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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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2 hours ago, KunMatt said:


Well yes, Antifa have been designated a terror group by the authorities.


Also, any search for Antifa on any media site will bring up nothing but videos of Antifa being thugs and terrorising everyone around them.

After Charlottesville, Antifa are going to be very much in the public eye. So everytime they crack civilians over the head with bike D-Locks or beat the hell out of people because they don't agree with them, then this will be covered in the news.

And soon enough what I said about them being a fascist hate group will be common knowledge and undeniable. And this post with all your praise for a violent extremist hate group will still be here for all to see.


"Antifa have been designated a terror group by the authorities."


No, they haven't. Your link does not show that at all. 

Again, I support their cause without supporting their methods. Just as I support marriage equality without having any desire to suck dicks.


Do you still maintain your earlier ludicrous assertion that Antifa are fascists pretending to be anti fascists and are being supported by left-leaning Soros to pick fights with other fascists?


Do you support the causes of the White Supremacists—you have still not provided an unqualified unequivocal denunciation. What are we to make of all the pussyfooting?

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They're not well known or organized yet. I think many join,or call themselves Antifa supporters strictly because of the name. Time will show their  true colors. Especially after this weekend. CNN did a pretty good report on them earlier.

And that's exactly what I've been saying. They are now in the spotlight and all of their violent acts from now on will be shown to everyone. It won't be long until their true intentions are shown to the world and everyone realises this is yet another violent hate group.

And when it does all of their past violent acts, of which there is video footage of all of it, will be used against them and then the truth will be undeniable.
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"Antifa have been designated a terror group by the authorities."
No, they haven't. Your link does not show that at all. 
Again, I support their cause without supporting their methods. Just as I support marriage equality without having any desire to suck dicks.
Do you still maintain your earlier ludicrous assertion that Antifa are fascists pretending to be anti fascists and are being supported by left-leaning Soros to pick fights with other fascists?
Do you support the causes of the White Supremacists—you have still not provided an unqualified unequivocal denunciation. What are we to make of all the pussyfooting?

At the end of the day you support and identify with a violent terrorist organisation. I'm happy to wait it out until I'm proved right about everything.

And at that time you will not be able to edit your posts, and your support for this terrorist group will be here forever.

You know you are on the wrong side of this.
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13 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

I would love to hear why you think NJ Homeland security has Antifa listed under their counter terrorism division?


Ahh, ok.


Perhaps you should follow the file it is related to then:

(Just before it)

The Face of White Supremacy in 2017



"To appeal to new audiences susceptible to its radical messaging, the national white supremacist movement has tried to deemphasize hate symbols and attacks against non-white communities."


"These organizations have “rebranded” since at least last year, when they took a more high-profile role with conferences and rallies, official statements, and recruitment efforts."


"Vanguard America, formed in May 2016, focuses on white nationalism and “blood and soil”—a Nazi expression referring to the interplay between ethnicity and territory."


Well, bust my buttons: Vanguard America. The group of racist neo-Nazis that James Fields belongs to.

The driver of the car that killed a young lady and plowed through dozens more.


The ANTIFA are heroes for confronting these mental midgets.

These despicable dredges of society.

About time.


And looking at some of the videos of Virginia, alot of these knuckledragging neo-Nazis got their clock cleaned.

It appears all these dandies with their dress-up costumes are whining big time.


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Ahh, ok.
Perhaps you should follow the file it is related to then:
(Just before it)
The Face of White Supremacy in 2017
"To appeal to new audiences susceptible to its radical messaging, the national white supremacist movement has tried to deemphasize hate symbols and attacks against non-white communities."
"These organizations have “rebranded” since at least last year, when they took a more high-profile role with conferences and rallies, official statements, and recruitment efforts."
"Vanguard America, formed in May 2016, focuses on white nationalism and “blood and soil”—a Nazi expression referring to the interplay between ethnicity and territory."
Well, bust my buttons: Vanguard America. The group of racist neo-Nazis that James Fields belongs to.
The driver of the car that killed a young lady and plowed through dozens more.
The ANTIFA are heroes for confronting these mental midgets.
These despicable dredges of society.
About time.
And looking at some of the videos of Virginia, alot of these knuckledragging neo-Nazis got their clock cleaned.
It appears all these dandies with their dress-up costumes are whining big time.

Again, for about the 5th time, I condemn extremists on all sides which is why I hate Antifa.

Time will be a big revealer about your heroes here. I'll be back when that happens to hear all if your excuses.
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8 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

And when it does all of their past violent acts, of which there is video footage of all of it, will be used against them and then the truth will be undeniable.


They're getting a lot of support  these days by   armchair supporters. Irony of it  is,  their methods  put them in the same class of thugs as  the  people  they're railing against. 

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They're getting a lot of support  these days by   armchair supporters. Irony of it  is,  their methods  put them in the same class of thugs as  the  people  they're railing against. 

