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How to kill off cockroaches?

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23 hours ago, dinsdale said:


Your picture of Cockroach Baits reminds me of a funny old Thai man who sold one of this packet to me, he said to me in Thai language, "maelngsab kow ni pai do nang", ( cockroach enter here to watch movie". See it's dark inside like a cinema he said. I thought he was funny.

Some thais are funny, like the train station guy in Chiang Mai who sang a song when I bought a ticket from him. I could understand what he sang and he didn't know that. He made up a song that went, "people travelling alone with no girl friend are lonely". I thought he was really wonderful, so I smile at him and said in thai I understood what he sang, and he burst out laughing. That was a wonderful morning I always remember.

Oh yes your cockroach problem, keep a Arowana fish they love to eat cockroach and they grow nice beautiful scales after eating cockroaches. Throw them alive into the fish tank and see your fish in action. 


When I stay in my favorite hotels I use the roach motels. They check in but never check out. Available in market close to you. No poisons just sticky stuff.

On 8/30/2017 at 6:58 AM, Artisi said:

A nuclear device might help. 

Try borax powder with a bit of sugar mixed thru'- it constipates them -  end result -  dead. 

 Borax powder is that like a white powdery substance that's sold in a plastic bag?  I think that's what I used and it worked.  It was like rat poison or something.  One night I killed like 5 of the little bastards in my house and after that I said that's it I'm doing something about it.  So I bought a bunch of insecticide and some kind of big bag of white powder.  I went out behind the house and actually found where they were nesting. They were nesting in the septic tank.  So I lifted the cover off and I poured the whole bag in there and I sprayed the hell out of the whole area.  When I did that hundreds of the little bastards started running out and I just kept spraying them all.  That was over a year ago and I haven't seen anymore roaches in my house ever since.  


The trick is to find out where they are nesting and dump poison in their nest that worked for me.  Typically they'll be nesting somewhere outside around the house.  It's like the war on terror lol you have to go find them and kill them on their own ground.  You'll never get them all but at least you can keep them out of your house and minimize them.  Ever since I did that I have actually killed a few of them in my house but we're not infested anymore.  I also have 2 cats and they always notice anything that's not supposed to be in the house and they will kill them.  I can always tell if there's a lizard or a bug in the house because our cats start hunting them very aggressively.  I also keep those roach traps as well in the kitchen.  If you get infested with roaches they'll just keep multiplying and it just gets worse so you have to go after them very aggressively find where they nest and dump what white powder stuff on them.  I don't remember what that stuff was called I think you're talking about the same stuff I used I actually thought it was rat poison.  I didn't have to spray any insecticide in the house I just found their nest and wiped them all out.  I got rid of them before they got totally out of hand.  If you wait to long you'll never get rid of them.  

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