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Why Would A Thai Girl Get Involved With A Farang?

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Foreigners look different, smell different and have hair everywhere. Their company is embarrassing for Thai girls, since farangs make all kinds of mistakes, get angry easily, make a scene over little things and talk a lot about their problems. The communication is difficult not only because of the different languages, but also because of the different way of thinking - lots of misunderstandings, long discussions because she said the "wrong" thing, and being accused of lies, even though she was only talking in a wishful thinking way. Most farang are not "sanook", after the initial fun time of partying in bars and discos they get serious soon.

Other Thais look down on her because they know she met him in a bar. They look down on her because a decent Thai girl should be together with a Thai man.

So why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang? Does the straight nose, the light skin and the blue eyes make up for all those drawbacks?

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Foreigners look different, smell different and have hair everywhere. Their company is embarrassing for Thai girls, since farangs make all kinds of mistakes, get angry easily, make a scene over little things and talk a lot about their problems. The communication is difficult not only because of the different languages, but also because of the different way of thinking - lots of misunderstandings, long discussions because she said the "wrong" thing, and being accused of lies, even though she was only talking in a wishful thinking way. Most farang are not "sanook", after the initial fun time of partying in bars and discos they get serious soon.

Other Thais look down on her because they know she met him in a bar. They look down on her because a decent Thai girl should be together with a Thai man.

So why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang? Does the straight nose, the light skin and the blue eyes make up for all those drawbacks?

perhaps you should change the title of your post to:

Why Would A Thai Girl Get Involved with Rolo Tomazi?

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I did not meet my wife in a bar. She has a university degree, and was a virgin when we met. We were introduced by mutual friends.

I think that some Thai women are with farang men just because we are not Thai men. For all our faults and failings, at least we farang mostly stay faithful to the one we love......we do not need to have mia noi on the side.

My wife was badly hurt when she was a teenager by a boy she thought was going to marry her....but he had another girlfriend. I know several Thai girls and women who have a similar story to tell.

And to generalise, I think that Chinese and Thai women, and maybe other Asian women as well, place more emphasis on security than on looks and other transitory factors.

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So why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang? Does the straight nose, the light skin and the blue eyes make up for all those drawbacks?

nah! i don't think that's the reason, i think because they are fat and hairy, turn thai chick on :o

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Foreigners look different, smell different and have hair everywhere. Their company is embarrassing for Thai girls, since farangs make all kinds of mistakes, get angry easily, make a scene over little things and talk a lot about their problems. The communication is difficult not only because of the different languages, but also because of the different way of thinking - lots of misunderstandings, long discussions because she said the "wrong" thing, and being accused of lies, even though she was only talking in a wishful thinking way. Most farang are not "sanook", after the initial fun time of partying in bars and discos they get serious soon.

Other Thais look down on her because they know she met him in a bar. They look down on her because a decent Thai girl should be together with a Thai man.

So why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang? Does the straight nose, the light skin and the blue eyes make up for all those drawbacks?

perhaps you should change the title of your post to:

Why Would A Thai Girl Get Involved with Rolo Tomazi?

A bit of wishful thinking on Rolo's part eh John ? :o

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Foreigners look different, smell different and have hair everywhere. Their company is embarrassing for Thai girls, since farangs make all kinds of mistakes, get angry easily, make a scene over little things and talk a lot about their problems. The communication is difficult not only because of the different languages, but also because of the different way of thinking - lots of misunderstandings, long discussions because she said the "wrong" thing, and being accused of lies, even though she was only talking in a wishful thinking way. Most farang are not "sanook", after the initial fun time of partying in bars and discos they get serious soon.

Other Thais look down on her because they know she met him in a bar. They look down on her because a decent Thai girl should be together with a Thai man.

So why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang? Does the straight nose, the light skin and the blue eyes make up for all those drawbacks?

It's very easy to answer...99% just for money..

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Foreigners look different, smell different and have hair everywhere. Their company is embarrassing for Thai girls, since farangs make all kinds of mistakes, get angry easily, make a scene over little things and talk a lot about their problems. The communication is difficult not only because of the different languages, but also because of the different way of thinking - lots of misunderstandings, long discussions because she said the "wrong" thing, and being accused of lies, even though she was only talking in a wishful thinking way. Most farang are not "sanook", after the initial fun time of partying in bars and discos they get serious soon.

Other Thais look down on her because they know she met him in a bar. They look down on her because a decent Thai girl should be together with a Thai man.

So why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang? Does the straight nose, the light skin and the blue eyes make up for all those drawbacks?

Whenever I see this type of question, I like many other farang married to Thais, must rush to my defense.

Firstly, I don't have hair everywhere. My wife says she likes walking around public places with me to show me off. Honestly. Although I say it myself, we are a pretty good looking family(well apart from me). She also looks at the old farang guys and says, "I am so lucky". not that age means anything, IMO.

I don't make all kinds of mistakes.

I am "jai yen"

I speak Thai.

