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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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So what is your opinion KunMatt? Just curious.  






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An Infowars link?? Seriously, after all the grief you gave me when you accused me of being an Infowars fan?? [emoji3]


What do I think about the alt-right trolling the alt-left? This is what the alt-right are all about so how is anyone surprised?


The MSM are trying to redefine far-right neo-Nazis as alt-right for some reason but my understanding is the same as Wikipedia's definition of them (as proved by your links above saying 4Chan are involved);


"The alt-right has its roots on Internet websites such as 4chan and 8chan, where anonymous members create and use Internet memes to express their ideologies. It is difficult to tell how much of what people write in these venues is serious and how much is intended to provoke outrage.  Members of the alt-right use websites like Alternative Right, Twitter, Breitbart, and Reddit to convey their message. Alt-right postings generally support Donald Trump and oppose immigration, multiculturalism and political correctness."


I'm pretty sure I said before that the alt-left and the alt-right deserve each other and I hope they destroy each other and themselves.




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1 hour ago, KunMatt said:


An Infowars link?? Seriously, after all the grief you gave me when you accused me of being an Infowars fan?? emoji3.png


What do I think about the alt-right trolling the alt-left? This is what the alt-right are all about so how is anyone surprised?


The MSM are trying to redefine far-right neo-Nazis as alt-right for some reason but my understanding is the same as Wikipedia's definition of them (as proved by your links above saying 4Chan are involved);


"The alt-right has its roots on Internet websites such as 4chan and 8chan, where anonymous members create and use Internet memes to express their ideologies. It is difficult to tell how much of what people write in these venues is serious and how much is intended to provoke outrage.  Members of the alt-right use websites like Alternative Right, Twitter, Breitbart, and Reddit to convey their message. Alt-right postings generally support Donald Trump and oppose immigration, multiculturalism and political correctness."


I'm pretty sure I said before that the alt-left and the alt-right deserve each other and I hope they destroy each other and themselves.




You may find this of interest.





The alt-right isn’t one group. They don’t have one coherent identity. Rather, they’re a loose collection of people from disparate backgrounds who would never normally interact: bored teenagers, gamers, men’s rights activists, conspiracy theorists and, yes, white nationalists and neo-Nazis. But thanks to the internet, they’re beginning to form a cohesive group identity. And I have the data to prove it.


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This is also a good read on the alt-right.

White Nationalists Know How To Tailor The Message For Newcomers

"If you want to build a movement, here's the first thing you should know: The best way to convert someone to a point of view is not to get in their face and scream inflammatory slogans. It's to simply filter the facts so that they arrive at the conclusion you want on their own. Modern white nationalism has mastered this."


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7 hours ago, heybruce said:

90% of the blame goes to the protesters, the ones who showed up with guns, and 10% with the anti-protesters, I'll agree.


That's only part of it.  The other part:


Without that 90%, there is no 10%.  But without the 10%, there will still be a 90%.

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Party poopers: rightwing rally cancelled in San Francisco amid dog poo protest


"Patriot Prayer, the rightwing protest group that planned to rally in San Francisco on Saturday, has cancelled its event, citing safety concerns and a “smear campaign” by elected officials who called them “white supremacists”. 


"Thousands of San Franciscans were planning to mount counter-protests against the rightwing event, with residents planning to dance, march, rally, and boat in defiance of rightwing extremism."


"Several hundred people even announced a plan to allow their dogs to poo on the protest site in advance of the event."



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I support the right of fascist fools to protest.  Freedom of speech becomes meaningless when it is limited to freedom of inoffensive speech. 


However after the experience of Charlottesville it is reasonable and responsible to impose rational limits on these protests, provide these limits don't affect the ability of the protesters to express their message.  Some obvious limits would be a ban on all weapons imposed on anyone other than law enforcement in the area of the protest.  An effective buffer zone between protesters and counter-protesters is also sensible.


Of course without a violent sh*tstorm the protest would lose a great deal of its impact.  The white supremacists might decide to go back to being internet trolls.

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9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I support the right of fascist fools to protest.  Freedom of speech becomes meaningless when it is limited to freedom of inoffensive speech. 


However after the experience of Charlottesville it is reasonable and responsible to impose rational limits on these protests, provide these limits don't affect the ability of the protesters to express their message.  Some obvious limits would be a ban on all weapons imposed on anyone other than law enforcement in the area of the protest.  An effective buffer zone between protesters and counter-protesters is also sensible.


Of course without a violent sh*tstorm the protest would lose a great deal of its impact.  The white supremacists might decide to go back to being internet trolls.

Absolutely agree.

