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Another Bar Closing Wednesday, February 23, 2005


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Another Bar Closing Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Another closing of the bars for the day is in the offing, this time just for the 1 day, not starting the night before.

Wednesday, February 23rd marks the annual Mahka Bucha Day, which is the first day of the period for people to make pilgrimages Phra Phuttabaht, the Buddha's Footprint Shrine, and is regarded as a major day on the Thai Theravada Buddhism.

You can read a good short discussion of Theravada Buddhism here:


Enforcement of the law pertaining to the serving of alcohol -- but not to the closing of venues that serve only beverages which include any alcoholic ones -- is very uneven on such days. That said, no alcohol is supposed to serve on these days. If you like your liquor and don't want to risk being unable to find a restaurant (or wherever) that is serving, you had better stock up in advance (remembering that so far the enforcement of no booze sales in outlets selling it for off-premises consumption -- 7-Elevens, Family Marts, other markets/supermarkets, etc. -- appears to be strict.)

--BangkokAtoZ.com 2005-02-18

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no complaints either...just another disappointment though. In europe (and I guess ANYWHERE else this world unless muslim) a public holiday would be the best and very logical reason for local residents as well as tourists to party and have a drink....hmmm....spare your comments: I am very well aware this is Thailand...and Thailand is...different.

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Wobble shops and pubs are closed in Aust. on Boxing day and good friday. Not that different really. It is just that we are all so used to being able to have a drink when ever you want one.

Jeez how long has Aussie had wobble shops!!

I quite like the idea of gogo bars in Aus!!

full of Thais and Filippinos of course none of this white skinned trash! :o:D

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Wobble shops and pubs are closed in Aust. on Boxing day and good friday. Not that different really. It is just that we are all so used to being able to have a drink when ever you want one.

Jeez how long has Aussie had wobble shops!!

I quite like the idea of gogo bars in Aus!!

full of Thais and Filippinos of course none of this white skinned trash! :o:D

Just to clarify, a wobble shop in Oz is one where you walk in and wobble out!

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