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rak sa_ngop

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  1. Just fill in the custom declaration form with "metal bracelet" and value it at 9.99 USD
  2. Looks like I will be buying a new one. I thought there might be a easy fix but looks like there aint.
  3. If it is just a case of a blown fuse maybe it is. Many YouTube clips show how it can be done just accessing from the front control panel (and not getting close to the scary stuff). But with my Samsung Combo machine it looks like you need to dismantle the outer casing which looks a bit scary to me.
  4. Does it automatically give you a free ride or do you have to ask at the ticket counter? I am an infrequent user of the MRT. I am still waiting for the integrated BTS and MRT card to be introduced. 5555
  5. Foodland in Patpong is still going well. Pleasant buying experience, no queuing at the counter and cheaper prices then elsewhere. The TLD restaurant looks pretty busy with many Thais as well as a few Farangs. Hope it stays that way.
  6. I haven't seen this news anywhere else, but yesterday I used the MRT and when I tried to pay at the ticket office to get my 50pc discounted ticket for being elderly, I was told it was free, and will be free for the Songkran holiday period. The lady said (in Thai) it was free for either 3 days or maybe the next three days. I think it is just for the over 60's. I have never been asked to prove my age (I am 69). I just specify my destination and say ' khon chara' or 'phu chara' and Bob's your Uncle. Sorry for posting a bit late but there is still tomorrow.
  7. My 12 year old combi microwave has stopped working. Front panel display not lighting up so no functions working and internal light also not working EXCEPT for the turntable which is happily turning away with the door open (but not when closed). So some power is getting to the unit. Rather bizarre combination of failure so I assume somebody experienced can readily diagnose the problem? Maybe it is just a fuse failure? Any ideas out there? Thanks.
  8. In my experience some of these discounted codes do not work when phoning banks or UK govt departments etc. You just get a constant engaged tone. When I redial with the normal 01 intl code I always get through (but about 14 baht/min)
  9. If you take the MRT to Kamphang Phet on the otherside of the road opposite the south entrance to Chatuchak Market is a newish mall with lots of old 'antique' stuff for sale. Outside the mall is the more junky stuff, better stuff is inside. Cant remember the name if the building (NOT JJ Mall) but cross over the road using the pedestrian bridge outside the MRT exit.
  10. How about setting up a Dee Money account. You can then make e-tranfers from BB to Dee money with your Thai SIM card number. Setting up a Dee money account is pretty straight forward although they wanted additional photo ID. My UK driving licence proved useful for the first time.
  11. Its been many years since I had to 'hang up' on my phone.
  12. I have just received a letter from the Tax people with forms to fill in.....all in Thai of course. My name and address is on the front page. Lots of boxes to be filled in. Is there a legal obligation to return these forms filled in if one does not have an income in Thailand (apart from some small bank interest payments)? In the case of the UK if you have income below the taxable income level there is no need to make a tax return, except in the case when the tax office actually sends you the forms to fill in. Can anybody explain the true situation? Saying 'No need to file Tax return' is not very helpful if one is actually sent the forms with ones name to fill in.
  13. Unfortunately real banks take time to approve mortgages or bank loans. Maybe 1 or 2 months. Not much use if you have a family emergency.
  14. Not a bad translation. This is what the money lender requires to provide the loan. Yes, the money lender owns the property until it repaid and then the chanote has to be transferred back (at a cost) once the loan is repaid. Is this method common or unusual.? Any comments welcome.
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