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19 minutes ago, iReason said:

Jason Kessler, the white supremacist organizer of "Unite the Right" rally in Virginia is doubling down:



What now? I thought it was about a statue...

Good one!  No intelligent person ever thought this was about a statue.:laugh:


Certainly not after goons with guns showed up to a protest about "history and culture".

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Well, well, lookee here! Funny thing, social media. 




The media collective Unicorn Riot has obtained leaked Discord chat screenshots (about 1,000 of them) and audio suggesting that many of the white supremacists were gearing up for a fight even as their organizers were supposedly calling for non-violence.

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LEAKED: Chats of #UniteTheRight Charlottesville Organizers Exposed on Discord App


"Charlottesville, VA – Messages from a chat server run by Unite The Right organizers Jason Kessler and Eli Mosley show conversations that coordinated much of the white supremacist activity over the weekend leading up to the deadly terrorist attack by neo-Nazi James Alex Fields, Jr."


"The attendees of Unite The Right were not dissuaded by her death and were still looking to hold gatherings to continue to try to spread their anti-Semitic and white power messaging."


"Far-right Florida-based lawyer Augustus Invictus inquired about a planned (and subsequently canceled) “after-rally”

on Saturday night."




See the dredges of society spew their hate here:



Odd, no mention of a "statue" in these communications :







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Gotta give KunMatt credit - he told us repeatedly that what REALLY happened would come out and then we'd learn about who the real violent and hateful protesters were. Following on from the revelations from the Discord Server that completely eviscerate his basic premise comes this:



Yep, look at all them Antifa who instigated the violence an... oh, sorry, these are all White Supremacists/KKK/Alt-Right. They started it, they escalated it, they used weapons and they ultimately drove a car into a crowd of peaceful protesters, something they'd discussed at length in their private server conversations leading up to the event. You stand naked and exposed KunMatt. 

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Gotta give KunMatt credit - he told us repeatedly that what REALLY happened would come out and then we'd learn about who the real violent and hateful protesters were. Following on from the revelations from the Discord Server that completely eviscerate his basic premise comes this:

Yep, look at all them Antifa who instigated the violence an... oh, sorry, these are all White Supremacists/KKK/Alt-Right. They started it, they escalated it, they used weapons and they ultimately drove a car into a crowd of peaceful protesters, something they'd discussed at length in their private server conversations leading up to the event. You stand naked and exposed KunMatt. 


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Gotta give KunMatt credit - he told us repeatedly that what REALLY happened would come out and then we'd learn about who the real violent and hateful protesters were. Following on from the revelations from the Discord Server that completely eviscerate his basic premise comes this:

Yep, look at all them Antifa who instigated the violence an... oh, sorry, these are all White Supremacists/KKK/Alt-Right. They started it, they escalated it, they used weapons and they ultimately drove a car into a crowd of peaceful protesters, something they'd discussed at length in their private server conversations leading up to the event. You stand naked and exposed KunMatt. 

I condemned them from my very first post. You refuse to even acknowledge the violence on the other side because they hate Trump as much as you do and you're happy to support a terrorist group as long as they push your agenda.

The only people exposed here are you hate driven anti-Trumpers who support a terrorist group.

Here we go again...
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1 minute ago, KunMatt said:


I condemned them from my very first post. You refuse to even acknowledge the violence on the other side because they hate Trump as much as you do and you're happy to support a terrorist group as long as they push your agenda.

The only people exposed here are you hate driven anti-Trumpers who support a terrorist group.

Here we go again...


Yes, here we go again KunMatt, you refusing to accept your previous clearly written posts (that remain in evidence and are impossible to deny or pretend that you wrote something else) and of course, lying blatantly in response. 

You told us clearly, Antifa provoked the violence, Antifa were the Hate Group, and they started it and it would come out soon along with their being designated a terrorist group. Now the evidence is coming out, and you have one incident where a reporter was punched (but not injured) and even that guy hasn't yet been linked to Anfifa or BLM or any of the other groups you hate more than Neo-Nazis. And you have numerous incidents where the Neo-Nazis/Alt-Right instigated and incited the violence, and evidence of their planning to do so, and evidence of their being charged with felony crimes including discharging a weapon in the direction of the protesters, and video of 6 of them including protest leaders beating down a single black protester while their militia ignore it nearby, and what even the Right are calling domestic terrorism for their cowardly ISIS-style driving of a car into peaceful protesters. And we have evidence of their discussing that very tactic in private discussions leading up to the murder of Heather Heyer, and discussions where they celebrate her death.

You have been repeatedly called out for lying that we have denied violence from Antifa (disproven numerous times), for lying that they are designated or acknowledged as a terrorist group (disproven numerous times), and for attempting to falsely equate or opposition to Neo-Nazis and the KKK with our dislike of Trump and those who support him (attempted numerous times, nobody buying). You are just repeating these lies. You are a willful and obvious liar and are proven to be so by your numerous posts and our responses to them. 

