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Everything posted by retarius

  1. Checks up may save lives....but that is not what I said. And chickie checks certainly do not save millions of lives a year. What is your source for this? Hint: he hasn't got one because he made the number up. Evidently you cannot read. I said check ups are a rip off. It is about value for money not about how many lives you save. You need to know how many lives at what cost. And what you find often is that you spend millions to save a life or two. Most people's lives are not worth that much. Sadly, to some, you are worth what you have in assets, and sadly, few should have millions in assets. If you could save a million lives at the cost of a million each by annual testing that would bankrupt all healthcare systems. Annual check ups should be reserved for tests that have been chosen to save lives and are good value for money.
  2. Why shouldn't she get compensation when the Thai driver ran into the back of her? He was a fault, either on his phone, driving too fast, too close or not paying attention to his driving. His fault 100%. She should be compensated whether she is rich or poor, Chinese or Martian. The fact that insurance regs here don't require you to carry enough cover to compensate is neither here not there either. If you don't carry the insurance you have to pay out of pocket. What I'd like to know is, was he drunk, was he high, was he on the phone, does he have a license? All easy to check. A Thai driver ran into me, he was in a brand new truck. He was ok and sheepish but his pupils were like pinpricks. His wife, however, cut up really nasty with my wife and a fight almost broke out in front of the police. I told my wife just to tell the police we wanted to all go down to the police station and take a drug and alcohol test. The guy suddenly started telling his wife to shut up and get out of there quick...he was high as a kite.
  3. Check ups are a rip off as well. Most medical care is a rip off. My advice is to start with a great diagnosis from the best physician you can afford, then after that it is pretty much routine to treat. I see these check ups advertised for $1000 or more. Very few preventative 'tests' or check-ups are value for money. Yes you feel better going and thinking everything looks great, but do you get a guarantee? No. Why is it annual, why not every 3 months, or why not every day? I worked in health care and have a lot of knowledge about health economics, and often its medical costs have exceeded its value. In most countries it is a government program and so subject to the usual fraud and overcharging that government programs are famous for. Cancer care with a drug that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars per cycle to give you two extra months of poor quality life in your old age? Quad bypass costing $200,000 for a 90 year old? Lining the pockets of clinic and hospital owners, and the medical profession, and Big Pharma.
  4. I don't bother with insurance, I self-insure. Been here a long time and never paid out anything like what I would have paid in insurance premiums deductibles and the like. This year was the first year I ever spent more than 3-4000 baht or so on doctors fees and hospital bills (never been in hospital thank god). Insurance companies are in business to make money so on average it costs its customers cash each year to fund the insurance company's profits ie the premiums received are much more than their payouts. A racket in other words, your premiums are the insurance co's guaranteed profit,
  5. You are indeed Pita, a victim of political persecution. What happened to the rising star of the prior election. Hounded out with trumped up charges. You should have foreseen what would happen. Political parties who don't control the CC, the EC and all the other appointed judiciary bodies are doomed to failure.
  6. Personally I would query it with Zenni. I've never seen a prescription written like that and often the od and os are different values.
  7. You missed off the +2.0 for the right eye, last column.
  8. Your family should have had the company classify the glasses as "prescription medical", then no taxes. At least I've never had any.
  9. I can't say I was a big fan, I'm not really into talk shows, but without doubt Parkie topped the bunch of interviewers by a long way. RIP old chap. 88 years old, not a bad innings.
  10. I thought that selling cyanide was perfectly legal in Thailand after reading some of the stories about all the people allegedly murdered by 'Ice'. I mean she just went out and bought the stuff from a wholesaler, is what I read. Ice, the poor girl, simply in seeking to make herself more attractive, she has paid good money to get a terrible nose job and salmon lips. She was probably very depressed before she allegedly murdered all those people.
  11. How long is this circus going to go on? Will he, won't he? Pooh or get off the pot, as the Americans say.
  12. I'm not sure rises in interest rates in the UK are a political football, the more so with an election coming up next year. If UK raises rates then surely the currency will rise, if it moderates rate rises, then the pounds value will relatively reduce. Thailand's exports are slipping which means the demand for baht is reduced weakening the currency. Note: You should always mistrust forecasts given to two decimal places, it is a fatuous thing to do.
  13. Probably the difference between top politicians, top businessmen and ordinary people....the people that lust for power and aspire to the top have no shame and no morals. Just look at America for Thailand. No wonder they don't care a fig for ordinary folk. Prayut promised and promised to bring 'happiness to the people" and what did he do, lined his own pockets and those of his ugly cronies.
  14. I disagree, roads are for people with road worthy vehicles....not home-made accidents ready top happen....imho.
  15. She accepts it, thanks me, and then changes her behaviour. No silly, she accepts it, thanks me, and then totally ignores what I have said.
  16. The authorities need to get these homemade contraptions off the roads. Tuk-tuks (ting-tongs) as well....horrid form of "transport."
  17. $3000 odd dollars over six years? Not exactly life changing is it? How much did she spend on tickets that didn't win? Lotteries are form people who don't understand maths.
  18. Good news. Some good, decent paying, jobs, no doubt. If I had a child I would have him learn Chinese.
  19. What has Thailand focused on in it's economy. Lat time I looked Manufacturing was about 50% of the economy implying 8% of the work force. Agriculture was 10% of the economy employing 50% of the workforce.
  20. I was under the impression that El Nino was a phenomenon that comes around every few years? Why don't they do what they did last time, since we seems to have survived that catastrophe? My guess is that they'll establish sub-committees to ignore the problem. How about sacrificing some puppies and kittens to the rain gods?
  21. Are there any depths humans won't stoop to? Who are these people hoping to win the lottery by sacrificing animals to a statue? They haven't evolved since Roman times have they?
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