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A Spanish tourist has gone online to issue a dire warning to the Thais about messing up their country


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I have lived in Malaga, Valencia and in Madrid. Franco opened Spain to tourism in the 60s. Torremolinos and Alicante have their share of litter and piss, but worse is the large number of Fish n Chip Shops and Iceland branches. It's like living in Romford.

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About 10 years ago I was walking along Khoa Samed beach with my first Thai girlfriend. I was new to Thailand and really didn't know much. We stumbled upon an empty 5L motor oil can/bottle. I said, "Who just throws their rubbish on the beach like this?". I was being rhetorical as I knew it was a local with a boat. It was more about the mentality of this kind of person. She quickly replied "Many farang drop their trash on the beach"


I just quipped back, "You haven't thought about what you've said there, have you?" Anyhoo, point is so many people don't care. 


I now live in a nice low rise condo with a massive beautiful garden area. There are constant reminders everywhere to keep the place beautiful and tidy. I sometimes find rubbish and I pick it up and put it in the bin. I just hope I don't see the people dropping it. Taking care of your environment isn't a cultural thing- it's a common sense thing. 



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1 hour ago, mike1967 said:

Seriously? The Thais are the worst people for littering. The amount of times I've seen them throwing rubbish on the floor even when the bin is 10 feet away.

& as i've said before I have seen this right next door 

Once from the drivers seat - bin 2mtrs away & once from passenger seat bin 3 mtrs away but had to throw the plastic bottle in the middle of the road

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4 hours ago, Happy enough said:

and to the Spaniard in case you read this. your dress sense is terrible. your sunglasses are cheap and tacky, your top looks incredibly camp. perhaps that's your thing. people here don't need advice from anyone that comes from a place that hasn't got it's own house in order

I like Spain. You have a problem.

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4 hours ago, Happy enough said:

555 hilarious. he's basically saying take care of your place or it will end up being the dump that spain is. I'm sure that's what he's saying. there are many laws here that should clean the place up where it needs to be. pretty sure the powers that be don't need advice from young Spaniard. jog on young lad.

One ma or may not agree with everything the young Spaniared said in a polite manner, but to describe Spain as a dump is libelous and simply untrue. Of course there are some beaches in Spain that are not as clean and tidy as they could and should be, but overall the beaches there and the whole country can't be described as a dump!! To the young Spaniard - there are some beaches in Thailand, which are clean, beautiful and enjoyable, but quite a few that need to be improved to make Thailand even more of a paradise for tourists. How to do this is a point which needs to be seiosly debated

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20 minutes ago, pauleddy said:

I have lived in Malaga, Valencia and in Madrid. Franco opened Spain to tourism in the 60s. Torremolinos and Alicante have their share of litter and piss, but worse is the large number of Fish n Chip Shops and Iceland branches. It's like living in Romford.

All those areas in Spain you mention are where your fellow ex pat countrymen reside. Now wonder it's a dump. You need to get away from the low class Brit creed and venture into the real Spain if you can live without the comforts of HP sauce, egg and chips and flat beer.

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He has every right to have an opinion 

He made his money & chose to spend it in Thailand. But after ho doubt reviewing all the brochurs he may have been a little disepointed 

It certainly wont help Thailand keep its ranking on the many serveys that are conducted for the amount of Tourists & destinations within 

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About 3 years ago, I went to Samet. We decided to have an hour on the beach between Rayong and the Samet ferry. That beach must be 7-8km long (maybe 10km), but it was festooned with coke cans and tesco bags as far as the eye could see. The Thais REALLY are the worst for not 'owning' the problem. Once the can is thrown away, it is no longer of any relevance.. The Spanish are almost as bad--I have seen many Spaniards dumping or flytipping, all over Spain. Both peoples are quite bad. Brit council trash types and chavs are no better. 

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I have lived in Malaga, Valencia and in Madrid. Franco opened Spain to tourism in the 60s. Torremolinos and Alicante have their share of litter and piss, but worse is the large number of Fish n Chip Shops and Iceland branches. It's like living in Romford.

