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Posts posted by MJCM

  1. Yes, we know the Nation got it wrong, but the question is, maybe some people actually read the Nation and BELIEVED what they wrote? ermm.gif

    I sincerely hope they do not, as I have a nite on the town planned with my wife tomorrow evening.

    I wouldn't worry too much. 19th --- then it is OVER. clap2.gif

    Thank god it's Friday the 20th biggrin.png

  2. Well according to post #71 Jingthing it says “ On April 20, Pattaya beach road will be closed to pave the way for the Buddha procession. Afterwards, young people go gunning for fun armed with double-barrel water cannons and buckets, ensuring the beach town gets totally soaked. Among the more courageous "roadside warriors" are the transvestites who turn up in super-tight T-shirts clamouring for more water.”

    JT was quoting in that post the Nation. Today the 19th is usually the Big Day and should be the Last day.

    Here is that post:

    Well, today's the 11th. On your marks ...

    Here's a fresh Pattaya Songkran date kerfuffle from THE NATION:


    Pattaya folk celebrate Songkran a week later though you can still expect to get wet over the next three days. On April 20, Pattaya beach road will be closed to pave the way for the Buddha procession. Afterwards, young people go gunning for fun armed with double-barrel water cannons and buckets, ensuring the beach town gets totally soaked. Among the more courageous "roadside warriors" are the transvestites who turn up in super-tight T-shirts clamouring for more water.

    The big day is the 19th, correct? Not the 20th. It's a large enough string of potential soaking days without adding another one, yes?

  3. I would guess that you get on on the Sukhimvit Road, as there the buses from Bangkok - Pattaya - Sattahip - Rayong - Chantaburi - Trat (Vice Versa) will pass Ban Chang. You can flag them down, they will stop, if they want passengers, if they don't stop just wait and another 1 will come along.

    No idea about any Time Schedules (but frequent enough (and only between 6am and 6pm).

    Price wise, If you take a local bus, it's very cheap. 20-30 THB ?

    And on the way back, it's the same where you get off but then on the other side. Opposite Pattaya Klang (near the Intersection) is an "unofficial" bus stop (it's on the other side of the Sukhumvit Road)

    About your other question about Taxis to Payoon, I'm sorry but I have no idea where that is.

  4. I can't understand how you can have been married to a Thai for 3 years and not made use of the Thai Visa forum before........................................

    1+1 = ...

    I suspect OP made his post solely to promote the website pattaya-adventures.

    +1 thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  5. I think you have missed the point.

    The router's MAC address is irrelevant!!

    If the router is set to block all except "äuthorised" MAC addresses

    then no-one can break in, unless they know one of those addresses

    Not an uncommon approach on secure commercial networks.

    Astral I made a Mistake in that post. Thaimite pointed that out already.

    Read here:


    It should read "the standard value in the mac address filter for most routers is 00:00:00:00:00:00".

  6. ^ Phl thanks for reporting back

    This is just another example of how much damage drinking and driving can do. Not just for the person themselves but also the persons who are involved (either directly or indirect).

    Phl, I sincerely wish you will get your Rental Bike back without too much hassle.


    If the police kept/sold the bikes, might keep the lessees from renting to drunks!

    The lessees are responsible for the renters action ?? <deleted> ?

    So Chang or Singha or Heineken or San Miguel is responsible for people DUI ?

    MJCM, do you lease your beers from the makers ?.

    Interesting concept, should I get my lawyer onto them pay for the nurofen I need the next morning, when the lease is up how do I return the product ?

    Maybe take it further and hit up the water company they use to make the beer !!!!


    You got me before I somehow realized my mistake. But never the less Yes I do lease my Beer, as my wife sells the empty bottles back to the Beer Company wink.png

    Don't get me wrong,

    I ain't no Saint, I do drink, but I will never ever will Drink and Drive. I have seen too many accidents where Alcohol was involved. That was enough for me.

    Edit: //

    Maybe everyone needs a wake up call, and I hope they get it sooner or later. Please people don't drink and drive, you hurt more people then you please with it.

  7. ^ Phl thanks for reporting back

    This is just another example of how much damage drinking and driving can do. Not just for the person themselves but also the persons who are involved (either directly or indirect).

    Phl, I sincerely wish you will get your Rental Bike back without too much hassle.


    If the police kept/sold the bikes, might keep the lessees from renting to drunks!

    The lessees are responsible for the renters action ?? <deleted> ?

    On the same level, Chang or Singha or Heineken or San Miguel are responsible for people DUI ?

    Edit : //

    Don't forget Leo ...

