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A Spanish tourist has gone online to issue a dire warning to the Thais about messing up their country


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6 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

Not at all. Generally the world gets rid of a lot of rubbish and it has to go somewhere. It usually ends up in Spain and they don't even wake up in the afternoons. 

Your non answer is a clear answer his stmts were accurate. 

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15 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

"what kind of shit are u?, if u like that yours daugthers play with your piss, don´t say that everybody is same you....i have the idea try to find u and tell u what i think about u in your <deleted> face....sure that u live with your mother eating her pussy every day....<deleted> bastard." To whoever sent me that I'm next to the fire station on chareon Krung. Please do come here. You should come here please

I think you need to chill out  -a  bit over-reactive to say the least. And how would you know that the Spaniard in question hasn't spoken out similarly in his home country about the dirty beaches? Try to think of it this way..he sees it (garbage) in his own country and does not want the same thing to happen to a beautiful country like Thailand- even if he's only a visitor. It's not worth raising your blood pressure though..."Grant me the courage to change the things I can and accept the things I can't change along with the wisdom to know the difference".

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3 hours ago, Happy enough said:

I'm pretty sure if he had a piss test he'd fail yes. That doesn't make him a druggie. Just some kid from Spain talking whilst he's high on holiday. Nothing wrong with that apart from moaning about the cleanliness here when as I have so many times Spain is a dirty dump 

Yes you have said it but that suggests you simply do not have the money to visit as your comments are far from the truth even though they have at least 4 times the tourists as this bottom of the line market. PS visa would you get one I doubt it

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3 hours ago, Happy enough said:

Not at all. Generally the world gets rid of a lot of rubbish and it has to go somewhere. It usually ends up in Spain and they don't even wake up in the afternoons. 

Sorry like so many others not up todate Spain kicked them out and all came here

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7 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Maybe if Thailand were to attract better quality tourists, then they would take more interest in making tourist attractions more presentable for them.

The problem is... what is Thailand's definition of a "better quality tourist"? It's like the chicken or the egg first. Tourism represents a good percentage of revenues for the country, therefore  jobs and  money for Thai natives. But think about "what" attracts people to visit the country? Many sex tourists who imbibe too much and forget about that this is not their native country.Those unruly  tourists (obviously, not all) are the ones that can give farangs a bad name and form a bad taste in some natives' mouths.The sex tourism also provides a "living" (for lack of  a better word) for many uneducated women whose  last resort sadly) is to engage in that endeavor solely for means of survival. I get that - it doesn't only happen in Thailand. But I also see confusing mixed messages...occasional crack-downs on sex-related businesses (whether unlicensed or not) because the gov't would like to see a more family-oriented tourism destination. So unless someone decides to cease all of the sex-related industry...un-metered taxis, jet ski scams, dual pricing, etc....the "quality" tourists will stay away. I'm not proposing to eliminate jobs - for whatever reason(s), but you can't have it both ways.Let's not forget that one of the attractive features of Thailand is (or some say was) the relatively cheaper costs for a holiday. Often it's the money exchange and proximity of flights- assuming a tourist doesn't simply go for the beauty of this country, but rather an easy hook-up where money can get you everything.If untrue, then there would be no mention of the fact. Nothing happens over night, but to expect a sudden or abrupt change is simply unrealistic. In my aged wisdom, I've learned that bureaucracy, politics, corruption and all the things apparent in so many countries always hurt the average person or are contrary to most people's best interests.And the most I've learned? Common sense is probably the most lacking of human qualities, but everyone wants a piece of the pie. Sorry for the lengthy opinion. I think too much! :)

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his point is not valid. perhaps there could be people handing out fines of a few hundred baht for littering, I believe they are working on that in some places where people are basically ignorant. the bloke comes from a place where they have a load of illegal immigrants selling illegal goods on some of their main beaches whilst they piss in the sand that your daughter plays in. no credit
Maybe that's why he is worried about Thailand. What difference dose it make if his own country is a dump or not. He is right but unfortunately nothing will get done. All this hate for someone who's at least trying.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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46 minutes ago, juice777 said:

Maybe that's why he is worried about Thailand. What difference dose it make if his own country is a dump or not. He is right but unfortunately nothing will get done. All this hate for someone who's at least trying.

