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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. It is the same set of papers normally, if you don't leave the country it is easy and what I did was scan the Passport pages / id card / tabien baan and when needed just printed them out. The only extra stuff was 1- Pictures 2- Bank Letter 3- New KR2 from Amphur
  2. This was still the case in Buriram, 4 pictures 1- Sitting on the bed 2- in front of the House 3- in front of the house with the house number clearly visible 4- Sitting in the living room and I recall in Pattaya We once had to give them a picture of our cloths closet ????
  3. The strangest thing is I just looked at my OLD online reports (old system) and they were approved in Minutes almost felt like it was instant. This new system is a step back IMHO
  4. Thx, that means from yesterday it would be approved on Saturday, and as Saturday they are closed it will be Monday the earliest. I will wait till the end of the day today and if not approved I will cancel it and will drive up to Immigration tmrw.
  5. Anyone in Buriram province did the Online 90 day report and was successful? My report is due on the 6th but I did it online Yesterday and it is still pending.
  6. It might have been posted here already, but still a good one Doug was writing his last will and testament in his nursing home. He was surrounded by his wife, his three daughters and his nurses.Slowly he went through each family member and told them what they stand to inherit after he has passed away.“My daughters, each of you will take my offices in the city, my apartments in the east end and the Mayfair houses,” he said. Doug then turned to his wife and added: “My darling, you will take all of the residential buildings on the banks of the river.”The nurses had been caring for Doug for several months now and were shocked to discover how much property he owned. One of the nurses, curious to know how he gained all of this property, leaned over to his wife and whispered: “Your husband must have worked very hard to have accumulated all of this property. ”Doug’s wife looked at the nurse in confusion and replied: “Property? No!The old <deleted> is leaving us his paper route!”
  7. 290M deep wow, ours is only 40ish Edit: You should have gone with rain water storage 200k approx for this and stores around 50k Litres Edit: Only used for Dishes / Showers / Washing and NOT for drinking
  8. Go to their website, go to help page via Customer Care and go to chat. When in chat, type in "Talk to Live person" and let them know.
  9. guess not But that said, this is only happening since recently and we have over 400 orders with Lazada
  10. Not always, we had recently deliveries from one company, and they just show up and never call
  11. They will (should) call before making the delivery.
  12. No unfortunately NOT You have a couple of options A) is there no one else who can accept the delivery? Neighbour for example? B) Contact Lazada and tell them your problem and they can give you some options C) Not home so not accept. Did you pay via COD or did you prepay?
  13. follow this guide https://support.vidello.com/article/311-compress-video-using-handbrake but experiment with the presets, 1080 is maybe a bit too high (and will increase file size)
  14. What was your previous months usage from the PEA/MEA, we in 4 months dropped from 262 units to (prediction) 87 units (and could have gone even lower
  15. Genie: "What's your first wish?" David: "I wish I was rich.” Genie: "What's your second wish, Rich?"
  16. +1 When we started building our current house, we wanted to start building the wall first, but one of the Neighbors started complaining on where we wanted to build the wall, claiming it was her land. Oke we said let's get the Land Office out, took a couple of weeks and they came and measured it and the end result was that she was totally wrong and the land she said was hers was in fact ours. (We now own her land as well, but that is another story) So under supervision of the Land Office, The village chief and the Neighbors we put concrete posts on the boundary of the land near the pegs. End of discussion.
  17. Another 13 days before the meter reader comes and we turned off our GTI as the BILL will be really getting low. We are now, if we leave the GTI running (prediction) going into low 100 units used, 87 to be precise that almost 44% lower then the previous month
  18. Sorry @DrJack54 missed that part of the OP. My Bad
  19. In addition, the day you enter counts as DAY 1, so you report date is due 89 days from the day you arrive. Doesn't matter much as you can report 15 days early and up to 7 days late but still.
  20. Now the only thing you should buy is a timer so that you can charge the Car during the day and thus doesn't drain your Solar Batteries ???? We use these https://www.lazada.co.th/products/wip-timer-w-ts222-24-5-kerry-i1182110777-s2804348408.html
  21. Just curious, but wouldn’t a granny charger be better for you battery then that wall charger as it charges slower?
  22. And 3) no yearly fee to pay for the ATM cards
  23. a couple of posts down
  24. Honest question. how do you load apps then on your Android phone? Not via Google play store? side load? Other “playstore/appstore”?
  25. A legal version is about 3200 THB and incl Word excel PowerPoint https://www.invadeit.co.th/product/office-systems-software/microsoft/office-home-student-2021-79g-05387-p058978/
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