You are naked and exposed for what you are. You should be ashamed, but of course you aren't.

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Yes, here we go again KunMatt, you refusing to accept your previous clearly written posts (that remain in evidence and are impossible to deny or pretend that you wrote something else) and of course, lying blatantly in response. 

You told us clearly, Antifa provoked the violence, Antifa were the Hate Group, and they started it and it would come out soon along with their being designated a terrorist group. Now the evidence is coming out, and you have one incident where a reporter was punched (but not injured) and even that guy hasn't yet been linked to Anfifa or BLM or any of the other groups you hate more than Neo-Nazis. And you have numerous incidents where the Neo-Nazis/Alt-Right instigated and incited the violence, and evidence of their planning to do so, and evidence of their being charged with felony crimes including discharging a weapon in the direction of the protesters, and video of 6 of them including protest leaders beating down a single black protester while their militia ignore it nearby, and what even the Right are calling domestic terrorism for their cowardly ISIS-style driving of a car into peaceful protesters. And we have evidence of their discussing that very tactic in private discussions leading up to the murder of Heather Heyer, and discussions where they celebrate her death.

You have been repeatedly called out for lying that we have denied violence from Antifa (disproven numerous times), for lying that they are designated or acknowledged as a terrorist group (disproven numerous times), and for attempting to falsely equate or opposition to Neo-Nazis and the KKK with our dislike of Trump and those who support him (attempted numerous times, nobody buying). You are just repeating these lies. You are a willful and obvious liar and are proven to be so by your numerous posts and our responses to them. 

You are naked and exposed for what you are. You should be ashamed, but of course you aren't.

And I'm saying you are exposed as supporting a terrorist group because you hate Trump so much you are willing to ignore their violence.

Good luck refuting that.
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Just now, KunMatt said:


And I'm saying you are exposed as supporting a terrorist group because you hate Trump so much you are willing to ignore their violence.

Good luck refuting that.


Glad that you've now accepted what we have been saying all along, that wasn't so hard, was it?

No, they are not a terrorist group. You tried to find evidence of that, you failed. That's a lie. Again.

Yes, we dislike Trump; he's an embarrassment to the USA, and is causing a lot of damage to the political standing of the US globally, is destroying environmental protections that were crafted in direct response to many problems that occurred because of not having them, is damaging international diplomatic efforts to contain dictators and Islamic Extremism, and is abrogating the rights of women and minorities. Not much to like from our side. I expect that you probably didn't think so much of Obama either. But that is a separate issue from this thread and discussion, which is focused only on Neo-Nazis and for which Trump is an issue only insofar as he provides explicit and implicit support that has enabled them to try to go mainstream. This is not even a question, just read what they have to say about it. They're effusive in their praise of Trump and unanimous in their recognition of his support to their cause and clearly outline this as their strategy. We don't even have to say it, they do. 

Anyway, now that we've settled that your entire argument is lying in smoking tatters next to the wreckage of your credibility, I have a question that I'd genuinely like to hear your idea about, perhaps you can engage us in an honest discussion for once.

Do you think the White Supremacists/Neo-Nazis/KKK should be confronted or just be allowed to protest without any counter-protest or objection? What do you think should be done to reduce their relevance and reverse their recent upsurge in popularity and boldness in pushing for ethnic cleansing? I ask for your honest opinion as you've stated repeatedly that you don't support these people and recognize them as a hate/terrorist group. What would you do to stop them KunMatt?

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Glad that you've now accepted what we have been saying all along, that wasn't so hard, was it?

No, they are not a terrorist group. You tried to find evidence of that, you failed. That's a lie. Again.

Yes, we dislike Trump; he's an embarrassment to the USA, and is causing a lot of damage to the political standing of the US globally, is destroying environmental protections that were crafted in direct response to many problems that occurred because of not having them, is damaging international diplomatic efforts to contain dictators and Islamic Extremism, and is abrogating the rights of women and minorities. Not much to like from our side. I expect that you probably didn't think so much of Obama either. But that is a separate issue from this thread and discussion, which is focused only on Neo-Nazis and for which Trump is an issue only insofar as he provides explicit and implicit support that has enabled them to try to go mainstream. This is not even a question, just read what they have to say about it. They're effusive in their praise of Trump and unanimous in their recognition of his support to their cause and clearly outline this as their strategy. We don't even have to say it, they do. 

Anyway, now that we've settled that your entire argument is lying in smoking tatters next to the wreckage of your credibility, I have a question that I'd genuinely like to hear your idea about, perhaps you can engage us in an honest discussion for once.

