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  1. Be cautious when buying velcro... There is velcro and then there is 'Velcro™. I've received too many orders of the bad stuff. All stiff plastic and wears out quickly. Look for the registered brand product.
  2. If we turn it on at all, the A/C is never set below 28, usually 29 or 30. Otherwise, we prefer windows open and fans on. We're quite comfortable with that. I guess we've been here long enough to become acclimatized. Sure, we do sweat at times. So what?
  3. Perhaps it's time for the American to take the landlord to court for violating Thailand's Defamation Laws. Regardless of who is right or wrong in the housing situation, the Thai landlord had certainly publically defamed the tenant. It's a hard way to get back a security deposit, but it's Thailand's law...
  4. Just to finalize the thread (Mods, please close,) It took me about 15 minutes at the Nong Hoi DLT. I went up to the information window with blue book and passport, the agent filled out some papers, then had me make copies (next door) of the main page and current visa stamp, then sent me to another window. Only one person ahead of me for license plate stuff just finishing up, and so I was seen in two minutes. I sat with that agent for 10 minutes while she did some more paperwork, paid 140 Baht for a new tax stamp, and left. I'll come back in 30 days to pick up a license plate. Couldn't have been much easier.
  5. Is Nong Hoi for motorbike plates as well as cars?
  6. I don't use it for sleep. I use it for pain relief topically. Better sleep is just a side benefit.
  7. My entire plate holder, with plate and tax stamp, has gone missing today. I assume I need to contact the police and the Land Transport office? Have you had any experience with this problem? What is the correct procedure, which police station would be best, and which LTO? Thanks
  8. With many drugs, less is more. If you take 4-5 Vallium it may make you MORE agitated and hypertense rather than putting you to sleep. For many people, 3-5 DROPS of CBD oil is an effective sleep aid, for others half a dropper full does it, and for others a full eye dropper dose. There is NO 'standard' dose. You have to discover your effective dosage by yourself over the course of a few nights. "Mellow Organic" company online sells a reliable product. It works well. I go to bed at 11:30 pm and sleep through until 6-7 am when my bladder wakes me up.
  9. With all due respect... the water in Thailand is too clean for Sabretts... They didn't earn the sobriquet 'Dirty Water Hotdogs' without it!
  10. The US Military Commissary in Bangkok carries (or carried) Hebrew National Hot dogs. If you are retired Military you can shop there. Hebrew National, Nathans, and Boar's Head all make a 100% beef frankfurter worthy of the name. To a real hot dog lover, no other brand is worthy of the name!
  11. Hmmm... so if reading the posts here makes one a submissive victim, and you read the posts here (despite having read the book,) doesn't that still leave you a helpless victim? Should you re-read the book and find out which chapter you missed?
  12. Does anyone else see the similarities between this 'don't be a victim' and the Assertiveness Training Classes that women were taking in the 70's? Those classes were very valuable for many women, and certainly needed for a societal change at the time, but the classes left out one very important factor... and that was 'when' to be assertive and when not to be! It's not necessary to fight every battle. If someone stops you on the street, we listen for a few seconds to be polite. That's all. It's not being a 'victim.' It's being a polite member of a community. There is no need to drown ourselves in such negativity by labeling ourselves as VICTIMS (in Capital letters!) The rest of the world is working very hard to avoid labels that trap people into a false sense of identity. Perhaps Kenny Rogers said it best; "You have to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em." Choose your battles wisely.
  13. I've seen the bus around town several times now, but haven't seen more than 2-3 people on it at a time. They tried municipal bus service two previous times, and both failed. People don't want to spend more money while having to walk to a specific place to catch a bus that will make them walk again afterward to get where they want to go. A songtow (seelor?) will pick them up wherever they are standing, and deliver them right to their door, and do so for less money. A smaller 12-seat bus would be more cost-effective, be able to negotiate smaller streets, and perhaps have a chance. These big buses were tried before and didn't work. I really don't know why they are simply repeating their past mistakes. The concept is great. The fault is in the implementation.
  14. Trust. Some marry with it, some will never have it, and wonder how others can be so comfortable.
  15. It is rather pointless to try to tell someone else how much THEY will need to live, based on our own lifestyles. We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are. Do you pound away a a few bottles at lunch, a 6-pack at dinner, hit the hard stuff at night, and buy the dollies lady-drinks? Do you always eat at La Crystal or at the Shangrila Sunday buffet? Require a condo that was built in the last 2 years? Complete with the gym. sauna, pool, and restaurants? Then you're going to need a hell of a lot more money than many of us.
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