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Prawit confirms Yingluck fled far from neighbouring countries


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I know from senior sources that the whole thing was planned several weeks in advance. Indeed, Prayut and Yingluck were key instigators, knowing the latter fleeing leaves Thailand in the best position. Red shirts and yellow shirts on even ground so to speak, and the likelihood of any major unrest is slim. 

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So, when do we announce an interpol red category arrest warrent?  Has the paperwork been lost on this one too?

What is the criteria for a red interpol warrent?  We know the death of a policeman is not enough.  I would have thought several hundred billion baht would have been enough!  If it was though, brother would have been back in chains years ago.  If only she and he had gone mushroom picking in a state forest 25 years ago. None of this could have happened.

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20 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Calm down calm down, as us Scousers would say. She's gone, you junta maniacs ought to be pleased.

I wish she'd stayed to carry on annoying you lot. Maybe she can do that from abroad.


Well at the very least they will save travel money on birthdays. She won't be thinking about making trouble.  She will just fire the bullets he makes for her, without thinking.  As usual!!

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7 hours ago, smedly said:

This woman and her brother and in fact the whole family are so rich that if the numbers were actually published 99% of the people who are supporting her/them would have absolutely no clue about all the zeros, they would also have absolutely no clue how they got so rich (even if they could understand the numbers)


Yingluk friend of the people, Thaksin friend of the people, Shin family friend of the people



someone needs to explain to those people that cannot comprehend -------- that the Shin family including the darling yingluc are filthy rich, once they understand what that means - someone also needs to explain how they came to have such a huge amount of money ........ and it wasn't from a money tree although to an extent the Thai people could be labelled as such since ultimately the money actually came from them....the Thai people


oh yes on the scale of things the corruption in Thailand isn't rated in the top 10 in the world but I would like to know how they are measuring it, IMO Thailand is right up there in at least the top 5, it is quite frankly shocking, I think one reason it is not measured properly is down too how the money is laundered.......in that big financial unregulated black hole - the nations temples


It is rather sad that Thailand has not developed because of the severe corruption, no elected government has ever tried to tackle the problem for unfortunate and very obvious reasons - it would be like a bank robber walking into a bank and asking them to call the police.


All the money that corrupt officials have stolen from the Thai people over decades could have been put to the country and people for education healthcare etc ............but no, thailand remains very firmly outside thre v

The junta members aren't filthy rich?  And all that money they've accrued has been above board?  SO why has Prayuth warned people not to question his wealth?

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if she used a burka and Muslim pass port she could have used any port of departure no problems, a big problem now is it appears the court has acted illegally it self, sentences were already formed without trial not good, whose idea was that? and yes you would expect who helped Yingluck leave they also would have gone. then again she could be in hiding at the moment but I doubt it she had plenty of time to plan. I would say someone told her what her sentence was going to be if she faced court.

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1 hour ago, baboon said:

No, I wanted to know what it was I wrote that so befuddled you. That's why I asked the question. 

Nice dogs, by the way.

That presumably is the Shinawatra dog and pony show.  What will be the the name of third performer?  A cousin or a son?

Perhaps you also (like them) are under the delusion that existing laws on corruption, misappropriation of funds and and/or dereliction of duty should not apply to that family.  If so, your logic is clearly faulty.

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

I do agree with what you are saying but it only applies to a country that has a sustainable functioning democracy which Thailand has yet to achieve, the reasons why are pretty simple and if you look at the development of democracies in countries such as the US - they were the product of severe conflict followed by military winners producing a fundamental foundation (a constitution) that worked.


Unfortunately Thailand has been so corrupt over the years that every elected government ends up a shambles with power abusers and greed on a level that is seldom seen in the world and there is nothing to stop them, the cycle will continue until someone actually writes a constitution that works and stops the abuse so that those voted into government are no longer able to abuse, this latest attempt looks promising and could be sustainable


The number one goal in Thailand should be stopping corruption at all levels - a solid constitution and Justice system will do that by default along with stiff penalties for those caught, but it must be a justice system that is equal for all - something they are not very good at



The USA is far more corrupt at the highest level than Thailand and is the world's leading state terrorist.


The USA Constitution is ignored and may as well not exist.


Thailand is by far the better country.

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2 minutes ago, thongplay said:

The USA is far more corrupt at the highest level than Thailand and is the world's leading state terrorist.


The USA Constitution is ignored and may as well not exist.


Thailand is by far the better country.

Totally agree ....   but some TV farang just don't get it ...  They think that democracy will work perfectly everywhere.  They are dreamers.


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Let's be honest here. A petty thief/shoplifter would have been caught in minutes (via cctv, witnesses, etc); however one of the highest profile people who's being monitored can slip through their fingers. It's not like she put on boots and made her way through the jungle. We're talking about someone who travels with a full entourage: security, assistants, people who are hired to carry her bags, nannies, etc. The list goes on....

It would be impossible to slip out of the country without somebody seeing. This is a country where it's impossible to walk to 7-11 without someone watching or saying something about you. And they can't find any of her assets, really? I think people should realize that when high profile people escape prison in Thailand, it's because they are allowed, or told to. 

"We're not sure what country she's in, but we know she' went to Singapore"  

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14 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

That presumably is the Shinawatra dog and pony show.  What will be the the name of third performer?  A cousin or a son?

Perhaps you also (like them) are under the delusion that existing laws on corruption, misappropriation of funds and and/or dereliction of duty should not apply to that family.  If so, your logic is clearly faulty.

The laws that exist at the time should indeed apply to all. Treason, for example.

I was unaware she was on trial for corruption or misappropriation of funds. When were those charges filed?

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"Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said he assigned authorities to check her whereabouts. “I have assigned officials to check the borders and transit points to find out where she is,” he said."


What a load of bulls hit - this will only find out where she is NOT! :post-4641-1156693976:


This whole scenario is a pathetic joke - you could not dream this up (well, some could have guessed at it)? :whistling: 


Thailand, the "Justice Joke System" of the world. TIT.  

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3 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

"Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said he assigned authorities to check her whereabouts. “I have assigned officials to check the borders and transit points to find out where she is,” he said."


What a load of bulls hit - this will only find out where she is NOT! :post-4641-1156693976:


This whole scenario is a pathetic joke - you could not dream this up (well, some could have guessed at it)? :whistling: 


Thailand, the "Justice Joke System" of the world. TIT.  

But it keeps many entertained for days on end -  beats the crappy Thai soapies everytime. 

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Why all this speculation How would then know if a plane took her our of the country Some friend lends her the jet and she is gone


This sounds like a room of keystone cops making an argument about why they cannot find the cat burgler


So sad No rule of law here in Thailand

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7 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

I am waiting from a statement from her, a close family member or a spokesperson. 


Until then it is all just speculation.


One "un-named source in the Puea Thai Party" is not evidence enough she has fled to Dubai, sorry. 

51% to 49%  she is gone or not...................

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Although this article says '...assisted by a senior state official...' I read this morning that it was in the plural '...state officials...' I also read that the 'source' said she was assisted to leave so as to avoid further problems. I just remember thinking 'So much for the Law and Justice...it's just make up rules as you go along.' It's all just a game to these people.

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Someone mentioned earlier about her son, he has already been sent out of the country, has been for some time now. As a mother, she did the right thing and protected her son first before looking after herself, to me, this says a lot about her character, good luck to her wherever she is.

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2 minutes ago, nasanews said:

If a country has corrupted system anyone can flee the country.

If you have enough money to do so, or, failing that, have or know the right people in the right places. Without either of the above, no matter whether there is corruption within the country or not, it won't do you any good.

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