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Yingluck Safe In Dubai, Source Says


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36 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

>>>>>>I have no idea what your point is in relation to the article. If you happened to notice, the article is about a particular person,<<<<<


I was not commenting on an article. I was commenting on people like you that take sides.

I think that is silly.

As another poster pointed out, the main difference between the Shins and other hiso is that the Shins were not discrete in their money grab.

Also the Shins used - abused - the word democracy in their quest for money, the other hiso consider that dangerous - Pandoras Box.

As for the missing family in Forbes list. We agree.


Glad we agree on the missing royalty. But you seem to think it is a bad thing to be so wealthy. I think it's great! All the more congrats to the royal family and anybody else for their wealth! Nothing negative implied on my behalf at all, unless of course it was ill-gotten gain and they only use it to further their own ends and don't help others, I think it's great.

I was commenting in a context that was about a single individual, or family if you include her brother. I'm not sure how that suddenly frames me as taking sides against anyone over any others. There was no context of other sides to get that idea from as far as I can tell. I'm on the side of people who do things right and well and I'm not on the side of others who do things wrong, whether they do it well or not. Hope that might clear up anything about whose side I may be on.... I still don't get it where you came up with the idea of taking sides. Is it unusual to side against bad people?? I never thought it was a silly thing. And you seem to side against wealthy people in general, which is a very extreme ideology, but if that's what you believe... ok. So, since the Shin family is one of those wealthy people, it seems as though you would also side against them, no? Then would that not also make you silly? I'm not saying you are silly... just seems that from what you said, it would put you in your own category of such.

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On ‎8‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 6:59 AM, oldhippy said:

I agree that the Shins are filthily rich.

But they are NOT in Forbe's top 10 - there are many far more filthily rich Thais.

Do these other hiso help Thailand?


here is the top 50



So where did he say they were in the Forbes top 10 OR top 50?    And what in the world do "other hiso" have to do with it?


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