Exactly. They use fascist tactics to fight against "fascists"
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4 minutes ago, Meljames said:


They're getting a lot of support  these days by   armchair supporters. Irony of it  is,  their methods  put them in the same class of thugs as  the  people  they're railing against. 


Gotta fight fire with fire.


They are heroes.

Simple equation of Good vs Evil.


Chase these dandies with their hoods and robes and the others with their color coordinated Brownshirt wannabe attire, back

to the boondocks where they belong.

Courtin' their cousins.

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1 minute ago, KunMatt said:


Exactly. They use fascist tactics to fight against "fascists"


Earlier you said they were fascists pretending to be anti-fascists. Are they fascists, anti-fascists or are they users of fascist tactics? Do you still maintain that they are financed by the left-leaning Soros to fight other fascists who aren't pretending to be fascists? Am I confusing you by repeating your own ludicrous statements back to you?

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Earlier you said they were fascists pretending to be anti-fascists. Are they fascists, anti-fascists or are they users of fascist tactics? Do you still maintain that they are financed by the left-leaning Soros to fight other fascists who aren't pretending to be fascists? Am I confusing you by repeating your own ludicrous statements back to you?

Yeah, ignore my last post to you because you know you are wrong and support terrorists.

You support and identify with a terrorist organisation. I will reference this thread once it's all official.
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Just now, KunMatt said:


Yeah, ignore my last post to you because you know you are wrong and support terrorists.

You support and identify with a terrorist organisation. I will reference this thread once it's all official.


Ignoring because you disingenuously provided a link to "prove" they are designated terrorists which in fact proves nothing of the sort.


You then changed tack to imply that they will someday be designated as such. 


Please also give me next week's lotto numbers in a PM, thanks.

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2 hours ago, KunMatt said:


Well yes, Antifa have been designated a terror group by the authorities.


Also, any search for Antifa on any media site will bring up nothing but videos of Antifa being thugs and terrorising everyone around them.

After Charlottesville, Antifa are going to be very much in the public eye. So everytime they crack civilians over the head with bike D-Locks or beat the hell out of people because they don't agree with them, then this will be covered in the news.

And soon enough what I said about them being a fascist hate group will be common knowledge and undeniable. And this post with all your praise for a violent extremist hate group will still be here for all to see.


Sorry, but that is a far cry from "being designated a terror group by the authorities". Did you bother to read it? The only reference is to "counterterrorism" as a keyword placed just below the headline. And will you stop going on about they're being fascist? You clearly don't know the meaning of the word. The bloody name of the group is a contraction of "Anti-Fascist" for Gawd's sake.

The list of things they've done is kind of embarrassing in comparison to the Alt-Right thugs. Not a single murder! Disrupting Right-Wing rallies and demonstrations seems to be their major activity. As to whomever wrote this fine document, all I can say about them is to quote their own words. "Perceived injustices" indeed!

"Anti-fascist groups, or “Antifa,” are a subset of the anarchist movement and focus on issues involving racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism, as well as other perceived injustices."

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According to Mr Anderson, the events in Charlottesville over the weekend represent a "sea change" in how Antifa is perceived. "This is a huge turning point and vindication for our movement," he said.

"We are working with Black Lives Matter, local clergy, this is not a movement that wants to be a lone group of militants," he said. "This is about popular power. Sometimes that looks controversial - but this is a broad movement, and we are looking to engage a wide variety of people."



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You keep saying that.


Are you writing a book?


No, I just know the truth and where this will all end up. And at the time you cannot hide from the truth anymore I will still believe the same thing and be on the right side of this.


You won't.


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57 minutes ago, Meljames said:
1 hour ago, KunMatt said:


I'm pretty sure everyone here really knows this but for the time being they can hide behind "Antifa means anti fascism therefore they can never be a hate group"

What's done in the dark always comes to light. And I have no doubt that soon enough everyone will not be able to deny what is really going on here.

And everyone who said they supported this terrorist group will not be able to delete what they said at that time.


They're not well known or organized yet. I think many join,or call themselves Antifa supporters strictly because of the name. Time will show their  true colors. Especially after this weekend. CNN did a pretty good report on them earlier.

Look, I don't mean to be persnickety, but I'd just like to point out that it takes more than two to assemble a proper circle jerk.


Just sayin' 

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4 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

No, I just know the truth and where this will all end up.

And at the time you cannot hide from the truth anymore I will still believe the same thing and be on the right side of this.
You don't.



Nazis---- Bad


Simple as that.

Too bad you can't see it.

Also too bad you have nothing to say about the neo-Nazis, the KKK and the rest.

Not one word. Ever.


Disingenuous defined.


Actually, you strike me as running scared and desperate as if your very core ideology is under assault from ANTIFA.

And you are feverishly attempting to swat them away.


But it appears to me, they are just getting started.

Confronting fascists, racists, bigots, sexism, anti-Semites, and other injustices.

I think you are in for a bumpy ride.

