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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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31 minutes ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

780 homicides in Chicago last year.  Should we blame Trump for that, too?


I realize the Trumpeteers like to parrot the inept one's "Tweets" with thinly veiled vindictive Obama bullet points 

and grasp any opportunity to Trumpet them, however, Chicago places 28 out of the top 30.


"Among the notable rises outside of Chicago were increases of 56 percent in Memphis, 61 percent in San Antonio,

44 percent in Louisville, 36 percent in Phoenix and 31 percent in Las Vegas. "

"In all there were six big cities — Louisville, Kentucky; Memphis, Tennessee; Anchorage, Alaska; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Durham,

North Carolina; and Indianapolis — that appear to have set records for highest murder counts in one year dating back to 1960." 




And instead of the correct 762 total, you have surreptitiously rounded that off to 780.

Therefore, inventing 18 murders that did not happen.




Not surprised.

I've seen your work before. With a disdainful habit of going back and altering your posts after the fact in particular...

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Trump:  “What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives,”  “No citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society, and no child should ever be afraid to go outside and play or be with their parents and have a good time." 


"After Trump condemned the violence and bigotry, Duke tweeted to Trump, "I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists."



Obama: " "No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion..."




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This issue here is not about white supremacy. The issue is about how people feel about having every vestige of their history removed for someone else's idea of political correctness. Like it or not Robert E. Lee was a central figure in the Civil War history of this country. Trying to erase all the remnants of United States Civil war history, particularly in the South, seems the politically correct thing to do in the 21st Century, i.e.Confederate flag.  Like it or not, right or wrong,  many people in the United States fought and died for the Confederacy in that tragic time of war (over 600,000 Americans died).  While the goings on in Charlotte are a magnet for white supremacists and other looney fringe groups,  their are also a lot of people that are just fed up with being told that because of political expediency their traditions must be stepped on by having a statue removed and a park renamed. We have not seen fit to tear down the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. because Jefferson owned slaves so why must a statue of a General who lead the fighting in the south be removed? Let us not forget that there is such a thing as the context of the times in which things occurred. Unfortunately that fact is overshadowed by current political sensitivities and outright ignorance. While I have a number of ancestors that owned slaves, I do not disown my forefathers. That was life in the 1700's/early 1800's. I am neither embarrassed by it nor apologetic for it. It happened way before my time.  That's the way it was. It would be nice if slavery had never occurred but it did. The United States was one of the first countries to deal with the slavery issue and fought a Civil War in part because of the slavery issue. That is our history, we made it right. The problem today is that too many people for the sake of political correctness or sensitivities are trying to erase history and remove many of the seemingly offensive remnants of it.  Maybe we should destroy all the Confederate cemeteries as well.  Aren't they an affront to one group or another?  The problem in the USA today is that there are so many groups with so many agenda's that the majority must constantly adjust to the sensibilities of the minority.  Maybe many would be happy replacing the statue of Lee with that of General Sherman commemorating his Savannah Campaign and "March to the Sea" destroying everything in his path.


With regard to Trump's comments. He is going to be condemned if he says too much or too little. The anti-Trump people just can't let anything go. It's Trump's fault no matter what he does or does not do.

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20 minutes ago, Trouble said:

This issue here is not about white supremacy.

The issue is about how people feel about having every vestige of their history removed for someone else's idea of political correctness.


Yeah, darn those pesky Native Americans...



The narrow-minded arrogance of the rest of your post is disposable.



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8 minutes ago, Trouble said:

Trying to erase all the remnants of United States Civil war history, particularly in the South, seems the politically correct thing to do in the 21st Century, i.e.Confederate flag.  Like it or not, right or wrong,  many people in the United States fought and died for the Confederacy in that tragic time of war (over 600,000 Americans died).


History is not being erased.  It is being relegated to the history books where it belongs.  We must never forget what happened in our past, but we needn't lionize the people who committed atrocities by erecting statues in their honor.  German children learn about the holocaust in school, but how many statues of Hitler do you think there are in Germany?


