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Canada sees 'unsustainable' spike in asylum seekers at U.S. border


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13 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

You've got a plan for this credible fence? Or wall? Because Trump's plan won't do much.

Why yes.  BUILD IT!   Now.   Take the money from the benefits & legal aid we're doling out to the illegals, and put it into the construction.

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17 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

Did you read the article? It did say that over 2/3 o Haitians refugee claims have been rejected. Where is the welcome mat?

Don't go confusing conservatives with facts.  The problem here is with our neighbouring country that is full of illegals. Too bad that Trump guy can't control things down there. Very few cross into Canada without being arrested immediately. Young Justin has been doing a great job compared to Agent Orange. The American gov just paid off  "tortured terrorists". How about that?

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14 hours ago, Bullie said:

So now Canada is maybe slowly waking up to the fact that maybe it is not such a good idea to have an open door policy. Easy to sustain when no one comes knocking, harder when the trickle turns into a flow.

In Northern Europe most people (80 %) are now fully convinced that basically the door should be shut, with the exception of really hard cases that will have to apply from abroad. Turning up at the doorstep should lead to an immediate denial of asylum, and denial of acces to any benefits.

Present policies. such as the fact that if you have one foot on our soil you are automatically entitled to a full asylum procedure, simply are outdated and do not work.

If sustained it will inevitably lead to the disrupture of the fabric of our society, because it will become financially unsustainable to absorb so many people that will never (90%) contribute to our society.

Any monies spent on migrants in our countries could be spent much better in their home, or neighbouring countries where it will have much more impact in the longrun.


Am I my brother's keeper? yes, I am. But only up to a point.

That's dishonest. The debate between Canada and the USA was about Syrian refugees. Trump said he wouldn't take them and Young Justin said we in Canada would do our small part. The thing is it was Americans who invaded Iraq under false premises and created this problem. ISIS was created out of the American's failed policies. Our PM wouldn't go along with the Bush's lies and Canadians got called cowards. Even our hockey players had to hear our anthem get booed in their home arenas. The refugees crossing the border are mostly economic fleeing the failed Trump state. They are getting arrested and processed in Canada. 

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21 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

What are borders for again?

World's gone completely insane.

It still takes a lot of work for Thais married to Canadians to get a freakin tourist visa. But if you just show up, I guess it's open arms and welfare too.

Trudeau should be at home pleasuring himself over the news though.

Yep.  Try to do it straight up, with a reasonable job, reasonable income, etc and it won't happen.  But walk in, and there you stay.

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12 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

On what basis are these people asylum seekers, asylum from being illegals in another country ? Sounds like an abuse of the asylum system, if there is still one. Asylum used to be for spys and ballet dancers, now it's anyone who fancies living elsewhere but who cannot possibly get a visa to

there is no basis.  They just walked over and squatted.  They didn't want to get deported by the USA back to Haiti.  Not much persecution or political things like that going on in Haiti.  Just a place they don't want to go back to.

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17 hours ago, hdkane said:

Trudeau seemed to enjoy making the US appear as intolerant...so now it's "put up or shut up" time...I had a brief conversation with a rather uninformed/stupid/ignorant fellow from Canada once, who thought the US was being racist for not taking immigrants from certain countries...


The entire country of Canada has as many illegal immigrants as the CITY of los angeles...

The USA does not need Trudeau's help with that. It is on full display to all.




Canada is not full of illegals because we have reasonable laws to deal with our immigration circumstances. What has happened in the USA is a total abandonment of the issue by federal politicians. If there was an enforced law criminally charging employers of illegals they would disappear back home over night. It's all nudge, nudge, wink, wink down there. I think their system of government is set up so the status quo is really hard to change.

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24 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

Yep.  Try to do it straight up, with a reasonable job, reasonable income, etc and it won't happen.  But walk in, and there you stay.

Your right you just walk in and the only thing that will happen is you will get arrested just like what is happening to these people right now.

i really don't understand why these guys are getting upset. The Alberta jobs market is heating up and I heard Trudeau is going to send ALL these refugees there to look after the demand. Maybe house them in all those empty Calgary office towers.

