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Wife Of 6 Weeks Wants Divorce


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Married six weeks, she has ex husband come and throw me out of house and now demands 100,000 bhat to sign divorce papers. Threatens me daily with phone texts that she is going to my embassy to complain about me. My lawyer told her she gets nothing. I really don't care if she signs divorce papers or not. Latest message is "the longer you wait to sign the more it will cost you" This is called extorsion in any other country. Thai women.

Edited by Colabamumbai
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Ouch, that sounds tough. What lead up to this happening- it sounds like a pretty drastic move on her part... were the warning signs before?

Can't really see what she can go to the embassy with, that does sound like a lot of hot air.

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Ouch, that sounds tough. What lead up to this happening- it sounds like a pretty drastic move on her part... were the warning signs before?

Can't really see what she can go to the embassy with, that does sound like a lot of hot air.

Have lawyer now I am beginning to think that this was a set up to do just what she is trying to do. I new her 6 months she rushed the marriage.I wanted to wait a year. Maybe this is not the first time she has done this. I do not reply to her threats but do keep all the email messages for my lawyer for possible future actions. She is so stupid she takes ex husband to a friend of mines hotel to apply for work. I told her 2 weeks ago I had a n investigator take photos, Unfortunately in Thailand you need to catch your spouse in sexual relations to get a quick divorce. Not just with her ex husband. I am wondering if they are part of a gang and he gives the orders. I have copies of his ID card as well as copies of everything of hers. I did return her passport and house keys as the lawyer suggested.I did pay her bank 56,000 bhat in back mortgage payments.

Edited by Colabamumbai
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56,000baht sounds like she got what she wanted. In Thailand, US, or Europe I would never marry anyone I only knew for 6 months unless it was Jessica Alba but thats not happening.

Colabamumbai were do you and the ex live if I may ask.

Edited by moe666
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Ouch, that sounds tough. What lead up to this happening- it sounds like a pretty drastic move on her part... were the warning signs before?

Can't really see what she can go to the embassy with, that does sound like a lot of hot air.

Have lawyer now I am beginning to think that this was a set up to do just what she is trying to do. I new her 6 months she rushed the marriage.I wanted to wait a year. Maybe this is not the first time she has done this. I do not reply to her threats but do keep all the email messages for my lawyer for possible future actions. She is so stupid she takes ex husband to a friend of mines hotel to apply for work. I told her 2 weeks ago I had a n investigator take photos, Unfortunately in Thailand you need to catch your spouse in sexual relations to get a quick divorce. Not just with her ex husband. I am wondering if they are part of a gang and he gives the orders. I have copies of his ID card as well as copies of everything of hers. I did return her passport and house keys as the lawyer suggested.I did pay her bank 56,000 bhat in back mortgage payments.

Real Easy Mate.. Tell her NO! Then let her threaten to go to the Embassy.. They don't give a <deleted> about a Thai National in a Divorce Proceeding since it is Civil Matters. If She won't sign the Papers then Give her an (I apologize in advance) "Irish Divorce" (as my Gramps called it) Take your stuff, and Leave. If you have no Kids you have no problem in the LOS. 56,000 Bhat is the Price you have to pay, and is by far cheaper than Keeping her.

She is looking for a Farang to pay her bills while she Bumps Boots with her Thai Boytoy (Who by the way LOVES your Money Too). Leave her Mate, Find you a Bar Girl to rent on the Weekends. Lots Cheaper than Fighting for Divorce in Thailandia

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56k in back mortgage payment? Can you expand?

Easy.. She owed the Bank 25,000 Bhat, She told him she needed 56K Bhat to pay off overdue payments.. He deposited 56K Bhat in the bank to cover her Mortgage. She and the Bank Examiner now Split the Excess, or apply it to her Loan and she now has a house that is Paid for.. I hope the Handjob she gave you was as good as the "Reach Around" that you got when paying that 56K.

This scheme has been going on since The Vietnam War. That approx $2000 USD you lost is a Lesson "Pay to Play" is Cheaper than "Pay to Stay" in Thailand

Edited by Shooter90027
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Oh my, I'm almost speechless, but not quite. I hope you didn't cosign her mortgage or something like that. Forget the embassy complaint part and the 100,000 baht, it's nothing but extortion. If you are not in a hurry for a divorce then just tell her to buzz off. Document the date she kicked you out and have nothing further to do with her. If she wants a divorce, tell her to meet you at the local Amphur, with your lawyer in tow, and sign a mutual consent divorce with no marital property declared. Be sure your immigration status and work permit, if applicable, are in order. Lesson learned, I hope, 56,000 baht. Careful the private investigator and lawyer don't also take you to the cleaners.

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at this point is clear, the so-called ex thai husband has never really been "ex"....

so, you should ask for an annulment rather than divorce (section 1506), i wonder why your lawyer didn't made you aware of this solution huh.gif

or go on with the divorce and clai for a compensation (section 1516 1 CCCT), also from the person who had taken liberties with "your wife".

or using the threatens files (section 1516 3 CCCT)

STD tests are exttremely suggested

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at this point is clear, the so-called ex thai husband has never really been "ex"....

so, you should ask for an annulment rather than divorce (section 1506), i wonder why your lawyer didn't made you aware of this solution huh.gif

or go on with the divorce and clai for a compensation (section 1516 1 CCCT), also from the person who had taken liberties with "your wife".

or using the threatens files (section 1516 3 CCCT)

STD tests are exttremely suggested

Unless the "ex" was legally married (doubtful) then there can be no annulment of real marriage.