Other Thais look down on her because they know she met him in a bar. They look down on her because a decent Thai girl should be together with a Thai man.
Utter bulshit!!

What about LOVE???

Actually one reason my wife fell in love with me was because I am not a Thai man.

I don't cheat on her and have no intention of doing so.

farangs are bigger in other areas :o

Edited by Neeranam
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> My wife was badly hurt when she was a teenager by a boy she

> thought was going to marry her....but he had another girlfriend.

> I know several Thai girls and women who have a similar story to tell.

I think those Thai girls just have unrealistic expectations in men. :o

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Foreigners look different, smell different and have hair everywhere. Their company is embarrassing for Thai girls, since farangs make all kinds of mistakes, get angry easily, make a scene over little things and talk a lot about their problems. The communication is difficult not only because of the different languages, but also because of the different way of thinking - lots of misunderstandings, long discussions because she said the "wrong" thing, and being accused of lies, even though she was only talking in a wishful thinking way. Most farang are not "sanook", after the initial fun time of partying in bars and discos they get serious soon.

Other Thais look down on her because they know she met him in a bar. They look down on her because a decent Thai girl should be together with a Thai man.

So why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang? Does the straight nose, the light skin and the blue eyes make up for all those drawbacks?

Yet another middle aged loser wastrel with nothing to his name giving himself 1 second of feigned self importance ?

Mate, there are so many classy, well educated,professional-career pursuing, wealthy, fluent english speaking Thai women out there that are in relationships with non-Thais.But you'll never know..... best that you stay put in the gutter, I'm sure that your opinion will be their with you to keep you company.

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Yet another middle aged loser wastrel with nothing to his name giving himself 1 second of feigned self importance ?

Mate, there are so many classy, well educated,professional-career pursuing, wealthy, fluent english speaking Thai women out there that are in relationships with non-Thais.But you'll never know..... best that you stay put in the gutter, I'm sure that your opinion will be their with you to keep you company.

HA ha. That is funny Penelope. Abit severe though maybe. Give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Just a newbie to Thailand and doesn't have a clue about her yet. He is obviously stuck in the bar girl scene, as you so aptly describe as the gutter.

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why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang?

That's a question I've pondered on for quite a while. Even though I don't 'get involved' with Thai women more than on the friendship level, others who do affect me and my reputation.

I think that this question should be approached from two sides since it's a relationship involving two, with entirely different reasons.

First, the Farang:

- “It takes two to make a relationship work”, the old Western saying goes, and this must especially be true for marriages.

- Westerners are known to divorce easier.

- a Western man with repeated failures in his relationships might allege that something is wrong with all Western women, quite understandably. From the neutral observer’s point of view however, which one is more likely: that millions of women are not fit to form a healthy relationship, or that the one complaining man has a serious problem handling women who grew up with Western values?

It was a rhetorical question. Of course the man has a problem. Now, what are these Western values I just mentioned?

- - strong sense of self-esteem

- - open nature, outspokenness

- - insistence on equality: a fair share of burdens and privileges

These values are the hallmarks of modern times. Times when it is no longer acceptable to view and treat wives as inferior creatures, slaves, sex-toys and housemaids. They are equal to men in every aspect, except one. They are also the bearers of life, and as such, they still deserve the extra care and attention that every gentleman gives them. Men who accept and live by these rules are capable of forming happy relationships with Western women, and in turn, get the same love, respect and happiness from their wives.

- on the other hand, some men still cling to the old days when cavemen-values were the norm. They wish to have a submissive wife who observes the wishes of her lord ( I mean, husband), never complains and lets him do whatever he wants. Perfect housemaid, action-ready sexpartner, or a silent dummy at times when His Lordship gets home drunk and wishes to beat the **** out of someone.

- the stereotype of submissive Asian women is still very much alive in Western circles, mostly due to the media.

- unable to form a lasting relationship with Western women, these guys turn their eyes to the East. (Those who are not Asiophiles tend to look at Russian mail-order brides, like someone mentioned on the boards).

- Thailand has an international reputation of its women.

- in real life, there are Thai women in vulnerable situation - I will talk about this next. The Farang man comes to Thailand to exploit this vulnerability, and uses the economic disparities to his advantage.

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Now the Thai side:

“Thai women form the hind legs of the elephant”, the old saying goes. Despite Western cultural influences increasingly penetrating the fabric of Thai society, the saying still holds true in many aspects of Thai life. The result is an uneven share of burdens, always to the disadvantage of women, placing them in a very vulnerable position. Consider the following:

- there is a strong sense of filial piety in Thailand. Children are expected to take care of their parents and other elder family members as soon as they are capable. To take a chunk of income and give it to the parents is the norm.

- in economically disadvantaged families there are not enough funds to send all the children to school. When the parents are forced to choose, they will usually send the boys to school, keeping the girls at home for a variety of reasons.

- there are considerably less opportunities for uneducated women to get decent jobs than for their male counterparts.

