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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. Yes you are correct, we just received our bills, one bill is always around 11-15 units a month on a 5/15A meter and this bill period was the 4th bill period and we also have to pay (still) 47,52 THB total inclu of 0,6689 THB Ft charge per unit. Total units used 12. So average 47.52 THB / 12 = 3,96 THB per Unit.
  2. Got our PEA bills (for our 2 properties) just now. Below 50 Units usage still have to pay even after 3 months below that usage, so AFAIK that discount (usage less then 50 Units per month on a 5/15A meter) has been removed as someone already mentioned. Also the Ft charge is there even for less then 300 Units used (we used 113 units this month (for the other property) and Ft was charged) . Current Ft charge = 0,6689 THB per Unit.
  3. And this one with a great guitar solo
  4. Lazada? But first look at the watch and which Strap size fits and then search for it (Edit: Forgot to add, also look at the connection to the watch of course) For example https://www.lazada.co.th/products/182022-velcro-luminox-i3430140297-s12685194155.html They have them in sizes 18-20 and 22mm
  5. An option would be is to buy the Solar Watch and then afterwards buy the strap you like. My Solar watch came with a "Steel" strap and I had them change it to a Leather strap.
  6. At the moment the whole album - The Who - Live in Leeds (1970) WOW
  7. Sorry for the late reply. Absolutely, use it often and it still works oke.
  8. With a 5/15A meter (or type 1115 on the PEA bill (1.1.1 in that list) it's possible to go over 150 kWh per month, BUT AFAIK, if you go with your 5/15A meter over 150kWh usage for a couple of months consecutive you will be then classified as 1.1.2 (or 1125 as stated under type on the PEA BILL (1.1.2 in that list) Please note, this for PEA (not sure about the procedure for MEA)
  9. Yep, and also the more you use the higher the price, with the highest price (from your list) when going over 400 units used. (4.4217), so a sliding scale
  10. Those numbers are exclusive of Vat, Ft surcharge and service charge. Real price per unit (which is inclusive of all that) you get by dividing total price by total amount of units.
  11. Made a calc error (thanks @sometimewoodworker for posting the right Ft Charges): around 430 units
  12. Question, do you know if the FT discount (for usage under 300 units) will be still in effect?
  13. I guess you used more then 300 Units with that you are charged the full amount of Fuel Surcharge (FT). (guesstimate (could be wrong) is that you used +/- 376 Units)) FT Discount only for households who use less then 300 Units. So the more you use the more you have to pay and the higher the price per unit.
  14. That results comes from calculating Total Price (144.77 THB) divided by total Units used (43 Units).
  15. How do you come at that number Total bill was 144.77 THB / 43 Units = 3,36 THB per UNIT (The 38.61 is the FT Charge (Fuel Surcharge)) which is originally 39.21 THB but you got a discount of 38.61 so actually FT charge is 0,6 THB (see the minus next to it) It was indeed if you used less then 50 Units for 3 consecutive months (and you are on a 5/15A supply which is indicated by the # 1115 (under type)) that your bill would be 0 Thb, We have the same issue with the house and land we bought of our neighbours, only have 1 light running 24/7 there and usage is 13 Units and still get a bill. Some one told us that they stopped it (0 bill if less then 50 units used), but I will know for sure next month as then the 3 months consecutive is over.
  16. “To make a mistake is only human; to persist in a mistake is idiotic.” ― Cicero
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