You can't be talking about the Romford in Essex, the cultural epicentre of the Universe.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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Having came to a Thailand from Spain I can inform you that Spain is not clean the kids there have street parties most nights leaving there trash and empty broken bottles in the streets and it is illegal for them to have to have these parties

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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2 hours ago, taipan1949 said:

I lasted 33 years in Thailand and finally just had enough of the filthy Pattaya sewer they call a beach, garbage all over the streets and nobody picks it up. I have moved to the Philippines where other than Manila the country is clean and beautiful. A school full of kids walked by my house the other day and my wife told me they were cruising their jurisdiction area picking up whatever garbage they could find, and I can tell you there was not much to pick up. The authorities teach pride in your city and country from when the kids are just small.

My friend tells me if her daughter's fail the English language tests, and fail again after further instruction, they will have to do the same year again.


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4 hours ago, Happy enough said:

and to the Spaniard in case you read this. your dress sense is terrible. your sunglasses are cheap and tacky, your top looks incredibly camp. perhaps that's your thing. people here don't need advice from anyone that comes from a place that hasn't got it's own house in order

I think he is merely reflecting what has happened to the tourist areas of Spain....and Thailand is certainly heading in that direction.  

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"When he went to the beach he just saw lots of rubbish - cigarette ends, plastic, paper - piles of it.


"You are making a lot of money from tourism, revenues are very high", he said.


"In ten years you will not have the paradise that you have here today".


   He saw lots of rubbish, cigarette ends, plastic etc., etc., etc. ...but he still thinks it's paradice.

    Strange what some people call paradice, what condition would it have to be in I wonder for him to consider it dirty?

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funny to me because I thought the same thing when I was first in Spain, Madrid, the Pyrenees, and down to get the boat to Morocco. Saw tires burning and the smoke was shocking to the senses, particularly making my eyes water. that was 1988. 

and I thought the same thing when I came to see Koh Pang Nga, from Samui in 1990 when there was nothing there except a dozen people. One had a pet bear. peculiar, and memorable. it was pristine island then. not sure what it looks like now, but I am fairly certain there are many families who enjoy a nice standard of living because they can exploit it. 

development and growth is a certainty. unregulated and disorganized it will look like pattaya, phuket, blah blah blah. koh chang was one that really kind of got to me, to be honest. I was really sickened by what goes on there last time I went (2009) compared to what it was like in 1990s.  

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I agree. I lived semi-naked on Goa in 1973-4. The coffee shops were made of bamboo. We lived on a ledge above Anjuna Beach. A cobra lived next door, although he was shy and we could only hear him move at night. Now, Goa has Marriott Hotels.


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1 minute ago, pauleddy said:

I agree. I lived semi-naked on Goa in 1973-4. The coffee shops were made of bamboo. We lived on a ledge above Anjuna Beach. A cobra lived next door, although he was shy and we could only hear him move at night. Now, Goa has Marriott Hotels.


And the cobra lives now at Marriot great.

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I remember Spain back in the early 70's and it was beautiful. It's sad to read that it has fallen apart. However, I would guess that most of Europe has fallen apart and I put the blame on uncontrolled rampant immigration from 3rd world dungheap countries.


I remember Thailand being clean and pristine too. But, Thailand doesn't have the immigration issues plaguing Europe. There's no excuse for filth and dirt and litter everywhere. Take pride in your country.


The guy's opinion is valid and it would behoove the Thais to take heed. I can see tourists turning away in droves and spending their much needed dollars elsewhere. That is a scenario that would harm Thailand immensely. Tourism keeps the LOS afloat and the Thais would be best to keep this in the forefront of their minds.


They won't.

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So tourists come to Thailand, go to these beautiful remote beaches, take plastic bottles, pre-packaged food, cigarettes, etc. then throw all of their trash on the beach and then blame the litter on the locals? 


While Thailand isn't a bastion of sustainability, this message should be directed more at his foreigner peers. Pick up your own garbage, its that simple.


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In all fairness when it comes to the beaches a lot of the garbage washing up is coming from other countries so even if the Thais clean up heir act the beaches won't change. I will stay the Thais have a love for plastic bags I have never encountered anywhere else- they give you a bag for everything and then stick it in another bag.

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4 hours ago, BasalBanality said:

Does the video come with Thai subtitles or Thai-dubbed version? How else will the message be communicated?

Do you go encouraging The Youtuber "Nate no mates" to do another twatty pratty childish prank  beachside with some added message about state of the place... 

Edited by DerekMarshall
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