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9 hours ago, billd766 said:


More than 3,100 went to Canada, up at least 2,216 more than June. And in ONLY 15 days of August at least 700 more walked over the border than went in the whole of July and that was nearly 3,000 more than in June.


Those are the figures from the OP. Could you not manage to read them yourself?


If you can extrapolate those figures then you would see and increase of 350% in July over June, and something around 245% In August over July, or if you want to be picky you could also say that there was an increase of 863% between June and August.

I also know that based on those numbers I can't just multiply the 15 days august numbers to get the numbers for the year.

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6 hours ago, pegman said:

Your right you just walk in and the only thing that will happen is you will get arrested just like what is happening to these people right now.

i really don't understand why these guys are getting upset. The Alberta jobs market is heating up and I heard Trudeau is going to send ALL these refugees there to look after the demand. Maybe house them in all those empty Calgary office towers.

Slightly off topic. You seem to be a big fan of Truedeau. Personnally I think he's very arrogant, and a disgrace to parliamentary democracy.



Edited by nontabury
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On 18.8.2017 at 6:57 PM, billd766 said:


Did you miss the part here.


" In the first 15 days of August, an additional 3,800 asylum seekers were arrested crossing the U.S. border into Quebec, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said. "


That is 7,600 a month or 91,200 a year. Not quite the same as 3,800 is it?

Are you aware of the numbers of asylum seekers flocking into Germany, France, England, Austria... ?

I didn't miss any part, was well aware it was the number of a day, not a year.

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10 minutes ago, maximillian said:

Are you aware of the numbers of asylum seekers flocking into Germany, France, England, Austria... ?

I didn't miss any part, was well aware it was the number of a day, not a year.

You are aware that Canada is not in Europe and that this is a new phenomenon there. Or are they not allowed to be surprised by the exponential rise based on their norms?

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Canada not in Europe ? Ooops.

No Western country should be surprised of any numbers of refugees as it was them who inflicted the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Jemen, Lybia. We, the West are bringing wars and destruction to their countries, they are bringing refugees and terrorism  to ours.



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When you only have one border, and its with the USA, it may be a wee bit more surprising the first time the numbers grow so rapidly compared to previously. Has there been a new or inflated conflict to bring about this change in the numbers Canadians are seeing? Did Canada start a new conflict that I was unaware of? No. So other than the regime change south of their border little as changed for Canucks. The current exponential rise of asylum seekers to Canada has little to do with global politics and a lot to do with US politics.

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6 hours ago, maximillian said:

Are you aware of the numbers of asylum seekers flocking into Germany, France, England, Austria... ?

I didn't miss any part, was well aware it was the number of a day, not a year.


Yes I am but the thread is about Canada and not Germany, France, England, Austria... ?


It is also about asylum seekers leaving the USA to Canada and NOT asylum seekers leaving Germany, France, England, Austria to get to Canada.

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On ‎8‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 3:08 PM, pegman said:

The USA does not need Trudeau's help with that. It is on full display to all.




Canada is not full of illegals because we have reasonable laws to deal with our immigration circumstances. What has happened in the USA is a total abandonment of the issue by federal politicians. If there was an enforced law criminally charging employers of illegals they would disappear back home over night. It's all nudge, nudge, wink, wink down there. I think their system of government is set up so the status quo is really hard to change.

Not quite right.  The U.S. has laws, too.  But the wingnuts, some of whom even occupy the bench with their self-important, agenda-driven butts, will not countenance them being enforced.  The last president came out and proclaimed as much, and the current president as well as anyone who supports enforcement is deemed a racist and guilty of "hate speech".   It's not an "abandonment of the issue by federal politicians", it's pure leftwing partisanship.  Wingnuts believe all these illegals will make great democrats one day (or even now thanks to scuttling voter ID...).  It's a recruitment racket for them and nothing else matters, and they had eight years to get the "nudge, nudge, wink, wink" you're talking about baked in.   Trump needs to get busy and get a whole bunch of federal judge vacancies FILLED.  Now!




