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Thai attitude to fat people


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No, chubby is a good translation, fat is rather like "ouen", they even use words like "thoum", meaning barrel. Don't teach Thais that let driving their 10 years old kids a bike is a bad idea, they won't like it, but no problem to tell them that they are fat as (whatever) ..

Yeah good point. I was being faceitious. Don't get me going on the kids riding motorbikes and babies on the front!! Off topic.

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commenting on another's appearance is part of thai culture, i'm a slim guy and they often say; you're so slim, which is fine, but then, are you sick?! i have two retorts depending on my mood and intentions; yes i'm slim. but strong (which they like),  or to join in culturally i pick out one of their physical characteristics e.g. you're quite fat, you have dark skin, you have a flat nose etc. it's all fun and games.

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6 hours ago, ksamuiguy said:

As you get older (over65) a few kg extra are good for you. Get sick of have injury best to have the extra back up to use in fighting what ever the problem is.


Interesting look it up slightly overweight as you get older good, obese no.

Seems the majority of (people) that die here seem to be unusually skinny by western standards.

When I had Dingi Fever that extra weight sure helped in my recovery time.



i call BULL- i am 6' 4" (1.94 m) and weigh between 62-70 kg ( 136-154 lbs) and i survived TWO bouts w/dengue;

had i been fat or obese, i highly doubt that i would have survived...

"unusually skinny by western standards"?!?!?!?!? MOST of the WEST are obese pigs compared to Asia-

but keep deluding yourself...

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3 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Indeed they very seldom seem to loose weight after marying a farang?

nobody can LOOSE weight, and ANYBODY can LOSE weight- but i guess anybody can covertly Thai-bash, eh?!?!?!? :coffee1:

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Quite different from when I first came to Thailand about 40 years ago. I'm 1.83 cm (6'0") tall and I was healthy and fit but about 110 kg (242 lb). Every day people would cone up to me, pat my belly and say things like "number one" or dee mok or suay mok. They seemed to be envious of my size back then. Times have changed. This past April I was about 118 kg and nobody seemed to notice. 

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Back 10yrs or so on my first trip to China, my friend and I went to the beach on the South China Sea. We were walking on the beach and I must have had to stop a dozen times to pose or pictures.. the I guess I weighed about 350 pounds. I also got all the can I rub you Buddah belly for luck.. I took no offense, and went along..it happened other places.. India, Vietnam, Philippines. I got my weight down to 190 back in 06.. but I put a few (25) back on.. 

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Just now, Kadilo said:

Just as it's NOT your place to tell me what to complain about. As you say off topic.

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i would retort that if it bothers you that much, there are surely other places to live where you don't have to witness such apparent abominations to your all-too-sensitive sensibilities...

although i intend to live here forever, it is NOT my place to complain about the entrenched habits of the Thai citizens if it does NOT directly affect me- you would be wise to adapt the same attitude, if you can... :saai:

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i would retort that if it bothers you that much, there are surely other places to live where you don't have to witness such apparent abominations to your all-too-sensitive sensibilities...
although i intend to live here forever, it is NOT my place to complain about the entrenched habits of the Thai citizens if it does NOT directly affect me- you would be wise to adapt the same attitude, if you can... :saai:

......and if it DOEs directly affect, as in
My motorbike and my family member? Quit believing you know everything about every situation and speak for yourself and not for me cheers. Now that would be wise.

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2 minutes ago, Namrevlis said:

Quite different from when I first came to Thailand about 40 years ago. I'm 1.83 cm (6'0") tall and I was healthy and fit but about 110 kg (242 lb). Every day people would cone up to me, pat my belly and say things like "number one" or dee mok or suay mok. They seemed to be envious of my size back then. Times have changed. This past April I was about 118 kg and nobody seemed to notice. 

how were you "healthy and fit" at 1.83 and 110 kg (6' 0" and 242)?!?!?!?!?!?

i'm 1.94 and 70 kg (6'4" and 154) at the heaviest, and my Thai neighbors rib me if i approach 68 kg

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2 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

......and if it DOEs directly affect, as in
My motorbike and my family member? Quit believing you know everything about every situation and speak for yourself and not for me cheers. Now that would be wise.

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my response stays the same...

Thailand, THAI PEOPLE's RULES- i reiterate, if it rubs you the wrong way, depart-

if you don't have the huevos  to change the situation, then grin and bear it...

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When me and my wife walk on the street/mall we often meet those flyergirls who promote fitness or other ways to lose weight.


They never hand one to me but always to my wife....for some reason. (she 's not fat but has some kg too mud).


One day in a mall a girl with a huge butt handed a flyer for weightloss to my wife. This time she didn't do it politely so i told her in Thai that she first has to look at her own buffelbutt before annoying us. There were 3 more flyergirls and they all laughed loud and hadn't seen that one coming.




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6 hours ago, manhood said:

Yeah just what's with these more and more fat thais, especially the youngsters now!!!!!!!!!


yes obesity has started to take hold here.......they are just starting to pass the point of no return +5kg


sign of the future......they lack the discipline needed to diet.


watch them in 711 buying those cream frappes, they go nuts for them.



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I remember when i was in India (25 years ago) there was a huge billboard on the street from Madonna...she made a movie or song i guess.


But the picture on the billboard was photoshopped, they made her more fat and she had holes in her shirt with fat hanging out....in those days it was hi-so to be fat in India, it proved you were rich.


So that's why they photoshopped madonna, to make her look more rich....who will come to the cinema to see a poor american girl in the movie anyway?

