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worgeordie last won the day on March 30 2024

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    Sitting in the Korova Milk Bar

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    standing behind you

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  1. I just get the Fortean Times and all my other magazines Free in Pdf form , just Google free magazines Pdf download. regards Worgeordie
  2. What are they basing those rates on , as they are no way what is happening in the real World, the wet markets ,supermarkets , Malls , stuff you are buying everyday ,the important stuff like food , prices are rising like 10 % or more regards worgeordie
  3. And took the drivers phone with him ? regards Worgeordie
  4. Yes on a headband to record all and every minute of his fabulous life.... regards Worgeordie
  5. 4 out of 515 , unbelievable , last time I was getting my truck tested in MOT testing station there was this old, very old truck , very bad condition ,maybe carrying fish or ice , it was rusted to bits , then they did the smoke test part , the whole place was filled up with thick black smoke , I am thinking no way is he getting a pass,...I was wrong , regards worgeordie
  6. Hi Bob , I did not think a man of the World , fearless ,swashbuckling guy like you would be worried about such a thing , now you are coming over as a pussy ,I am losing all respect for you now ...you better just stay in the house ,as the World is full of dangers .... " I also took a picture of the taxi drivers license photo and his registration. " But Bob you said you did not have phone with you ... regards worgeordie
  7. Whomever is responsible , will be paying out the minimal compensation , thats why nothing improves here , leave it till its really broken , or someone gets hurt, if they had to pay out real amounts of compensation they would make sure equipment is safe. regards worgeordie
  8. He is soon forgotten , without him we would be speaking German today , While Trump has returned the bust of Churchill to the Oval office.....go figure ,one good thing he has done.. regards worgeordie
  9. Do you mean Ireland or Isle of Man ? , you really should make a complaint and come out with who you really are referring too....☺️ regards worgeordie
  10. Most drivers don't know how to descend a steep hill safely , you can see them in front of you, brake lights on all the time , instead of using a low gear and letting the engine do the braking , they either freewheel down to save fuel , or have it in high gear with foot on the pedal ,so when they need to brake , they have brake fade and cannot stop..... regards worgeordie
  11. I have lived here legally for 37 years now ,out in the wild I have only been asked for my passport once ,by a soldier ,as at the time there was a coup going on and there were road blocks everywhere , but maybe it does not count as he was reading it upside down , regards worgeordie
  12. What ever savings ,its coming from the poor, veterans, and disabled ..... and is going straight to the billionaires , if they have not already got enough , greedy bastards ,they will suck your blood regards worgeordie
  13. Lets hope it clears the air up for a few days ,and it will save watering the garden, regards Worgeordie
  14. Did they go to the Congo ,where the Pygmies' are for a short time ? regards worgeordie
  15. xenophobic Bob ,I cannot understand why he lives here , even if he does, so many fibs ,you cannot believe anything he says , why does a man with so much money complain so much 🙄 regards worgeordie

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