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at this point is clear, the so-called ex thai husband has never really been "ex"....

so, you should ask for an annulment rather than divorce (section 1506), i wonder why your lawyer didn't made you aware of this solution huh.gif

or go on with the divorce and clai for a compensation (section 1516 1 CCCT), also from the person who had taken liberties with "your wife".

or using the threatens files (section 1516 3 CCCT)

STD tests are exttremely suggested

Unless the "ex" was legally married (doubtful) then there can be no annulment of real marriage.

She was legally divorced at Amphur, but boy friend or new husband may not have registered their marriage...Korat

I made the post just to let others know what goes on. I appreciate your advice and legal information, I will talk to the lawyer about the points you have made. He is a Canadian lawyer working in an office with Thai lawyers.

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56k in back mortgage payment? Can you expand?

The bank was going to take her house she was 10 months behind in mortgage payments and owes about 400,000 bhat. The government bank paid for the house and she makes monthly mortgage payments, They wanted the 56,000 to cover the missed payments.

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56k in back mortgage payment? Can you expand?

The bank was going to take her house she was 10 months behind in mortgage payments and owes about 400,000 bhat. The government bank paid for the house and she makes monthly mortgage payments, They wanted the 56,000 to cover the missed payments.

When did you make the payment and WHY ??

Move out and move on. Sebastian will give you sound advice but the relationship is obviously history. There is nothing there for you either financially or relationship-wise.

Good luck, I know your expectations were high.

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Note to myself:

Relationships in Thailand with married woman and/or woman with children increases severely the bad risk factor :whistling:

I just don't understand why MOST of the farang men I know have such relationships!

Oh, small brains have taken over the big brain, good thinking :lol:

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Whatever you do, don't pay anything for her to sign the papers right now. If it's a total impasse, better to sever all contact with this one, including your lawyer and aim for divorce due to separation which takes a few years of proven non-contact. Might be hard if you are planning sticking around the 'hood but possible if you relocate in your own self-styled 'witness protection program' to some part of LOS that neither you or she has been before (that you know of). Very feasible if you move to some other country. Also need to trim the amount of information you share with friends and definitely give up current life on Thaivisa as I am sure with your post count in such a short time, she knows where you hang out online! The only drawback when you come back and re-file, the courts do have to contact her and if she is still around, she may come back and contest with her lawyer and ex- in tow. However, if you have solid evidence that she hasn't tried to contact you in the interim, you may get the divorce YOU want and it will only cost a few baht... and even that payment is optional.

Good luck and stay cool, despite the heat.

PS. I didn't like that wicked generalisation in the OP's last sentence. Yes, you are all bitter and twisted but you went into this with your eyes eide shut so please don't castigate all Thai women as that only brings out the inane mutterings like those from tartempion that are neither advice or reasoned opinion.

Edited by NanLaew
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This follows on from the thread you started about her pawning the wedding ring, where you said you were thinking of divorcing her! Now she's chucked you out, why?

If she wants money to sign the papers, just tell her you haven't got it and don't bother signing them. Let her go to the embassy, what will they do? Nothing, it's none of their business. Unless you've done something you don't want her to tell them about?

How, exactly, did you get from "she's pawned our wedding ring, I don't think I can trust her, I paid her mortgage payments" (which, by the way, you said were $56,000 not THB56,000!) to "her ex-husband has kicked me out and she wants money from me"? All in the space of a couple of weeks.

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How, exactly, did you get from "she's pawned our wedding ring, I don't think I can trust her, I paid her mortgage payments" (which, by the way, you said were $56,000 not THB56,000!) to "her ex-husband has kicked me out and she wants money from me"? All in the space of a couple of weeks.

It's called the accelerated learning course at WBU*

Be gentle with the OP. Just because it could never happen to you doesn't mean you are justified in ridiculing people who are seeking advice and have been mostly open and frank about their situation.

* Water Buffalo University (google it)

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All the advice given here before me is good. I don't offer any.

Would like to ask you a few questions.

Known her for 6 months. Married to her for 6 weeks. Now she wants money and divorce.

Q1. Where and how did you meet?

Q2. How old are you? How old is she?

Q3. Apart from ex-husband, what has she got? Job? Profession? Kids? Car? House? Education?

Q4. Does she speak English? If yes, where (from whom) did she learn it?

Now, I do not know the answers to all these questions. But if you add them all, you just might find what you have been looking for in this Forum... an understanding.

Use your head for thinking, mate.:rolleyes:

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here's another juicy story about a farang being ripped off by a Thai women: She's a property agent in Pattaya, agreed to (and paid up front) a twelve month lease on his house, he went back to UK, discovered 6 months later she had forged his signature on multiple docs and somehow managed to lawfully sell the house to a loan shark. He's now struggling to reverse the mess and regain ownership, in between lots of bribery from both sides to get the co-operation of you-know-who.


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Oh well, 753 posts from you since 19-11-2009 and now this story??? I'm actually wondering that you are able to write words

May I congratulate you on your well thought out and considered response.

Just the help and support this poor guy is looking for.

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