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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. You would have been if it was my kid, you would be wishing you could 20 years in jail.
  2. The big problem is that you don't make enough effort to learn to communicate with them in their own language. If you can't talk to each other , you will never find out if you have something in common.
  3. Why can't you make sense? Living under a rock for the last 2 years?
  4. Then you should shop multiple times a day which you can do online where there is much more choice than in a brick and mortar shop.
  5. Why would you do weekly shopping when you can get it delivered to the door on a daily basis.
  6. Here a couple of links: Can a Person With a Pacemaker Go Swimming? | Livestrong.com When can i go swimming after receiving a pacemaker ? | Answers from Doctors | HealthTap Life with a pacemaker: what can and can not be done? | Competently about health on iLive (iliveok.com)
  7. If you tick the wrong box and sign it you are lying as it is a legal document. That is why you should read before you sign
  8. You try to get in to the country without covid paperwork, it is not going to happen.
  9. Roulette is forbidden in Thailand, so a useless post.
  10. There is always one who spots an illegal construction, which can lead to losing the house and land when prosecuted.
  11. So you board the flight, might infect people on your way in if you are positive and spend some weeks in quarantine when you arrive. Then the people who you did infect during your flight have their holiday fckd up as they have to join you. Great idea.
  12. Your attitude is pathetic, ATM's in Thailand have had better functionality than those in the western countries for a long time. Ever heard of mobile banking? Works with a smartphone here for a long time too. My 9 year old knows more about banking than you do (she is half Thai)
  13. Rubbish, he can get a visa exempt for 30 days on arrival. No such thing as a single non-o for 28 days. No need to report anything.
  14. "Do they keep your records at their office or computer (i dont think so)? " You think wrong, they have everything about you.
  15. Any sensible company with major clients already works from home for the last year
  16. Chinatown doesn't close, you can get in and out 24/7
  17. So you don't wear a mask while walking, which isn't allowed and there is no reason to do this but you do blame others not wearing a mask while drinking. How can you drink or eat with a mask on? Don't behave like an idiot and you won't have a problem.
  18. It isn't odd at all, i wouldn't want to sit next to someone who doesn't wants to be tested. Why do you think you will fail, did you have Covid not long ago, or do you think you have it?
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