  8. I have run into some Thais who didn't have a birth date -- only a year -- on their official documents. Usually, though, they are older (60+) and from rural areas where official birth documentation may have been unavailable or lost at that time.


    my MiL is such a person she only has a Year (as DoB) on her Thai Identity Card. She doesn't have a Passport so can't comment on that.

  9. Bigjimmy,

    I sincerely do sympathize. The noise factor in Pattaya is what's driving us away from Pattaya and going to more rural surroundings, where you can buy 10 Rai of Land (not costing an arm and a leg as in Pattaya) and not be bothered by any noisy Neighbors.

    I know what I said doesn't help a bit, but I hope you get it resolved as it's one of those things that can spoil / ruin everything


  10. Whyowhy - if I'm not mistaken you used to be FOR songkran? Were you not laughing at those of us who think it is out of control earlier in this topic? (now apparently deleted)


    Another fallacy was sewer water being thrown, it's just the same water we all shower with.


    People shower in sewer water ?? bah.gif I doubt that sincerely.

  11. Approximately how many beers does the limit equate to?

    If I venture out I have a maximum of three draft beers over a period of about 90 minutes and usually ride my motorcycle home.

    I'm a big guy and never feel anywhere remotely drunk after three drafts.

    I have been stopped many times not at Pattaya Tai but at the Soi Kaow Noi/Railway road junction but have never been breathalysed they just ask me for my license.

    This is a quote I found on the net,

    There is no definitive answer to this one. It entirely depends on factors to do with the alcohol i.e the strength of it, and on factors which relate to you as an individual.

    Those factors would relate to your weight; height; general health ( particularly relating to liver function) but also to whether you had eaten beforehand and to the speed of consumption of the alcohol.

    To summarise, there is no absolute way of saying at what point you would be 'over the limit'

    I would add, alcohol, even in small quantities, can affect the ability to react appropriately when driving, and the safest thing would be not to drink.

    Another Website on this.

    http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/amount-of-drinks-it-takes-to-get-over-the-legal-limit.html (Note here they mention the Legal Limit as 0.1 but in Thailand it's 0.05 (So half)

    • Like 1
  12. Little off topic

    One of my customers(guests) was arrested for drink driving the other day at 6AM.

    He was taken into custody and is awaiting court hearing today.

    What is the procedure in Thailand? DO they just get fined? or jail time? does anyone have any idea???

    PS. He does not have a lawyer

    I think this is perfectly laid out / explained in the OP (or Opening Post or First Post which started this Thread)

    Did you read it ?

    Edit: //


  13. ...........

    Edit: //

    I for one, hope this stays and I hope that it even intensifies Nation Wide

    Absolutley, let's give the boys in brown more ways to line there pockets and hold a gun to the nations head! whistling.gif

    People only worry about money and not about the consequences of Drinking and Driving. If you killed someone because you where drinking and driving, that doesn't go away in the Morning after you sobered up. It's stays with you for the Rest of your Life.


    • Like 1
  14. What about never ever Drink and Drive and not just 1 single month ????

    Let's be constructive and try to give good advices for readers !

    PS: Read my posts once more, I used to take taxis BEFORE the songran check-points..

    My Constructive point is ......... Don't drink and Drive because that's the only solution to this problem, as you won't get caught


    And I suggest everyone to avoid to drive drunked in Pattaya for at least 1 month, wait & see !

    Edit: //

    I for one, hope this stays and I hope that it even intensifies Nation Wide

    • Like 2
  15. Depending on your IPS and router, when you log into your router, open DHCP in the basic settings,and in the choices, there is a DHCP table that tells you who is logged into your Wi-fi.

    If you don't know any of the Host names or MAC addressees there, go to your Wireless settings and there is a MAC address filter , that you can copy and paste MAC numbers into this table, to disable their access to your Wi-fi.

    No need for a program to monitor your traffic, it is already there.

    It all of course depends on the brand of your Router if it's there or not. A lot of the standard / cheap routers don't offer MAC address filtering.

    But this is where draftvader's suggestion (Tomato) can come in too play (His post about this: )

  16. ...........

    The MAC address can be spoofed.

    Yes but you have to know what value will be accepted , and that is not so easy.

    The standard value for most routers is 00:00:00:00:00:00, so it's wise to change that a More difficult value (Only numbers (0-9) and letters (A-F) accepted)

    It is not the MAC address of the router, but the MAC address of the machines which are allowed to be connected to it which you need to know.

    I have never sen a MAC address of 00:00:00:00:00

    Sorry Small mistake, it should read "the standard value in the mac address filter for most routers is 00:00:00:00:00:00".

    But then again everything can get spoofed biggrin.png

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