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Pum Pui or owan, some people like fat, some people like skinny, Thai's generally commenting on it is not the sensitive issue it is in the West.  It is who you are and it is a way to start a conversation, like nice dress!  This is Thailand, you have to adapt to their way of seeing things before you can comment good or bad.  My wife was jokingly called owan after she had a child and her response was who wants to ride a bicycle with a flat tire.  Everyone laughed.  It's cultural.

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When me and my wife walk on the street/mall we often meet those flyergirls who promote fitness or other ways to lose weight.
They never hand one to me but always to my wife....for some reason. (she 's not fat but has some kg too mud).
One day in a mall a girl with a huge butt handed a flyer for weightloss to my wife. This time she didn't do it politely so i told her in Thai that she first has to look at her own buffelbutt before annoying us. There were 3 more flyergirls and they all laughed loud and hadn't seen that one coming.

It can be quite cringeworthy in the big shopping malls to watch them slimming shop flyergirls targeting large Thai ladies. From what you say maybe they don't think about it too much. I'm sure if it was back home they may well get a mouthful now and again.

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  • ksamuiguy
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As you get older (over65) a few kg extra are good for you. Get sick of have injury best to have the extra back up to use in fighting what ever the problem is.


Interesting look it up slightly overweight as you get older good, obese no.

Seems the majority of (people) that die here seem to be unusually skinny by western standards.

When I had Dingi Fever that extra weight sure helped in my recovery time.


Where do you get your information from regarding weight. never heard so much BS in my life, over weight is always dangerous. Whats the difference between over weight and obese. Idiot learn to spell, and start talking sense. Dengue is spelt like this.

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Posted 9 hours ago As you get older (over65) a few kg extra are good for you. Get sick of have injury best to have the extra back up to use in fighting what ever the problem is.


Interesting look it up slightly overweight as you get older good, obese no.

Seems the majority of (people) that die here seem to be unusually skinny by western standards.

When I had Dingi Fever that extra weight sure helped in my recovery time.


Where do you get your information from regarding weight. never heard so much BS in my life, over weight is always dangerous. Whats the difference between over weight and obese. Idiot learn to spell, and start talking sense. Dengue is spelt like this.

Pot kettle black I'm afraid for calling him an idiot who should learn to spell. From a recent post of yours on a different thread:


"Your stupid like all the rest that have lost all there money"


"You're stupid"

"Their money "


Still at least you're not shouting every post now. Thank God for small mercies.






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I have developed a beer belly over the years and when I first met my girl in Bangkok one of the first things she said to me was, "you fat". I said what? She pointed at my belly and said, "you fat". I thought well so much for this one, there are plenty more girls in Thailand. A few minutes later she laid her head on my shoulder and we've been together ever since. Now and then she'll mention my weight and tell me I need to lose some so I'm around for a long time to be with her. I say you need a skinny man! She says noooooooo!! Ha, glad Thais don't see it in such a negative light as the west does.

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I have developed a beer belly over the years and when I first met my girl in Bangkok one of the first things she said to me was, "you fat". I said what? She pointed at my belly and said, "you fat". I thought well so much for this one, there are plenty more girls in Thailand. A few minutes later she laid her head on my shoulder and we've been together ever since. Now and then she'll mention my weight and tell me I need to lose some so I'm around for a long time to be with her. I say you need a skinny man! She says noooooooo!! Ha, glad Thais don't see it in such a negative light as the west does.

If a fat westerner is going to get a partner it's going to to be in Asia.

I guessing you're not fat and poor?
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12 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I find the same thing, sometimes. Especially amongst the ladies. They like to make fun of my small gut. I tell them in thai, that I am five months pregnant. It cracks them up. I find if you just go along with the joke, it is all just lighthearted fun. As many of us know, most Thai people love to joke and play. For me, it is water off a ducks back. I have thick skin, and I care not one iota what people think of me, so this kind of thing means nothing to me.


And besides, there is a huge population of fat people in Thailand now. Even a decade ago, there were far fewer obese people. It is what I refer to as the 7/11 diet. They are really plumping up, as a nation. Let them joke around. Who cares?


A man is capable of taking a joke. Do not be like Trump. Be a real man, with thick skin. 

I tell them I'm pregnant and having an elephant that the trunk is already sticking out! 

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10 hours ago, jenifer d said:

nobody can LOOSE weight, and ANYBODY can LOSE weight- but i guess anybody can covertly Thai-bash, eh?!?!?!? :coffee1:

Often in life its about loose face and gain weight. Look a Local girl marries with a farang guy so then she cooks and eats more farang food goes more to farang restaurants walks less goes more with a car drinks more alcohol with her husband so how she is to loose weight? Besides that most of us will gain weight while simply getting older. If i look around in my village then  i see no one getting slimmer including myself.

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As you may have guessed by now in Thailand it is culturally okay to jest in light fun on how chubby/fat someone is.  

Like how acquaintances often (or in your unusual case complete strangers) comment on your weight or figure and that your supposed to take it as a kind of paradox sadistic/adoration-compliment/joke.

From a western perspective you'd be quite surprised how thai people take no personal offense (compared to how they take everything else personally eg. constructive criticism) when commented on their physique but this is usually limited to people they know.  

Many a thai have learned the hard way how quickly it can turn ugly if they tried that with a non-thai and my kudos to you and everyone else who are able to take such clashing of cultures in stride and empathy as confrontation in any culture is usually not productive.

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21 hours ago, Dakhar said:


I am portly, but so is my sister-in-law.


Once I was sitting down for dinner, eating some carbs (can't remember exactly what it was).   The sister in law said...   "Falang eat "x" that is why he is fat."   I said, "Yes you are right, but why are you fat?"      



She hasn't commented about my physique after that.


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