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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Next time name your document and add a date in the name. Like: 20220301 i want to use this file in 4 years time
  2. Like said before, let her contact the local Labor office for help. She shouldn't accept this offer.
  3. My friend a Norwegian could stay at home and got food delivered 3 times a day.
  4. The buying price is 29650 selling price is 28531 right now.
  5. You are talking about people doing jobs on minimum wages, i know loads of people who are professionals in a high skilled jobs. You have no clue.
  6. How do you know there is no good news, you aren't even here.
  7. Don't know why you are moaning about others not taking care. According to your story you never did a proper job on it yourself.
  8. Working here isn't a problem for me, i make a good living and have nice colleagues. People judging Thai workers in general while they haven't got a clue is my problem.
  9. Train Market Ratchada is long gone. Video is useless now.
  10. It is max 30 days paid sick leave unless you work in agriculture where it is 15 days. Labour_Protection_Act_BE2541.pdf Your contract can say what they want but can't contest the law, therefore that part of the contract is invalid.
  11. I put a link in the quote, which you ignore. If you weren't so determent to make a false narrative you could google and find many more links.
  12. Look at my link and google to find many more, don't spread lies
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