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Wii Or Ps3?


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With the Wii and PS3 being launched within days of each other and less than 2 weeks away, which console do you have your eyes set on?

While I am not pre ordering, I have reserved at at MBK and who will inform me when the Wii is in! Figure I will pay about 15 to 20k for the console.

Stiil, its cheaper than flying home and getting one or having the folks ship it Fed Ex from the USA.

How will you be getting your new console?

What are the pluses and minuses of each console? (Please stay away from the Nintendo kiddie game discussion)

What games are you looking forward to?

Me, of course Zelda. Also, Super Smash, Metroid Prime, Mario, Wario.... the usual cast of characters. Yea I am in line for the Wii.

Let's hear your thoughts


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I went Xbox last time and wasnt impressed with the game selection and availability of games in thailand. I'm seriously considering the PS3 this time around, as i heard its backward compatible with the PS2 games.

I saw a picture of the PS3 on TV last night, OMG its a frigging suitcase!

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Look at the You Tube site ( as long as it's not blocked in LOS ).

Many video clips,game reviews,etc from both consules.

From my experience whilst the Nintendo and Microsoft consules have good hardware specs the PSX always beats them on software and the range of titles.

I'll be waiting for at least a year for the prices to become more realistic and to see if "back-up" games become available in MBK!

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wow Wii is available at mbk ? cool, where you getting it from ? one of the stall style stores or a bigger Name store? i only been to mbk once.. i am gonna get a Wii for sure. I have no doubts ps3 will be cool and have great games but Nintendo is forging new territory here and things are looking cool.

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Got a call at 11am today from the Art & Gun Game shop at MBK

They have just got the Japanese 60GB PS3 in stock

I swore I'd wait but just could not resist so I went and picked one up

Paid through the nose for it (50,000THB) but I have my PS3 mere hours after the Japanese launch.

Games are 2,500THB each and I got Ridge Racer & Resistance. Already checked online and both games have full english support

Along with the already heavy PS3 it came with a massive 1000W 110v-220v transformer. The PS3 uses as much power as a top of line PC

Now to set it up and start playing

Next up is the Wii... A great week for gamers but not for my wallet!

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wow, 50000 is a lot of dosh. I think I would rather wait or even have a long weekend in Tokyo and still have some change!

The way I see it is that if you stay in and play PS3 just 2 nights a week instead of say going out on the p1ss and finding another toy to play with its going to save you around 10'000 a week. Multiply that by a couple of weeks / months and its actually gonna say you money :o

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So far I'm very impressed with it.

Resistance is a AAA title and I'm having a blast with it. Ridge Racer is good but it's nearly the same game as the 360 version from last year

PS3 games are region free so when the US games arrive I can play them in my Japanese PS3.

I have also heard that Japan & US have the same blu ray code so US blu rays movies will play in japanese console

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PS3 looks like a huge piece of equipment requiring a car engine to power it. Wii looks like a DVD case. Yet I still can't justify buying a PS3. Nintendo still puts out better gameplay. It always has. So what if graphics are a tad better on PS3, people will always remember gameplay over graphics. Wii has my vote. Innovative play, 4 people games, aa new controller, whole library of old games, etc... For the price I dont think it can be beat. Wii already has a large line up of new games including the regulars of MArio, Zelda and Metroid.

The only game on PS2 that really is clever is Guitar Hero I and II. Have both and it rocks. Even Okami is a Zelda copycat. Which isnt bad. Any game compared to Zelda has to be great.

King dong: I agree with you. Video games in the long run are cheaper. Drinking away or "whatever" with your money offers very little future. A bunch of people over playing video games is a great time. They can pick up the beer tab. I would pay a large premium to get a Wii. No question.


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I'll only buy a PS3 when one will be able to attach a mouse and a keyboard to it :o

USB Keyboards & USB mice all work with PS3

Was browsing the net this way yesterday and it works just like a PC

But no games yet take advantage of this yet

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What games are currently available in Thailand for the PS3 and do you need a HDTV to play them?


Resistance is by far the pick of the bunch (100% english support)

Ridge Racer is great but it is 90% the same game I bought on 360 last year, it looks only a fraction better than 360 version (100% english)

Genji - basic hack & slash with great graphics but basic gameplay

The others I don't have: Golf & Gundam

The US gets the PS3 on Friday and so the US games will be here next week, though most of the games are multi-format and so also on 360. PS3 games are region free so US games play on Japanese consoles and vice-versa.

You can use your PS2 cables on PS3 without any problems. A HDTV is recommended to get the best picture (I'm playing at 720p using component on my old PS2 Component cable)

PS3 has a HDMI output and I'm kicking myself that I did not choose an LCD Monitor with HDMI. I've ordered a HDMI-DVI cable and will start using that once it arrives so I can play at 1080p

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Got a call at 11am today from the Art & Gun Game shop at MBK

They have just got the Japanese 60GB PS3 in stock

I swore I'd wait but just could not resist so I went and picked one up

Paid through the nose for it (50,000THB) but I have my PS3 mere hours after the Japanese launch.

Games are 2,500THB each and I got Ridge Racer & Resistance. Already checked online and both games have full english support

Along with the already heavy PS3 it came with a massive 1000W 110v-220v transformer. The PS3 uses as much power as a top of line PC

Now to set it up and start playing

Next up is the Wii... A great week for gamers but not for my wallet!

