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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. Thx, that “safety” directory is a separate folder in the root of the zip file. (Same as “firmware”) they don’t mention that folder in their instructions
  2. That is the "brick" I am afraid off ???? Even with the USB upgrade method
  3. Yes will do, but there is also a folder in the zip called "safety" which holds the following files. Copy that as well?
  4. Thx, in the ZIP file there are MANY firmware files in the firmware directory According to the Instruction (I posted above) this is the only directory I should add to the USB stick (formatted as Fat32) May I ask why?
  5. Haven't heard this one for ages, come up today in my Playlist
  6. They just me the Failure log that shows they couldn't remotely update the firmware. They tried it just when I had internet troubles ???? (I asked them to try again)
  7. USB Stick (Format as Fat32) Here are the instructions (PDF) I got with the Firmware. Firmware Update Instruction.pdf
  8. Yes they did, but they failed, I think they tried to do it when my Internet was down. I asked them to try again, but NO reply and NO change.
  9. The magic word here is until ... And there it already goes wrong. In the text (pdf) it says this. What do they mean by DC and AC switches, not breakers because in the end of that section it says
  10. I finally after several emails and several days waiting received a Firmware Update for my Sofar On-Grid Inverter. Did anyone update the firmware on their Sofar inverter and any luck doing it?
  11. Look for Studio 7 they are authorized resellers https://www.studio7thailand.com/en/store-locations On their site (for Chiang Mai) they list 4 locations Studio7- CentralFestival Chiangmai Studio7- KadSuanKaew Studio7- CentralPlaza Chiangmai Airport Studio7- MAYA Chiangmai
  12. I will send them an email. Thx. i have downloaded several versions of the manual (inclu an Aussie one) but none (that I currently have) list all the options that I see in my inverter. tmrw I will try to write down the options in the menu (main ones and the ones in settings only) that I see and try to go from there.
  13. I am unfortunately NOT on Facebook.
  14. Could always try Google translate ????
  15. Can't change it! Tried it, when I enter the pwd (default, if someone knows who to remove that please let me know) it says "Fail"
  16. We found that out today. We are (almost) nowhere near to a definite solution
  17. 5555555555555 so my manual is the Italian manual version. Just for fun, will have a look in the inverter if Italian is listed as a Language ????
  18. Another point where the manuals are contradicting each other is the CT Pins for the Coms Interface. One lists them as Pin 5-6 and an other one is listing them as 15-16
  19. FYI: I have already send several emails to Sofar but still haven't received a reply. I am looking for the Manual for the On-Grid Solar Inverter Sofar 5KTLM-G3. I have the printed manual (that came with the inverter) and also downloaded several versions of the manual for this inverter, but NOT all menu options (which are present in the Inverter) are listed in those. For example - Hard Reflux. An example where the manual changes from the Inverter is that the manual lists the option Auto Test, but it's not found in the Menu structure of the Inverter. ???? Thx for any help
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