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About ericthai

  • Birthday 08/13/1966

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    Surin / USA - FL

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  1. getting an 18-20 yr old in Thailand is easy... Trying to handle them, well that's another story.
  2. seriously these are your issues. Please come up with better stories in the future!
  3. Stay at a hotel, get the hotel to do a TM30 then go to immigration with that TM30.
  4. 'm sure tonight you'll be dreaming you're posting on Aseannow with no responses.
  5. Do you really hate Thailand?? or are you one of those guys that complain all the time about everything? Maybe you should look to move to alaska, nice and cool there and I dont think there are any Thai's there to upset you.
  6. Nice,!! you finally got a picture of Bob and Mrs. Smith!!
  7. you need to wake up and stop believing everything your girlfriend/wife tells you. Sorry to tell you this, but other Thai women do look down on girls working in bars. an example, one of my friends is always with a different bar girl. He came to a party we had when opening a new office. All the office girls talked about the bar girl he brought to the party for the next week. Thai women gossip so much!!
  8. Maybe you were not in Thailand at the time, but I recall that he started the 30baht medical program (this has benefited millions over the decades) and actually had the economy in good shape with promoting small and medium size business. He also expanded infrastructure programs (getting the airport complete, new bridges, roads etc. ) People at the time were in good spirits. He is still very well liked in the North and Isaan. As I have said many times I'm no fan of the guy. He is also the one that started the crack down on visa runs, overstays etc. Of course he had the war on drugs which killed over 2500 people in 3 months and he's corrupt just like every other politician. Is he good for Thailand? I dont know, I haven't seen any real progress in Thailand for more than a decade. Things either stay the same, go sideways, or move backward; I see no forward movement.
  9. The parents are from India trying to speak English to a Thai person trying to understand English during a very traumatic time. Also, Thais aren’t good with news stories in the first place.
  10. it's due an ineffective government that hasn't done anything to improve the country in the last 3 decades. Manila is the same now as it was in the 90's, dirty, corrupt and unsafe in most places.
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