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MH370: French military satellite images ‘pinpoint’ location of missing plane, says new Australian reports


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MH370: French military satellite images ‘pinpoint’ location of missing plane, says new Australian reports

Geoffrey Thomas, Aviation Editor


Startling new evidence has virtually pin pointed the location of MH370 – 1258 days since it disappeared.


The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has just released an explosive new report that combines a refinement of drift modelling from debris washed up in the Western Indian Ocean and previously discarded satellite images of apparent debris in the ocean.


That drift modelling initially released late last year identified a new area of 25,000sq km just outside the original search area.


Full story: https://thewest.com.au/news/mh370/mh370-french-military-satellite-images-pinpoint-location-of-missing-plane-says-new-australian-reports-ng-b88566773z


-- The West Australian 2017-08-16

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I dont believe anything about the found parts. Planted maybe. But I thiNK the US general said years ago on the news the plane is in northern Pakistan area. Maybe to be used latter in a attack. Only logical as no one can find the the plane. All navigation was shut off..why was that. Only hijacked is the answer.


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32 minutes ago, Beats56 said:

I dont believe anything about the found parts. Planted maybe. But I thiNK the US general said years ago on the news the plane is in northern Pakistan area. Maybe to be used latter in a attack. Only logical as no one can find the the plane. All navigation was shut off..why was that. Only hijacked is the answer.


You laugh. Do you got a better answer.

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26 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

Watched the video of what they expect to find on cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder... and idea was that CVR would have basically no data as it loops every 2 hours and by the time last loop began, everyone was already dead. But they are expecting to see data on the FDR.


Hate to break excitement but... If someone knew how to disable transponder, he would have definitely known of 2 fuses behind captain's seat, which disable both recorders. All he needed to do was pull the plugs. So eventually - they might find "nothing" on both of them.

Can't say I have ever seen those 2 fuses in the flight deck behind the Captains seat. 

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I wouldn't ask Geoffrey Thomas to suggest the best seat to sit in an aeroplane. This isn't news, it came out weeks ago. Modelling of where wreckage has landed in Africa has been back-projected based on tides and some controlled samples released into the ocean. On that basis, there is a reduced area that is slightly more likely to contain the crash site.

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