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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. Tip: Install the PEA app and then you can let them know via the APP that the Power is out, so you don't need the wife to call them ????
  2. Tip, If you don't know the name of the spare part, just type in Honda GX35 into Lazada Search box and you find all the spares (approx 20 pages) you need. Then save the picture on your phone and show it to them ????
  3. Then don't come living in Isarn, we have those mini blackouts 4-5 times a day. In our old village they lasted around 5-10m each, where we live now (close to the main PEA) maybe 5 secs. As said buy a UPS for your PC, Internet etc etc As an example This one for your PC https://www.invadeit.co.th/product/ups/apc/easy-ups-bvx-700va-230v-avr-usb-charging-universal-sockets-bvx700lui-ms-p055878/ And this one for your Internet/Modem https://www.invadeit.co.th/product/ups/apc/easy-ups-bv-500va-avr-universal-outlet-230v-p043323/
  4. I wonder, maybe your installer submitted Paper work to the PEA for net metering? But I am just guessing here.
  5. Honda GX35, BIL has one of these it's in use almost every single day to cut grass for his cows, he has it now for over 3 years and not a problem Edit: And if something goes wrong with it, spare parts are easily available unlike the cheap copy ones
  6. If they only would make it easier to apply and get PEA approval then make it so .... hard. Just reading the @Thaifish story that is already discouragement enough. But the drones you would hear coming unless you are 100's meters away from your PEA pole ( @Encid ???? )
  7. @KhunLA ???? @Crossy Do you think that they (PEA) can measure from their end that meters are spinning backwards so electricity is coming in? So without a visit and they don't see the meter actually spinning backwards?
  8. If they use less then 150 units in 3 months, then the following months (and they use less then 50 units) the electricity bill is free, but 50 units is not a lot. And this only is for people who use the smallest Electricity Meter (5/15kWh) 1x 60W fan used 12 hours a day already consumes 21 Units a Month. So having a couple of fans and some lights already makes it go over 50 Units per month easily Read here Ps: It says 2015 but it's still in effect Rate2015.pdf
  9. And don't visit too many dodgy websites ????
  10. ^ +1 https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT213412
  11. What is your Internet Provider? If Ais get a AIS Play , If 3BB get their box CloudTV/GigaTV, TOT has also something but you have to ask them. https://www.ais.th/play/en/ https://aisplay.ais.co.th/portal/screen/tvchannelsSTB/ https://gigatv.3bb.co.th/en/ AIS Play should have an app in the App store in your TV, 3BB you need to use their Box. if you have an AIS number you could also get AIS Play, just call 1175 and ask for the pricing.
  12. ^ +1 A great password is for example "I am a member of AseanNow since 12-12-12" Will take years to hack but easy to remember Test it here, how difficult it is to hack, but with all passwords, don't write it down on a post-it note on your Monitor ???? https://www.security.org/how-secure-is-my-password/
  13. Ever been to Boonthavorn? Same as well Never been to a Do Home, they are building one in Buriram but it's nowhere near finished
  14. Why you say there is no VAT on it? 7% vat is added, just have a look at your electric bill
  15. Keepass Hosted locally and KeePassium on my Phone where it uses the Keepass DB. Not hosted in the cloud, sync the Database when I sync my phone with the PC Password protected with a Keyfile and a Password
  16. ^ Troll?? Or Smoked too much ????
  17. I thought it was stopped this increase by the PM a week ago?
  18. - removed - KhunLA was faster ????
  19. My Wife has a Bad Knee (no she doesn't want to take the operation) and it's a real struggle for her to go up those stairs as they are very steep. So I can understand why some People don't use those Pedestrian Bridges
  20. Would help if you post the picture
  21. It's not about penny pinching but trying to provide accurate info (and that is why I posted the link and the screenshot) even if the price is only now 200 THB more expensive and @sitta just confirmed it is!
  22. May I ask you when was the last time you took this trip for 1200 THB. Afaik now it's more like 1400THB++ For example https://www.bosspattayataxi.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxpuo-NDH-QIV8ZhmAh2tmA3qEAAYASAAEgIIwfD_BwE
  23. I think they copied that name from this, and they (Phuket) should have kept the name but they didn't ???? https://sandboxie-plus.com/sandboxie/
  24. Personally I would run these kind of apps in a Sandbox only https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandbox_(computer_security) Edit: Aha they already run in a Sandbox of themselves! https://superuser.com/questions/1659102/are-android-emulators-safe
  25. Unit (40A) finally arrived and installed in between the fridge and Mains. (UPS removed) Can change a lot of settings (Only changed Nr #10 to 60 Seconds) Forgot to add link: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/tian1505-220v-i3258797882-s12102031473.html
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