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Agreed...He is at least "trying" and he obviously was affected by the same  garbage in his own country. At least that's how I see it.So....one could use the "third world country excuse"- often not enough money to deal with these issues. But Thailand- although some consider still 3rd world, has this attraction for tourists. I am more concerned about poor natives being able to get on a cheap bus or train and the tuk-tuks remain for tourists who choose that. In other words, there was no planning - infrastructure...public  transportation  for NATIVES and not because of tourism.I'd cite Singapore as a standard....minimal pollution..if you want o drive a car you will pay dearly (assuming you win the lottery to qualify for a car and even then, you will pay dearly for that privilege). Why? Because they realize the pollution caused from cars AND realize that the average citizen is not wealthy and needs to go to work. Simple. So whether the occupation of UK there in past history- obviously why they have such a grasp on English ability, but they have foresight and common sense.Often you can't compare countries, but Thailand - when receiving revenues never thought ahead....for the THAIS.Riding a motor bike and praying that another will not kill them - having to resort to having children on the back of the bike due to economic situation. Survival- for lack of a better word...even if common sense is lacking.Whether BKK or a supposedly "more-advanced" thinking is in the offing, when you want to attract tourism (and hopefully dually affect native lives. then do something. Stop talking...if you need consultants, then I am OK.

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1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Yes Spain does have its house in order  just like this house. You know almost bankrupt and

cannot afford to repair anything. Sort of like Italy and Greece.  555. Nice try Spanish Guy!


M 01.jpg

M 03.jpg

M 06.jpg

Hey I thought we where talking about beaches not old homes waiting to be demolished in the back of beyond as the owners had moved up in the world

a bit like this I think





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Yes Spain does have its house in order  just like this house. You know almost bankrupt and
cannot afford to repair anything. Sort of like Italy and Greece.  555. Nice try Spanish Guy!
This post is nonsense so Spain ant perfect to. Dose that mean he can't say what's true about Thailand. Maybe some people care about the state of the world not just there own country. I can't believe people have turned this Thread into what's wrong with Spain because he from Spain. Maybe he doesn't live near the beaches. I know I haven't seen a UK beach in about 25 years. And if I turned up here for the first time today I would be shocked especially when Thailand has a reputation of being a Paradise. And thats there biggest selling point to the Tourist who come here( apart from the men who come here for the ladies).

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Another newbie that is in need of attention.
I think that's the problem here that attitude. People are not focusing on what's true they are focusing on who says it. It's quite pathetic when you think about it. Who cares if he is from Spain and maybe his country is a mess (I have no ideal I've never been there).And what difference dose it make if he is new to. All of that is irrelevant. All the time I am reading about sewage and rubbish on the beaches. Someone at least trying to do something about it and everyone has a pop at him.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, TMNH said:

Agreed...He is at least "trying" and he obviously was affected by the same  garbage in his own country. At least that's how I see it.So....one could use the "third world country excuse"- often not enough money to deal with these issues. But Thailand- although some consider still 3rd world, has this attraction for tourists. I am more concerned about poor natives being able to get on a cheap bus or train and the tuk-tuks remain for tourists who choose that. In other words, there was no planning - infrastructure...public  transportation  for NATIVES and not because of tourism.I'd cite Singapore as a standard....minimal pollution..if you want o drive a car you will pay dearly (assuming you win the lottery to qualify for a car and even then, you will pay dearly for that privilege). Why? Because they realize the pollution caused from cars AND realize that the average citizen is not wealthy and needs to go to work. Simple. So whether the occupation of UK there in past history- obviously why they have such a grasp on English ability, but they have foresight and common sense.Often you can't compare countries, but Thailand - when receiving revenues never thought ahead....for the THAIS.Riding a motor bike and praying that another will not kill them - having to resort to having children on the back of the bike due to economic situation. Survival- for lack of a better word...even if common sense is lacking.Whether BKK or a supposedly "more-advanced" thinking is in the offing, when you want to attract tourism (and hopefully dually affect native lives. then do something. Stop talking...if you need consultants, then I am OK.

