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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. No fun in counterfeiting Laotian and Cambodian money because you need a back pack full (small denominations) just to pay for beer
  2. Thanks @KhunLA Our On-Grid inverter will be a 5kW one which will cover our day time usage and as we don't use a lot of energy during the day it's majority task is exporting and thus with this excess I could easily charge the EV at the same cost. No worries from us when (suppose) the EV only charges 10km as 1- We would still have an ICE Pickup as a backup 2- Trips are not that frequent Thx again That is absolutely in the range of our most frequent trips (wifey going back to the OLD house to be with a her Father (40km round trip but only would use 1 kW (joking) as she only drives at a max speed of 50
  3. Had the same, took the ram out cleaned with a "eraser" and no more problems
  4. They must not have been going that fast because they overtaking the same Minibus in both the pictures
  5. I guess it's this https://www.mgcars.com/en/innovation/ismart
  6. Question for the guys with Solar we are in the process of having our DAY time usage covered by Solar as an ESS is not in the planning yet, but I am really thinking hard of getting an EV because 90% of our trips are in the range of 10km - 150km (round trips that is) which would be perfectly suitable for an EV. When we get the EV we will be granny charging the car (day time only powered by Solar) as the trips are not that frequent. Do you guys think this is a workable solution? I was thinking about the Ora Good Cat, but only because my Wife likes the Color ????, love the MG that @KhunLA has but the range is just a bit too low for us (but a big plus for it is that MG is only 20kms away from us), and my personal favourite that BYD Atto 3. (This colour I mean the wife loves ???? )
  7. Made Famous by Madonna - Ray of light
  8. MJCM

    Drink Driving

    I made it very clear to my BIL and his sons and other family members that if they ever get caught DUI don't phone us to ask for money to bail them out etc etc And I proved that when my wife's SON got caught a couple of years ago on New Years Eve and had to spend the night in jail.
  9. When you enter there you have 2 channels. 1 is green (for nothing to declare) and the other one is RED which says something to declare, so you go to the right (RED)
  10. So @Crossy when you are not at home when they visit and you must go to the police station instead, make sure that you get some tattoos on your chest before hand (or maybe you already have them) Edit: Talking about intrusive ????
  11. 9 years extension on Basis of Marriage (3 in Pattaya and 6 in Buriram) and never had a house visit so maybe one is due soon
  12. You are absolutely right, but how many Foreign Females are married to Thai Males, I personally have never met such a couple (but I do know many Thai male friends would like to Marry a Foreign Female ???? ) and how often do you see a Thread on here a Female asking for advice on how to marry a Thai guy? I think the crackdown came after the stories about arranged Marriages (Foreign Guy gave xxk to a Thai Female to be married but they are NOT living together) and thus Immigration is trying to close this loop hole with a LOT more scrutiny plus your local IO not responsible for the Final Stamp but the Regional HQ and if the documents they (local IO) sends and are not correct or incomplete HQ will not be happy. We once did the extension and the IO a couple of times wrote my name wrong (instead of Bob (not my real name) he wrote Bab ) and on the final check he gave us the documents and when I pointed out his error, he was glad that I spotted it) (Ps: It was correct on the Tm7 I supplied ???? ) Same crackdown as when the Edu Visa was easy to get, didn't even needed to go to School, or remember the Consulates that were given out ME NON-O on the basis of visiting friends? When last year I changed from Marriage -> Retirement the IO was happy because it is a lot less paperwork for them, because the only thing (I guess) that matters then if you have the 800k and if it is seasoned long enough.
  13. Sorry to be nitpicking, but you forgot that 26th September is day 1 thus you count 89 days from then thus his report date = 24th December (or 15 days earlier or 7 days later ???? )
  14. If you apply for extension based on Marriage, you will get something called an "Under consideration Period" where your application is checked and this process can take up to 1 month (sometimes even longer). So you could leave the country, but you have to be back here to receive your final stamp else you will have to start over again. And immigration will come right after you did the application or within the consideration period. Sometimes Immigration (during the under consideration) will call and ask for additional documents, this never happened to us but happened to a friend of ours.
  15. We are using it (rain water that is) for over 2 years now and no ill effects, but please note we don’t use it for drinking only showering dishes etc etc
  16. Good one, but one problem though he is APPROVED for the LTR but he DOESN'T HAVE IT YET, thus he is facing an up hill struggle, need to have a Valid Thai Visa to open an account which he doesn't have yet and which is needed to open a Thai bank account which he needs to pay for his visa
  17. No particular reason why but 290M deep well cost a lot to drill and the same amount would have given the money to buy the tanks (and some money left) to store the Rain Water
  18. In whole honesty I doubt that it is possible to open an account remotely. It's even hard to open a account when you are here for some people because some bank employees don't know the rules and just shout "Work Permit needed"
  19. Last year (before I went for retirement) they accepted that (Buriram as well) Maybe it's because we don't have children (can't as the wife can't have any more (ill health))
  20. No it's because a lot of people got married BUT they aren't living together thus the bad people have ruined it for the good people. I didn't mind the pictures what so ever.
  21. I changed to retirement, not because of the paper work but because of the Under consideration period. I always hated that.
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