- from these labor-intensive jobs that yield very low wages, Thai women cannot adequately fulfill their duties of helping the family. This will create a sense of urgency to find alternate methods of getting money. Depending on the individual, some might end up being prostitutes, but let’s leave that Pandora’s box for another discussion. Some others (or the same people!) marry Thai men, hoping that this will alleviate their problems.

- in Thailand, marriage is held more stable than it is in the West. Couples don’t divorce on a whim; it takes unusually bad situations to make Thai couples even consider divorce. Now, it is well-known that many Thai men are unusually fond of alcohol, visit brothels, have mia noi [minor wife, mistress] and cause a bunch of other problems. Despite this, Thai women used to be very resilient and willing to hold on to the marriage for the above-mentioned reasons. However, nowadays some are not so lenient anymore; they finally start to realize that they don’t have to put up with all that just because a monk sometime tied a white rope around their hands.

- Divorced women are looked down upon; they are not considered good women. Their chance of marrying another Thai man is practically none, simply because they are not considered reliable marriage partners anymore. Note that divorced Thai men do not have this problem at all. They are “just being men”. Divorce is always a woman’s fault, for not accepting that. (See “hind legs” syndrome, yet again.)

Now you see where these women get their desperation from. Here is where the white prince enters on the white horse: a little balding maybe, but with a fat wallet that is a cure for many of her problems.

The two together: an incorrect solution (0 x 1 = 0)

So, they found each other. What happens now?

-Thai women got their cash cows; they are now able to sustain their families: both that of their parents, and that of their own. The expectations placed upon these women are now fulfilled. They even get national recognition and appreciation, according to the latest news.

-the Farang man made it to seventh heaven now. He got a wife who tolerates all his vices, serves him every way, every time, and obeys his whims. He can live like a king due to the generous exchange rates. Forget Mark Twain’s “Prince and Pauper”. This is the real story of how a wishy-washy nobody gets a king’s ego.

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Facts :

1. MOST Thai women marry farang chaps because they are neither wanted by Thai men nor successful in life.

2. Farang men are thought by the less educated and worse off Thais to be richer, cleverer and better looking than Thai men. A statement which is highly flawed, given that MOST farangs in Thailand are the ones having been outcompeted socially and occupationally in their countries, and in most cases they are merely bald, sex-starved and pot-bellied mingers.

3. Farang men therefore feel priveleged being in Thailand and are desperate to marry Thai women.

These are painful and harsh but you must admit their also true.

Edited by DJ_Tom
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very good post Siamjai.

I am glad you added the last bit

Of course, all the above are generalizations.

To the lucky ones who got together based on real love: Best of luck. 

you're a quick learner, Neeranam.... 555555


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The only poster who makes sense here is BRACCOBALDO. Everyone else is convincing themselves that there are other reasons such as "farangs are bigger" or "farangs dont cheat as thai men do". All of that is ludicrous. Thai women go out with farang men cause farang men have a lot of money and they do not, end of story

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The only poster who makes sense here is BRACCOBALDO. Everyone else is convincing themselves that there are other reasons such as "farangs are bigger" or "farangs dont cheat as thai men do". All of that is ludicrous. Thai women go out with farang men cause farang men have a lot of money and they do not, end of story

Absolutely. And

If you want a frank and reasonable answer,

Then you should ask the more educated and better off Thais

Or maybe proper farangs may be able to answer your question.

Otherwise what you tend to get from here is the usual defensiveness and rumblings of second-class farang men.

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The only poster who makes sense here is BRACCOBALDO. Everyone else is convincing themselves that there are other reasons such as "farangs are bigger" or "farangs dont cheat as thai men do". All of that is ludicrous. Thai women go out with farang men cause farang men have a lot of money and they do not, end of story


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> My wife was badly hurt when she was a teenager by a boy she

> thought was going to marry her....but he had another girlfriend.

> I know several Thai girls and women who have a similar story to tell.

I think those Thai girls just have unrealistic expectations in men. :o

Unrealistic? Why should a well educated girl or woman put up with marriage to a man who wants to frequent massage parlours, and have a minor wife or two on the side? Who is being unrealistic?

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The only poster who makes sense here is BRACCOBALDO. Everyone else is convincing themselves that there are other reasons such as "farangs are bigger" or "farangs dont cheat as thai men do". All of that is ludicrous. Thai women go out with farang men cause farang men have a lot of money and they do not, end of story

gee.... an even broader brush... that house painting job is getting finished quicker and quicker. :o:D

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The only poster who makes sense here is BRACCOBALDO. Everyone else is convincing themselves that there are other reasons such as "farangs are bigger" or "farangs dont cheat as thai men do". All of that is ludicrous. Thai women go out with farang men cause farang men have a lot of money and they do not, end of story

gee.... an even broader brush... that house painting job is getting finished quicker and quicker. :o:D

Yeah, I love the part about the Farang don't have a lot of money bit... :D

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