would be a close variant of loss-of-face which thais view as near-death;

introspection does NOT happen here

This is a extremely unique "mindset."  Everything changes when you cross a border though.  Completely... :cheesy:

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23 hours ago, soalbundy said:

I suppose that if the parents wacked the teacher over the head with a stick they will be charged for assault, children have minimal rights here


Right. And it's something they have in common with three other categories of human beings :


1/ Poor people,

2/ Workers from neighbouring countries,

3/ Farangs.




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10 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

A bit over the top steven where are your morals on life.

You do not hit or in this case attack children unless you are an animal and there seems to be a few in that league. dam good roasting you say if it had been one of my kids he wouuld never teach again that is for sure.

I think I will give your posts a miss in future as I cannot learn anything

while I understand your anger to an extent ,  and I don't agree with his method, I don't think sacking, hang him high, slaughter all teachers like him,  is the answer ...

obviously he thought it was ok to hit the kids on the head which is total crap ...  he needs a good roasting, suspension for a few months then hopefully he will have learnt what is right from wrong while teaching.

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31 minutes ago, Yann55 said:


Right. And it's something they have in common with three other categories of human beings :


1/ Poor people,

2/ Workers from neighbouring countries,

3/ Farangs.




You forgot Vegans...

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1 minute ago, steven100 said:

while I understand your anger to an extent ,  and I don't agree with his method, I don't think sacking, hang him high, slaughter all teachers like him,  is the answer ...

obviously he thought it was ok to hit the kids on the head which is total crap ...  he needs a good roasting, suspension for a few months then hopefully he will have learnt what is right from wrong while teaching.

Yes.  Roasted on both sides.  

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What's so difficult about wearing the proper uniform? I teach at a private school and the uniform thing is a regular challenge with certain students. Wear what you're supposed to. 


As to the falang parents who have a problem with this, you had the kids in that country by choice, deal with it or home school or send your kid to England or wherever to get an education. Stop whinging. You have choices and "go home if you don't like it" doesn't have to be one.


It's like living here and constantly complaining about all the freaking rice.


Yes the teacher was way out of line. Who knows how bad the injuries were, it could have been a little redness the way Thais go on about incredibly minor things. But, it all boils down to simply doing what you're supposed to do which is part of the deal when attending or working for certain institutions.


We're not exactly living in a bastion of creative free-thinkers here. Wear the stinking uniform exactly as it should be and teach the kids about group-think and individuality after school. Use 'joining in' as a lesson in cultural idealism.

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12 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Please remember this is Thaiand and the teachers are demi gods.  This kind of stuff has to stop

and teachers need to get fired on the spot and made to go to a course to learn humility. 555


Buddha Said:

Do not believe in anything just because you heard it

Do not believe in traditions just because they have been handed down for generations

Do not believe anything only because it was spoken and rumoured by many

Do not believe anything just because it was written in your religious books

Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders

BUT after observation and analysis, when you find anything agrees with REASON and

is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.


I wonder if Thai teachers are Buddhists?


But, then again, religious persons and believers (of a belief system and not a religion) will surely twist the teachings to suit themselves! It seems to be the way of mankind.



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31 minutes ago, Yann55 said:


Right. And it's something they have in common with three other categories of human beings :


1/ Poor people,

2/ Workers from neighbouring countries,

3/ Farangs.




In the very few dealings that I have had with the police I have found them to be polite and very careful. I have always responded calmly and politely,never had any problems with them, just the opposite in fact.

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2 minutes ago, Cereal said:

What's so difficult about wearing the proper uniform? I teach at a private school and the uniform thing is a regular challenge with certain students. Wear what you're supposed to. 


As to the falang parents who have a problem with this, you had the kids in that country by choice, deal with it or home school or send your kid to England or wherever to get an education. Stop whinging. You have choices and "go home if you don't like it" doesn't have to be one.


It's like living here and constantly complaining about all the freaking rice.


Yes the teacher was way out of line. Who knows how bad the injuries were, it could have been a little redness the way Thais go on about incredibly minor things. But, it all boils down to simply doing what you're supposed to do which is part of the deal when attending or working for certain institutions.


We're not exactly living in a bastion of creative free-thinkers here. Wear the stinking uniform exactly as it should be and teach the kids about group-think and individuality after school. Use 'joining in' as a lesson in cultural idealism.

Thank you.  Common sense and straight forwardness.  Dangerous combo here...

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3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

In the very few dealings that I have had with the police I have found them to be polite and very careful. I have always responded calmly and politely,never had any problems with them, just the opposite in fact.

Same here...

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