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Nazis---- Bad
Simple as that.
Too bad you can't see it.
Also too bad you have nothing to say about the neo-Nazis, the KKK and the rest.
Not one word. Ever.
Disingenuous defined.
Actually, you strike me as running scared and desperate as if your very core ideology is under assault from ANTIFA.
And you are feverishly attempting to swat them away.
But it appears to me, they are just getting started.
Confronting fascists, racists, bigots, sexism, anti-Semites, and other injustices.
I think you are in for a bumpy ride.

And yet you support a terrorist group.

Nazis - bad. Yes (of course)
Antifa - good. No (of course).

Again, I don't know how many times this is now, but all hate groups are bad.

Include domestic terrorist groups like Antifa who use violence and fascist tactics to achieve their political aims.

It's really not that complicated. I oppose all hate groups, especially Antifa.
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6 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

I oppose all hate groups, especially Antifa.




You use the word "HATE" quite freely.

You have stated that you HATE them.

I guess that makes you a HATER.


Because you say they are a "Hate Group" does not make it true.

In fact no one has labeled them that, but you.


You appear quite comfortable with the word HATE.


You have a recent habit of just making stuff up and weakly attempting to present it as fact.

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2 hours ago, KunMatt said:


I would love to hear why you think NJ of Homeland security has Antifa listed under their counter terrorism division?

The New Jersey Office of Homeland Security Security and Preparedness describes Antifa as "Anarchist Extremists" and provides a brief description of the movement under the heading "Counterterrosism, Domestic".  Is that the only evidence you have that Antifa is officially considered a terrorist organization?  Do any other states, or the federal government, indirectly label them a terrorist organization?


1 hour ago, Meljames said:

Antifa is rooted in militant-ism,  Their history of Molotov cocktails and other violence  makes it easy  to mark them as terrorists, especially for a right leaning establishment. Naive  to paint them as peaceful protesters. 

 Sources for your claims/accusations would be greatly appreciated.  When and where were these Molotov cocktails used, how many deaths, what kinds of injuries, how much damage, what other violence, etc?


Who has called them peaceful protesters?

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55 minutes ago, KunMatt said:



And yet you support a terrorist group.

Nazis - bad. Yes (of course)
Antifa - good. No (of course).

Again, I don't know how many times this is now, but all hate groups are bad.

Include domestic terrorist groups like Antifa who use violence and fascist tactics to achieve their political aims.

It's really not that complicated. I oppose all hate groups, especially Antifa.




(In Berkeley, Antifa have rallied several times this year against far-right speakers [Stephen Lam/Reuters] 

For Antifa, direct confrontation is a key strategy intended to shut down far-right demonstrations and block platforms for hate speech.

""We are anxious to politically defeat them,"David Michael Smith explained. "We don't believe there should be platforms for fascists because history teaches us we can't allow that. "We're at a pivotal point in American history, and in 10 or 20 years' time, when our grandchildren ask us where we were when fascism came to America, some will say that they stayed home and waited for the next election," 






Edited by Opl
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1 hour ago, Meljames said:

This   thread is about racial violence; specifically  a car ramming protesters.  Fighting fire with fire has no other connotation here. 


"This thread is about ... specifically  a car ramming protesters."  :blink:


What are you jabbering about?


Here is the entire OP :


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Saturday condemned violence that erupted between white nationalists and counter-demonstrators on Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia.


"We must ALL be united & condemn all that hate stands for," Trump wrote in a Twitter message. "There is no place for this kind of violence in America."


Officials had approved the protest march in downtown Charlottesville but cancelled the event and declared a state of emergency after outbreaks of violence.


Show me where it says anything about "specifically  a car ramming protesters."


The thread?

By some "logic" here, it's about a baseball bat.


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KunMatt gets his news from InfoWars. You can tell the character of the man by the company he keeps.


Don't drink from the toilet.




The alt-right is desperate to have Antifa designated a terrorist group. Wishful thinking won't do it.



Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


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8 hours ago, KunMatt said:

It's really not that complicated. I oppose all hate groups, especially Antifa.



Yes, it's not that complicated, and thanks for clarifying. So here's the two groups for comparison.

Group 1: Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists. Believe in establishing an Ethno-State in the USA, where only White people are allowed. Preparing for an upcoming war they hope to spark. Actively campaigning to build their movement from the dark side of the internet to where they can be out in the open and push for legitimacy. Believe in killing other people to achieve their goals and have done so on numerous occasions. Comprise approximately 2/3 of the domestic terrorism incidents in the USA over the last 9 years.

Group 2: Antifa. Believe in fighting only against racism, sexism and Anti-Semitism. Confine their activities to confronting Group 1 and similarly-minded people. Will use violence as a tool, but will not cross the line into killing. Actively campaigning to increase their numbers as well, but are not a political movement. Have caused some minor property damage and assaulted some individuals, none of whom have been severely injured or killed. No record of domestic terrorism in the USA over the last 9 years.


And you hate Group 2 more than Group 1. Yep, clear.

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