Bravo! Your entire comment was well-thought out and spot-on. I recognize the distinct difference between opinion and fact- you were of the latter. IMO :)

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Just now, TMNH said:

Bravo! Your entire comment was well-thought out and spot-on. I recognize the distinct difference between opinion and fact- you were of the latter. IMO :)

I was going to use Singapore as the ideal standard for many of the woes that Thailand (or other countries experience).  I felt that it "may" be a bad comparison- meaning that Thailand is obviously behind those well-thought out policies of Singapore. i do not mean that in a derogatory sense- obviously certain countries understood or had a better understanding of pollution and how to curb that.Public transportation with no delay as opposed to cars , etc. in Thailand. And I would say this- considering that Thailand has been such a tourist destination, if possible - look at Singapore. Besides the fact that Singapore had UK influence and besides the fact that they are well-versed in English (not that it's always a good thing)- history was as such.I will reiterate to you that you nailed it as far as the reality of this subject- no blaming...simple intelligence pointing to deficiencies. Thinking ahead instead of watching developers build and build while poor people - average citizens struggle every day. Also look to Bhutan as a side note.

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10 minutes ago, TMNH said:

Besides the fact that Singapore had UK influence and besides the fact that they are well-versed in English (not that it's always a good thing)- history was as such.

Why would being well-versed in English not always a good thing

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On 8/9/2017 at 5:41 PM, Happy enough said:

555 hilarious. he's basically saying take care of your place or it will end up being the dump that spain is. I'm sure that's what he's saying. there are many laws here that should clean the place up where it needs to be. pretty sure the powers that be don't need advice from young Spaniard. jog on young lad.

I'd rather be an idealist and a visionary than an internally rotted out arrogant cynic. His words carry the weight of truth, and a message of compassion, concern,  and sincerity. What have you got to offer? A bigoted prejudice toward anything a farang might have to say just because you resent an outsider's comments? Are you on the cleanup crew? What are you actually doing to help the place, or are you just another consumer? 

Edited by Jonathan Swift
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2 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

I'd rather be an idealist and a visionary than an internally rotted out arrogant cynic. His words carry the weight of truth, and a message of compassion, concern,  and sincerity. What have you got to offer? A bigoted prejudice toward anything a farang might have to say just because you resent an outsider's comments? Are you on the cleanup crew? What are you actually doing to help the place, or are you just another consumer?  I suspect yet another person in NH. What common feelings or <deleted> what may hppen.

Wow- this person is without reasonable  affirmation.I attest such such a great person...and as always I simply want to smile and talk

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2 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

I'd rather be an idealist and a visionary than an internally rotted out arrogant cynic. His words carry the weight of truth, and a message of compassion, concern,  and sincerity. What have you got to offer? A bigoted prejudice toward anything a farang might have to say just because you resent an outsider's comments? Are you on the cleanup crew? What are you actually doing to help the place, or are you just another consumer? 

Oh dear me climb down of your white steed take a breath!!! Now breath. Spain and a lot of its beaches are filthy mainly beacuse of other Farangs the same as it is here. The beaches I use here are clean the water is clean.

Nobody was being arrogant or bigoted. We are allowed to say as we feel. You need to step back a bit before tearing into someone for his belifes. You have yours as we can clearly see. Let other people have theres and if they happen not to be the same as yours live and let live or debate without the arrogance or bigoted words being your opening salvo!

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And the off-shore women who rendered the  crap,,,,years away from inthe heart of

1 hour ago, BasalBanality said:

Your point being? I'd hazard that a better command of any language will allow for better comprehension rather than being detrimental?

Oh I don't know....perhaps <deleted> it?

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