Do you think the White Supremacists/Neo-Nazis/KKK should be confronted or just be allowed to protest without any counter-protest or objection? What do you think should be done to reduce their relevance and reverse their recent upsurge in popularity and boldness in pushing for ethnic cleansing? I ask for your honest opinion as you've stated repeatedly that you don't support these people and recognize them as a hate/terrorist group. What would you do to stop them KunMatt?

I would classify all groups who use violence and threats for political means as terrorists and ban them from having massive violent riots.
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3 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


I would classify all groups who use violence and threats for political means as terrorists and ban them from having massive violent riots.


I don't believe they applied to have a "massive violent riot". They applied for a "peaceful protest" while preparing and planning to incite said riot. They received a permit as did the counter-protest. But you know all this. Answer the question, stop avoiding and deflecting. I had requested your honesty, not your usual bluster. Please engage with us and give us your honest viewpoint.


5 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

Do you think the White Supremacists/Neo-Nazis/KKK should be confronted or just be allowed to protest without any counter-protest or objection? What do you think should be done to reduce their relevance and reverse their recent upsurge in popularity and boldness in pushing for ethnic cleansing? I ask for your honest opinion as you've stated repeatedly that you don't support these people and recognize them as a hate/terrorist group. What would you do to stop them KunMatt?


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Antifa is most definitely not a terrorist organization, and resisting fascism is a good thing, but at this stage in the internal U.S. conflict greatly inflamed by trump, their tactics are making things worse and giving undeserved ammunition to the alt-right, etc.


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1 minute ago, KunMatt said:


I think that you support an anti-Trump terrorist group because you hate Trump.

That's what I think.


Hating trump is entirely rational. Again, nobody with any credibility, except for alt-right loons, is buying your lame attempts at categorizing Antifa as a terrorist organization. 

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Hating trump is entirely rational. Again, nobody with any credibility, except for alt-right loons, is buying your lame attempts at categorizing Antifa as a terrorist organization. 

Except for NJ Homeland security and everyone who doesn't watch CNN that is.
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1 minute ago, KunMatt said:


Except for NJ Homeland security and everyone who doesn't watch CNN that is.


You've become a broken record spouting inflamed lies. If you think you're convincing anyone with such lies that isn't already solidly in the trumpist / alt-right, etc. camp, sorry, ain't happening. We've got your message about a hundred times now. What's the point in repeating the lies? 

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4 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


I think that you support an anti-Trump terrorist group because you hate Trump.

That's what I think.


 Yes, we've established that you believe this, but it's not interesting to discuss. No need to keep repeating yourself. But you have said you also hate the Neo-Nazis, and that you've done a lot of research over the last year, watching videos etc. So we're interested in your conclusions on how to deal with them. So let me ask you again...


Do you think the White Supremacists/Neo-Nazis/KKK should be confronted or just be allowed to protest without any counter-protest or objection? What do you think should be done to reduce their relevance and reverse their recent upsurge in popularity and boldness in pushing for ethnic cleansing? I ask for your honest opinion as you've stated repeatedly that you don't support these people and recognize them as a hate/terrorist group. What would you do to stop them KunMatt?


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3 minutes ago, JCauto said:

 Yes, we've established that you believe this, but it's not interesting to discuss. No need to keep repeating yourself. But you have said you also hate the Neo-Nazis, and that you've done a lot of research over the last year, watching videos etc. So we're interested in your conclusions on how to deal with them. So let me ask you again...


Do you think the White Supremacists/Neo-Nazis/KKK should be confronted or just be allowed to protest without any counter-protest or objection? What do you think should be done to reduce their relevance and reverse their recent upsurge in popularity and boldness in pushing for ethnic cleansing? I ask for your honest opinion as you've stated repeatedly that you don't support these people and recognize them as a hate/terrorist group. What would you do to stop them KunMatt?


Can I put the ball in your court, is this the answer?

images (7).jpg

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You've become a broken record spouting inflamed lies. If you think you're convincing anyone with such lies that isn't already solidly in the trumpist / alt-right, etc. camp, sorry, ain't happening. We've got your message about a hundred times now. What's the point in repeating the lies? 

I don't expect anyone in this anti-Trump echo chamber to admit an anti-Trump terrorist group is a terrorist group. When I first joined this thread I didn't realise I was entering into a far left appreciation thread, but as soon as everyone called me a Infowars, conspiracy theorist, neo Nazi and alt right then it was clear who I was talking to.

Its hilarious how much you all hate your POTUS because your lame candidate couldn't even beat a reality TV star even with all the MSM helping her. Enjoy the next 7.5 years.
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