And moving on, at least one Mayor has decided to speed up his city's plan to take down confederate monuments.  The white supremacist march has had the opposite effect of what was desired.


Jim Gray Kentucky.png

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Trump has criticized/attacked (a partial list only):



A disabled journalist



Karl Rove

Kristen Stewart

Bernie Sanders

The Republican National Committee

James Comey


The Wall St Journal

The UN

Associated Press

ABC News

George W Bush

Michael Bloomberg

Alec Baldwin

Samuel L Jackson


The cast of "Hamilton"

Germany, the country


Robert Mueller

Opinion polls



The EU

Fox News

The Des Moines Register


China, the country

Paris, the city



NATO allies

Angela Merkel


A gold star family

John McCain, for being captured in VN


John Oliver

Vanity Fair

Neil Young

Women's marchers

Chicago, the city

NY Times

Snoop Dog


Microphones at the presidential debate

Saudi Arabia

New Jersey, the state

Washington Post

Lindsey Graham

Chuck Schumer

Nancy Pelosi

National Review



Jeff Sessions


U.C. Berkeley 

Arnold Schwarzenegger


The Pope

The Mayor of London

Mitt Romney

Macy's the Dept Store



People Trump has failed to criticize/attack (the complete list):

Putin, America's major adversary

White Supremacist leader David Duke

Nazi protesters

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40 minutes ago, iReason said:


Yeah, darn those pesky Native Americans...



The narrow-minded arrogance of the rest of your post is disposable.



It's not arrogance.  It's his point of view.  


And WTH does Native Americans have to do with this?!


BTW:  shouldn't you be looking for clippings that say Trump was driving the car?

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trump being trump.

Deplorable and despicable just like much of his core base:





Opinion | These are your people, President Trump

Colbert I. King,


President Donald Trump's mealy-mouthed mutterings on the terrorism let loose in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday are worthy of the hypocrite and instigator of hate that he has proved himself to be. Trump knows what was at work on those streets and who was behind it. As well he should. They are some of the same forces that helped to put him in the White House.







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"‘Trite, infantile and meaningless’: Ex-Bush speechwriter trashes Trump’s ‘babbling’ Charlottesville response.. Trump has been delivering the poison of prejudice in small but increasing doses. In Charlottesville, the effect became fully evident.”"





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1 minute ago, Opl said:

"‘Trite, infantile and meaningless’: Ex-Bush speechwriter trashes Trump’s ‘babbling’ Charlottesville response.. Trump has been delivering the poison of prejudice in small but increasing doses. In Charlottesville, the effect became fully evident.”"





Yes, and I think this may just be a turning point in the white supremacist friendly trump regime. I mean in it's downfall. It was one thing to play this horrible game in the campaign. He's president now. This is getting really, really real. 

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White nationalist Richard Spencer leads torch-bearing protesters defending Lee statue
"Once an obscure Internet figure promoting white identity, Spencer coined the term “alt-right” — referring to a small, far-right movement that seeks a whites-only state — and rose to prominence during Donald Trump’s presidential campaign."
"At the second rally, dozens of torch-bearing protesters gathered in a city park Saturday evening
and chanted “You will not replace us” and “Russia is our friend,” local television footage shows."
Remember Richie Redneck?
"Richard Spencer, leader of the so-called "alt-right" movement,
has been caught on film leading a white nationalist crowd in salutes of "Hail Trump!" 
"The speech was given at the National Policy Institute, a federal building."


Down goes Spencer. The Neo-Nazi.


