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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. You think the cost of a 1 year permit is the same as a 2 year permit? It isn't only about the paperwork.
  2. This reminds me how stupid foreigners can be, who buys a ticket moves to the train and then thinks, i want other transport.
  3. Doing business 1.0 If she is an employee of the company and overcharges you it is a scam and you can sack her. If you hire an accountant for a certain task and you agree to the price it is a business transaction. If you don't like the price find another one.
  4. 1) try to hire a movie star to serve you drinks, will cost you a lot more than 3500 thb 2) 5 drunks who are friends 3) as said before this is very common. Most police forces would bother, your total lack of understanding / respecting women is misguiding you.
  5. Good post, only 1 remark: " if you can prove there was no abuse in your marriage," One can not prove something that isn't there, she would have to prove it is there.
  6. So you met when 33 and 73, love on first sight from both parties?
  7. What part of "the topic is about children under 15" don't you understand? It is illegal for kids under 15. I give you a tip, try to use your brain.
  8. muay thai, possible might be a bit hard on the knees boxing, no problem at all jujitsu, would start with that at your age.
  9. You would need an employer to get a work permit or setup a company which has 51% Thai shareholders and get a work permit through that company.
  10. The topic is about children under 15 so your statement about mature people is completely irrelevant.
  11. My girl goes to a proper school with a difficult entrée exam and there are proper teachers and students. Don't have a clue what pit you send your kids too.
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