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Posts posted by MJCM

  1. yep tried em all ,, yes i know who installed the modem ,even got his mobilenumber seems that he can fix a lot by logging in the system from his house and saves me waiting 3 days i ask him everytime for that login info but he will give me only a look like ,555 nooop

    This sounds really fishy to me, if he can login to your System from his house, then he has to know your external Ip address, how does he know this. And for me personally I would never never ever let a ToT tech have a password of any of my systems.

    Try user: ubnt and password ubnt

    Link: http://www.sysnetcen...php?topic=299.0


    Could you send some more details about the Modem ??? Brand, type etc etc ?

    • Like 1
  2. if you plus the wan direct in you pc that would solve the problem then if not the modem is not the fault

    I think you are a bit confused between a Lan Cable and a Phone Line which goes in to your ADSL Modem.

    not really but i thought they were discussing a router not the tot end modem where the signal goes inside your place ,sorry for that

    try to get inside that bloody thing myself but the engineer put a custom pasword that even customer service does not know grrrr

    Which modem and from which company ??

    have you tried admin or administrator and password tot if you are talking about a TOT one ??

    Sorry, misread your post, just saw that the engineer put in a custom Password !

    • Like 1
  3. In one of the screenshots (Advanced Setup - ADSL - ADSL MODE) I see you have set it to ADSL2+ can you change it there to AUTO ??

    Also I see you have your firewall turned off, plus created a rule for Utor (Utorrent), I would advice you to turn your firewall ON.

    Edit: //

    One question for the other members to discuss.

    Under Interface Setup - Ip Address - The TCP MTU Option is empty shouldn't that be 1492 ??

  4. It was a first time extension and they told him they were not doing them now and to come back in 2 or 3 months. I think in reality there was more to the story than what was posted.

    Is this the post ??


    But this guy has a Multiple Entry Visa already and maybe the Immigration Officials just couldn't be bothered because he is already good for a year ???

  5. Can you find some more detailed stats in your modem ??

    Like this

    Modulation : G.Dmt

    Annex Mode : Annex A/L

    Line State : up

    Lan Tx : 11416935

    Lan Rx : 10054288

    ADSL Tx : 7732683

    ADSL Rx : 7523619

    CRC Down : 2

    CRC Up : 746

    FEC Down : 0

    FEC Up : 0

    HEC Down : 1336

    HEC Up : 1

    SNR Up : 22.0

    SNR Down : 16.0

    Line Attenuation Up : 10.5

    Line Attenuation Down : 22.5

    The CRCs etc are also very important

  6. These are for your line stats to see if everything is oke.

    Noise Margin

    5db or below =bad, no sync/intermittent sync

    8db-13db = average - and no sync issues

    14db-22db = very good

    23db-28db = excellent

    29db-35db = rare, can throw a rock at co/remote

    Line Attenuation

    below 20 = rare, great copper lines, close to co/remote

    20-30 = excellent

    30-40 = very good

    40-60 = average

    60-65 = poor

    65 and above will have issues

    If the value is not good, it has an affect with Internet

    connection. You can provide this information with your ISP for


    Ps: Is your modem capable of handling Higher Speeds cq ADSL2+ ??

    • Like 1
  7. i believe you are confused wifi is unlimited in time and data however 3G is unlimited in time but limited to 2 gb of data then speed is capped at 128k.

    That all depends on the provider and the package you choose. Nowadays there are even 7GB + packages available and if you go over that you are reduced to EDGE (which is around 384 Kbps) (Again all dependent on the provider you choose)

    This topic would be good place to look:

    Maybe the OP has used up his bandwidth (check with provider) and is set back to the lower (EDGE instead of 3G) speed.

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