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2 hours ago, Trouble said:

This issue here is not about white supremacy. The issue is about how people feel about having every vestige of their history removed for someone else's idea of political correctness. Like it or not Robert E. Lee was a central figure in the Civil War history of this country. Trying to erase all the remnants of United States Civil war history, particularly in the South, seems the politically correct thing to do in the 21st Century, i.e.Confederate flag.  Like it or not, right or wrong,  many people in the United States fought and died for the Confederacy in that tragic time of war (over 600,000 Americans died).  While the goings on in Charlotte are a magnet for white supremacists and other looney fringe groups,  their are also a lot of people that are just fed up with being told that because of political expediency their traditions must be stepped on by having a statue removed and a park renamed. We have not seen fit to tear down the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. because Jefferson owned slaves so why must a statue of a General who lead the fighting in the south be removed? Let us not forget that there is such a thing as the context of the times in which things occurred. Unfortunately that fact is overshadowed by current political sensitivities and outright ignorance. While I have a number of ancestors that owned slaves, I do not disown my forefathers. That was life in the 1700's/early 1800's. I am neither embarrassed by it nor apologetic for it. It happened way before my time.  That's the way it was. It would be nice if slavery had never occurred but it did. The United States was one of the first countries to deal with the slavery issue and fought a Civil War in part because of the slavery issue. That is our history, we made it right. The problem today is that too many people for the sake of political correctness or sensitivities are trying to erase history and remove many of the seemingly offensive remnants of it.  Maybe we should destroy all the Confederate cemeteries as well.  Aren't they an affront to one group or another?  The problem in the USA today is that there are so many groups with so many agenda's that the majority must constantly adjust to the sensibilities of the minority.  Maybe many would be happy replacing the statue of Lee with that of General Sherman commemorating his Savannah Campaign and "March to the Sea" destroying everything in his path.


With regard to Trump's comments. He is going to be condemned if he says too much or too little. The anti-Trump people just can't let anything go. It's Trump's fault no matter what he does or does not do.

Why didn't these protesters just lobby for statues in their own communities?


Didn't the justification for southern secession have something to do with states rights?  How about the right of the city of Charlottesville to remove a statue that the majority of citizens considered an embarrassment?  How about the right of a city counsel to make normal local government decisions without hordes of angry outsiders marching in protest in a disruptive manner? 


The white supremacists have a right to protest, though it seems they protested in as provocative a manner as possible.  Counter protesters also had a right to counter protest, and a right to do so in as provocative a manner as the white supremacists.  Somebody crossed a line and violence broke out, which isn't surprising under the circumstances.  However all evidence suggests it was a cowardly white supremacist that elevated the violence to the level of deadly force, and Trump could not bring himself to condemn that.


Trump eagerly crows about the danger we are in whenever he thinks Muslims are involved in violence, but offers only timid words when the violence is instigated by his base.  Quite cowardly in my opinion.


However we now know there are two things Trump will not do--he won't criticize Putin or his base, no matter how much of a puppet this makes him seem.

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My family owns a million in real estate, about 20 miles from C'ville.  Pop says he is more concerned about Bryce Harper's knee, than one dead protester, who probably was not a student.  Cops in helicopters?  Kind of like cops on steroids....usually not a good thing, but all too common.  How many were killed in Chicago this weekend?  Before Jefferson used slaves to build UVA, the colonist were forced to attend the Church of England, and faced whippings and fines if they didn't, yet every county in the State is named after some shitehole in England...perhaps those people have a more legitimate beef.

What's the name of these <deleted> holes in England?

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4 hours ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

My family owns a million in real estate, about 20 miles from C'ville.  Pop says he is more concerned about Bryce Harper's knee, than one dead protester, who probably was not a student.  Cops in helicopters?  Kind of like cops on steroids....usually not a good thing, but all too common.  How many were killed in Chicago this weekend?  Before Jefferson used slaves to build UVA, the colonist were forced to attend the Church of England, and faced whippings and fines if they didn't, yet every county in the State is named after some shitehole in England...perhaps those people have a more legitimate beef.

I'm not sure what your point is, but the woman that was murdered lived near Charlottesville, worked in Charlottesville, and had as much a right to be there as everyone else.    https://www.yahoo.com/beauty/woman-killed-charlottesville-murdered-while-143009564.html

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4 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I'm not sure what your point is, but the woman that was murdered lived near Charlottesville, worked in Charlottesville, and had as much a right to be there as everyone else.    https://www.yahoo.com/beauty/woman-killed-charlottesville-murdered-while-143009564.html

Yes, killed by what is now confirmed as a Nazi sympathizing terrorist. 

