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Annoying Bubble Messages In Xp


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I have these bubble messages in Windows XP

in the lower right hand corner by the icon tray such as ...

1/ You are now connected to ADSL Maxnet


2/ A jack has been unplugged


3/ You have new messages

But now I get this message telling me I have a Virus and directing me

to a website with AntiSpyware. But I have never heard of this SW.

How can I disable these bubble messages in XP ??


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Wouldn't advise you disable them - but if you want to heres how to do it

open regedit and navigate to


Check to see if the DWORD EnableBalloonTips exists - if it doesn't create it.

Change the DWORD to 0

log off and log on again

baloon tips gone forever - well until you change the DWORD back to 1.

Can't remember if security centre over-rides this setting or not and cant be bothered to check (to be honest)

OK guess I should have checked see- Veazer's post for the complete list of DWORDS

Edited by dsys
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I suspect you are infected and this is directing you to a web site where they will sell you something to take care of it. They infect you and sell you something to get rid of it or they get you in deeper. Get the exact wording and look it up with Google. They will likely have a name and a way to get rid of it; but be careful.

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I suspect you are infected and this is directing you to a web site where they will sell you something to take care of it. They infect you and sell you something to get rid of it or they get you in deeper. Get the exact wording and look it up with Google. They will likely have a name and a way to get rid of it; but be careful.

:o Ooops! Nice one lopburi3, I hadn't even read his post fully!

I'm with lopburi3 on this, it sounds like malware indeed. I would worry more about removing the cause of these popups rather than hiding them.

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I suspect you are infected and this is directing you to a web site where they will sell you something to take care of it. They infect you and sell you something to get rid of it or they get you in deeper. Get the exact wording and look it up with Google. They will likely have a name and a way to get rid of it; but be careful.

I took your advice and solved the problem in about an hour.

Google took me to some forums where the OP had my identical problem.

The advice I took was to download SuperAntispyware.exe and smitfraudfix.

It was advised to run in Safe mode, but SAS ran fine in normal mode and

found the culprits quickly.

I then did some more in depth scans and I was clean.

Note Spybot 1.52 and AVG could not find this malware even though currently updated.

Thanks for the help fellas ....... much appreciated



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