What floor of MBK is the Art & Gun Game shop located on?

Do they have any 20GB PS3 in stock?

PM is ok

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What games are currently available in Thailand for the PS3 and do you need a HDTV to play them?


PS3 has a HDMI output and I'm kicking myself that I did not choose an LCD Monitor with HDMI. I've ordered a HDMI-DVI cable and will start using that once it arrives so I can play at 1080p

1080p? What TV do you have and where did you pick it up (assuming you brought it in BKK)

I've been looking around and the best I can find at the moment only supports 1080i.

As for the whole PS3 vs Wii thing Im surprised noone is discussing the 360. I know its out already but how does that compare against the competition?

The 360 is what I have been most interested in due to its compatibility with the PC and I hear even more convergence with the upcoming Vista OS.

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What games are currently available in Thailand for the PS3 and do you need a HDTV to play them?


PS3 has a HDMI output and I'm kicking myself that I did not choose an LCD Monitor with HDMI. I've ordered a HDMI-DVI cable and will start using that once it arrives so I can play at 1080p

1080p? What TV do you have and where did you pick it up (assuming you brought it in BKK)

I've been looking around and the best I can find at the moment only supports 1080i.

As for the whole PS3 vs Wii thing Im surprised noone is discussing the 360. I know its out already but how does that compare against the competition?

The 360 is what I have been most interested in due to its compatibility with the PC and I hear even more convergence with the upcoming Vista OS.

At present I'm using my Benq 30" LCD for PS3 in 720p

For 360 and PC I am using my HP 24" LCD monitor. Problem is this HP monitor only has dual DVI inputs so I've ordered a HDMI-DVI convertor and will use this for PS3. The res of the HP is 1920x1200 and can scale to pretty much anything

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Am I the only one in Thailand interested in getting the Nintendo Wii?

I see only interest in the PS3? What gives?

Nintendo will produce better games than Sony will any day. Are there any Mario, Zelda or Samus Aran fans in Thailand?

How about the whole library of Nintendo games of yesteryear that will be available for download?

Give a holler if you are going for the Wii?


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Don't get me wrong - I'll be getting a Wii too. It just happened that I got hold of the other console first

I hope MBK gets the US Wii first as I'd much prefer the US version as I can play all my gamecube games on it

My one fear is that the Wii will overuse the motion sensing and result in a game that tires you out after 10mins!

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Hey i knew there were other fans.

I guess you will have to build up stamina in your wrists, biceps, and shoudlers to play the Wii.

I believe MBK will be getting the US versions as they are the first to release on the 19th.

The Wii looks stylish and simple. I think they will give Sony a big run for their money on this one if not out sell them.

Can u imagine the fun if Goldeneye is part of the library of games that can be downloaded? The fact that old games will be available is worth getting the Wii. Plus the tie in with the DS will be superior that that clumsy piece of equipemnt called the PSP.


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Hey i knew there were other fans.

I guess you will have to build up stamina in your wrists, biceps, and shoudlers to play the Wii.

I believe MBK will be getting the US versions as they are the first to release on the 19th.

The Wii looks stylish and simple. I think they will give Sony a big run for their money on this one if not out sell them.

Can u imagine the fun if Goldeneye is part of the library of games that can be downloaded? The fact that old games will be available is worth getting the Wii. Plus the tie in with the DS will be superior that that clumsy piece of equipemnt called the PSP.


The bad news is that rare have no plans to put any of thier titles on the Wii's virtual console (probably cos they are owned by M$)

A real shame cos Goldeneye & Blast Corps were amongst my 2 favourite N64 games

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Just was at Square Soft MBK. Tehey have PS3 at 20gb for 39000 and 60 gb for 43000 or something like that. They have about 4 of them and some games.

PS3 is one large machine! Like the size of the old xbox!

They say they have the Wii next week. First game to be released is Zelda. Bringing back grown up link from Ocarina Of Time. supposed to be like a 60+ hour game to complete. These are my type of games.

By the way, Elite Beat Agemts for the DS is awesome and tons of fun.

Guitar Hero II for PS2 is worth it!


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i cant wait to get the PS3, baby son broke my PS2 last year and it has been gathering dust waiting for the PS3. Not so keen to be forking out 50k for it though, will wait until its on general release in BKK, will it be compatible with UK format games and DVD?

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i cant wait to get the PS3, baby son broke my PS2 last year and it has been gathering dust waiting for the PS3. Not so keen to be forking out 50k for it though, will wait until its on general release in BKK, will it be compatible with UK format games and DVD?

The general release here might not be till 2008 or later. Europe is supposed to get the PS3 in Spring but there have been rumours of a further delay and so this may slip till late 2007.

The PS3 is all zone for PS3 games so US/Japanese/Euro games can play on any PS3

The DVD & blu ray movies are region coded though

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I'd love to pick up a Ps3 now and was offered one at Art/Gun MBk for 45,000. Can't justify it though as i still use the 360 a lot.

With regards to the link about backward compatability, i wouldn't be too bothered. No point spending a fortune on console if you are only going to play your old ps2 games on it.

Looking forward to the Nintendo though, i'll pick one up when it comes out and get the PS3 when the price drops a bit. This is where Nintendo should luck out... PS3 too pricey so many people will buy a Wii instead.

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