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Recall DT condemning Obama for not saying "islamic terrorism"?

Now it's Donny Boy's turn -- just say it: "right-wing domestic terrorism."


McAuliffe (Virginia governor) has his eyes on the 2020 prize, no secret there.  This is his chance to shine, the way Nicky Haley did when that kid shot up the black church and she got the Confederate flag taken down.


Waiting to hear comments from everybody's favorite good ol' boy Jeff-ro Sessions.



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In the wake of Charlottesville, I predict 45's approval rating will drop from already very low 35 percent to 25 percent. 

A president can't really govern effectively with 35 percent.

25 percent would mean something's got to give.


45 won't change of course. He isn't capable of that.


Terrorist's mother says:

He told me he's going to a trump rally.:hit-the-fan::hit-the-fan:


The time for DENIAL about 45's profound (and irremediable) IMMORALITY is OVER.



It should not have taken the death and injury of innocents to move our nation toward moral clarity. It should not have taken President Trump’s disgraceful refusal to condemn white supremacy, bigotry and Nazism to make clear to all who he is and which dark impulses he is willing to exploit to maintain his hold on power

The rest of us, however, have a larger obligation to our country and to racial justice. As the late civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer might suggest, it is time to ask about Trump: When will we become sick and tired of being sick and tired?









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19 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

What gets me  wondering about America. Is if it is the land of freedom of expression why do people always have to disrupt right wing protests? Do they not have the right to free speech also? They should be allowed their say. No one has to listen no one has to care what they say but they have the right to say it.If right wingers used violence to stop anything they would be the bad guys and go to jail. If right wing protests have violent thugs show up and destroy the protest it is ok. This is not the American way that America tries to say it is.Seems as though violence against right wingers is ok. Quite a double standard as I see it  speaking as an outsider.

Speaking as s rightwinger?

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4 hours ago, bendejo said:



McAuliffe (Virginia governor) has his eyes on the 2020 prize, no secret there.  This is his chance to shine, the way Nicky Haley did when that kid shot up the black church and she got the Confederate flag taken down.




Now tell me, who is delusional? 



93 million per day...almost as many as traffic deaths in LOS.

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10 hours ago, iReason said:


I realize the Trumpeteers like to parrot the inept one's "Tweets" with thinly veiled vindictive Obama bullet points 

and grasp any opportunity to Trumpet them, however, Chicago places 28 out of the top 30.


"Among the notable rises outside of Chicago were increases of 56 percent in Memphis, 61 percent in San Antonio,

44 percent in Louisville, 36 percent in Phoenix and 31 percent in Las Vegas. "

"In all there were six big cities — Louisville, Kentucky; Memphis, Tennessee; Anchorage, Alaska; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Durham,

North Carolina; and Indianapolis — that appear to have set records for highest murder counts in one year dating back to 1960." 




And instead of the correct 762 total, you have surreptitiously rounded that off to 780.

Therefore, inventing 18 murders that did not happen.




Not surprised.

I've seen your work before. With a disdainful habit of going back and altering your posts after the fact in particular...

780...the bodies must have kept piling up, after the new year started. http://www.businessinsider.com/what-i-saw-crime-reporter-chicago-2017-7





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Jason Kint (‪@jason_kint‬)

13/8/17, 12:56

In under 3hrs, Obama tweet denouncing racism and bigotry has passed ‪@realDonaldTrump‬'s #1 tweet on Election Day. twitter.com/barackobama/st…



There is hope. This is a reflection of the real America, the best of America.

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11 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Glad to see that you agree that the ACLU is not leftist.

Not sure how the would react to Skokie 2017, but over the years they actually have stuck to their principles.


Here is Lynard Skynard playing Freebird in 1977, Oakland, California....20 x 40 Confederate Flag as the backdrop.  No one objected....7 million views, second most popular song of all time, on almost every list.  It clearly didn't matter in black/liberal Oakland, why must these pieces of heritage be destroyed now?


This year it is Huck Finn, next year will be Tom Sawyer, the next year it will be John Wayne movies...be very careful what you wish for.



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