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Everything posted by retarius

  1. It didn't burst into flames though did it?
  2. Companies should be able and legally are, in many western countries, and to sell at discounted prices to new customers. Tough poopoo on the people that bought too soon. They were greedy thinking that their stupid investment in a BYD would pay off with high resale values. Ever think why the tax on imported vehicles is so high? Because the greedy people complaining about BYD in this case, are the elite hi-sos buying extravagant Mercs, Bentleys and Porches. If they cut the tax, these people lose out. Personally I would love to see them lose out big time.
  3. Segafredo if you can find a store in BKK.
  4. Not only on roads, but on construction sites, on ships, on ferries, on hotel room balconies etc etc. Life is so cheap to the b@$turd$ that make the decisions that having safe places, jobs, vehicles makes no economic sense.
  5. Good for Thailand....they have some moral sense, at least as opposed to the vile hypocrisy we get from the west. Example A US invades Iraq....no criticism.....and Iraq has never threatened the US and the US lied to give an excuse for war. Example B: West conducts bad faith negotiations with Minsk (fact confirmed by participants Macron and Merkel) in order to gain time to build up Ukraine's military. West then ignore the flagrant violations of the Minsk agreement by Ukraine Nazis of the Azov battalion killing thousands of Russian speakers in the Donbass (fact). After 8 years of Ukrainian shelling of their own Russian speaking civilians, Putin tires and launches a limited invasion to capture the Donbass under the principle of self determination that the US used to create Albania.
  6. I think the PM is a total idiot for using and iPad during the conference, but for slightly different reasons...every device manufacturer in the US and software designer put a back door into their products so the US government can spy on anyone they want to...for an ordinary person to use an iPad is not dangerous (unless you are a terrorist, I suppose), but for the PM to use one is unforgivable....suppose Thailand is in negotiations with the US over some issue....all the US government need to see is Paetongtarn's iPad noted to find out Thailand's position, making this disadvantageous to Thailand.
  7. A totally spurious argument. When Britain was in the EU it was still only a tiny share of the EU GDP and the UK only had small share. Where it is now depends upon business performance, productivity, innovation and salesmanship. But that hasn't changed since it was in the UK. The UK is doomed as key jobs are taken by DEI candidates and companies decline because performance is no longer based on merit.
  8. Starmer is pathetic. Power doesn't take long to corrupt, does it? Labour.....still haven't got it.....the massive 2% swing to Labour from the Cornyn election should have told you something......do I have to doff my cap to SIR? Nah just tell him to <deleted>.
  9. Hmmmm, yes I have had a stuffy nose the past couple of days. I'll leave it until it interferes with my life before seeking any treatment.
  10. I'm a self insurer. Insurance companies make money because the amount they pay out in claims ie the medical cost of those that claim is less than the amount that the people who don't claim, or claim only trivial amounts. Ie statistically if insurance companies are making a profit, then you will be likely to be receiving less from the insurance company than you pay them. Plus, if you have a known chance of an expensive medical treatment, they will not cover you.
  11. They refused to insure him....
  12. When I moved for work I took my kids with me. No reason a kid can't be brought up where the work is. I'm getting sick of these excuses for immoral acts.
  13. Why did they need two lanes....why couldn't they drive on the inside lane....why couldn't they drive on the hard shoulder? <deleteds> is what they are.
  14. I had one hundreds of years ago from Apple....a Mac mini it was called. Indistinguishable in performance from a desktop but took up little room on your desk. I'm surprised they are still about. But once you move to laptops the need for mini computers disappears unless you live in a shed.
  15. It's a cultural thing. Parents don't like bringing up kids so foist them on grandparents, on aunts, uncles, or anyone who happens to turn up at the door. But the parents do like money. I suppose the fabulous courts will tell us which part of the culture i.e. raising kids or loving money is most important.
  16. I tip hotel room cleaners depending how long I've stayed and whether they make to extra effort to be chatty. If the service is poor in a restaurant I don't tip, but do leave small coins in the tray the bill came on. Bars, I always tip the server, in case she spits in my beer.
  17. Heineken tastes lie piss anyway, you wouldn't know the difference.
  18. I don't think he came here to be insulted.
  19. I'd get a second, and even third opinion, if I were you.
  20. Thailand is stuck in third-world-dom. 27,000 kids dead in 10 years on the roads and we all know nothing will be done about it. After the shock of this tragedy, you know that next week buses' inspectors will be back to certifying that buses with 11 gas canisters and canisters placed in the passenger compartment are legal. These inspectors will earn 4000 baht for each one of these death traps they allow on the roads. How many more kids will it take. It makes me weep.
  21. American cop-s, scum bags, school bullies given uniform and allowed to do what they like. Straight out of Clockwork Orange
  22. At the moment I don't have any payment service on my phone....I don't even have banking information, the reason being that it seems to me that all banking fraud is linked to mobile apps. Sop none of that for me. If I have to make a payment in a store, over the phone etc I use AMEX where I can and VISA (baht account) where they don't.
  23. It's cheap. But it is also poor value for money given the shoddiness of the goods, which with some products doesn't matter too much. I aloo hate the fact that the goods often don't match the photo or description in the ads. Try ordering some new toothbrush heads for your electric toothbrush. I sent mine back twice and gave up in the end. Also I changed my phone but kept the same number, and they refused the password? Can I get it back despite numerous attempts at resetting via the website? No, so I stopped using the website because of poor service on top of the shoddy goods.
  24. I'm not inclined to believe anything a sittipunt says. Sounds much too close to another well known phrase.
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