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On 8/18/2017 at 10:16 AM, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

Did you read the article? It did say that over 2/3 o Haitians refugee claims have been rejected. Where is the welcome mat?

How many of those whose claims are rejected actually get deported????

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It took me over a year to get my Thai wife to Canada .Not to mention the stack of paperwork and expenses.  These people are queue jumpers and should be stopped. What are they going to contribute to Canadian society?  Nothing but a drag on the welfare services. Wait  until the first big snowfall in their tent city and see what happens.

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5 minutes ago, johna said:

How many of those whose claims are rejected actually get deported????

I am sure there are statistics somewhere about levels of deportation, however, deportation is a legal process and it requires time for a case to work its way through the courts.   It also requires that the home country agrees to take them back.  


With this spike, deportation will take some time.  


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1 minute ago, jaideedave said:

It took me over a year to get my Thai wife to Canada .Not to mention the stack of paperwork and expenses.  These people are queue jumpers and should be stopped. What are they going to contribute to Canadian society?  Nothing but a drag on the welfare services. Wait  until the first big snowfall in their tent city and see what happens.

The difference is that your wife was going as an immigrant, so it really is a different queue.   On the upside, once you go through all the hoops, her status is pretty much assured.   For those in the asylum queue, it's really quite a crap shoot.  


That said, you point is taken and understood.  

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On 20.8.2017 at 10:10 PM, billd766 said:


Yes I am but the thread is about Canada and not Germany, France, England, Austria... ?


It is also about asylum seekers leaving the USA to Canada and NOT asylum seekers leaving Germany, France, England, Austria to get to Canada.

Yeah, it's about Canada. But it is a global problem caused by western politics.

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15 hours ago, maximillian said:

Yeah, it's about Canada. But it is a global problem caused by western politics.


Whilst it is a global problem, the thread is about the border between the USA and Canada.


Can I suggest that if you want to talk about the global problem that you open a new thread.

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5 hours ago, billd766 said:


Whilst it is a global problem, the thread is about the border between the USA and Canada.


Can I suggest that if you want to talk about the global problem that you open a new thread.

Thanks Bill D.

I've been waiting for somebody like you to tell me what to do.



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When you only have one border, and its with the USA, it may be a wee bit more surprising the first time the numbers grow so rapidly compared to previously. Has there been a new or inflated conflict to bring about this change in the numbers Canadians are seeing? Did Canada start a new conflict that I was unaware of? No. So other than the regime change south of their border little as changed for Canucks. The current exponential rise of asylum seekers to Canada has little to do with global politics and a lot to do with US politics.

Perhaps if that part time drama teacher cum PM stopped virtue signaling via Tweets to gain brownie points with the SJW's who mistakenly voted his Hairness in.....

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20 hours ago, maximillian said:

Thanks Bill D.

I've been waiting for somebody like you to tell me what to do.




I am so sorry to have upset you, but if you read what I said it was a simple suggestion.


This thread is all about border crossings between the USA and Canada and not about what you percieve as a world wide problem.


If I had told you what to do you may have got really upset.

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On 8/18/2017 at 11:16 AM, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

Did you read the article? It did say that over 2/3 o Haitians refugee claims have been rejected. Where is the welcome mat?


Did you read the article? It did say the problem stems partially from JT's tweets on the subject.



...January tweets Trudeau sent touting Canada's welcome of refugees after a U.S. travel ban was unveiled.


personally i dont think politicians should be allowed twitter accounts

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On 8/21/2017 at 7:14 AM, hawker9000 said:
On 8/19/2017 at 6:08 AM, pegman said:

Canada is not full of illegals because we have reasonable laws to deal with our immigration circumstances. What has happened in the USA is a total abandonment of the issue by federal politicians. If there was an enforced law criminally charging employers of illegals they would disappear back home over night. It's all nudge, nudge, wink, wink down there. I think their system of government is set up so the status quo is really hard to change.

Not quite right.  The U.S. has laws, too. 


I'm thinking it's the snow in July that used to keep 'em away.  Global Warming is to blame.



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