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Posts posted by MJCM

  1. It does seem to arbitary depending on where you go or who you see there. I extended my one year to a five year in Pattaya 4 months ago and they didn't require another eyesight/reaction test.

    I did my extension (1 year to 5 years) in Pattaya last month, and I had to do the following tests before they gave me my new license.

    - Brake test (Reaction Test)

    - Color Test

    - Align 2 sticks

    Maybe it depends when you go if you have to do the test, but TiT.

  2. How about a Thai who wishes to enter for more than 14 and less than 30 days?

    The last time I went with my wife (Thai) to Cambodia (last December) she got a 30 Day Visa on Arrival. I doubt it if this has changed to a 14 Day Visa (Being Asean)

    Maybe more informed Members could comment ?

  3. if you not like my country and people holiday whay live in my country please stop talk bad we like fun you know try some

    Songkran in Pattaya is just over the Top (in some places) and many (Farang and Thai) people just don't like it and stay indoors or leave because they don't want to participate.

    My Wife (Thai) likes it and she goes out, while I (Farang (obvious maybe) stays indoor just waiting and hoping that my wife comes back home unhurt and not too drunk wink.png

  4. can they survive the hot enviroment?


    They of course are cold weather dogs.... And will live a life of misery in this climate!! Do N O T buy/breed them here!!

    Same reason why Thai Girls should never ever go to Cold Climates, they would also live a life of misery wink.png

  5. I had mine hacked as well when I first came here. You might have a hard time getting it all back.we had such a fight on our hands as the machine captured me speaking to a friend and they said I could have gave them the pin number and they did it. Despite them having atm photos of the culprits.

    As for Thai bank cards not working ouside Thailand.I have used mine in Singapore and Malaysia to get money from the Atm no problems.

    Well, none of my Thai ATM cards work outside LOS (ones from Bangkok Bank, Bank Ayudha, or Kasikorn). However, as I mentioned, these are the "basic" cards and there are "inter" cards one can get that will work outside Thailand. People can decide for themselves which type of card is appropriate for them.

    As to your problem, can you describe it more specifically? You state that apparently you lost money from a Thai bank account from someone using your ATM card and/or PIN code...I understand there are many ways the card's number can be stolen without one's knowledge during ordinary use of the card but how did someone get your PIN code as well? Money cannot be taken out of an ATM without the PIN and it is the cardholders responsibility to guard this code with their life! I don't blame the banks for taking a tough stand with these type of theft claims...otherwise everyone would be out there claiming money stolen from their accounts.


    They now have a gadget where they just need to pass it over your bag or trouser pocket and it can capture the details from cards What chance do we all have.

    That's called RFID Card Skimming and here are some tips to keep you safe from that kind of Skimming: http://www.ehow.com/...cards-safe.html

    With the best tip being:

    Wrap your RFID credit cards in aluminum foil before putting them in your wallet. Some users have reported that this simple, homemade technique helps block RFID scanners from reading the card.

  6. Congrats!

    Can one take the test on a tourist visa?

    Not 100% sure, because you need to get a Residence Certificate from Immigration, and I'm not sure Immigration will give you that when you only have a Tourist Visa. Note: if you get your license, you will be issued a license which is valid for only 1 year

  7. Have many people done this, also for water and electricity? It's certainly how I would do it in the West, but one guy who's lived here a long time told me all sorts of horror stories, like they take the wrong amount and then you have a huge hassle to get the balance back. He even said that he had heard of one guy whose account was debited correctly, but the electric company still cut him off.

    +1. also heard too many horror stories about Direct Debit here in Thailand, it's easy to open, but very difficult to stop/cancel.

  8. On the back of any ToT Bill you can see all the payment options available. (In Thai Language only)

    Paying via internet banking only works with www.toteservice.com and www.bangkokbank.com

  9. I don't know if it will help you any further, but the tree is called โสกน้ำ (Sok naam) in Thai. And maybe you could ask a moderator to move this post to Farming or the Plants Section.


  10. Since you are in Pattaya, you can get one at Jomtien Immigration for 200 THB. Fill out the form, provide additional proof of residence location (utility bill, lease, etc.), copies of your passport face page, visa or extension of stay, entry stamp

    The form you need is here:


    300 baht if you need it the same day.

    200 Baht even for same day pickup. Just did mine last Tuesday (needed for driving license renewal) got at Immigration at 10am and had to pay 200 Baht. Had to come back at 1pm (the same day) to pick it up.

  11. Splodger,

    why not ask the motobike taxi guy's outside your building if they can help, they do the work or they know someone who can and you supervise.

    Edit: //

    One of the motobike taxi guy's where I used to live, used to be a painter until he got back problems and was "forced" to retire.

  12. Go after expiry. You will get a new 5-year license plus the time till your first birthday, so normally almost 6 years.

    I did the 1 year to 5 year in Pattaya today and I got the new one which is valid for 5 years and 10 Months. (expires on my Birthday)

    Needed the following documents

    Original letter of Residency from Immigration (Also copy work permit would have been accepted)

    Original Doctor's certificate (Not required if you renew a 5 year License)

    Copy of Passport page

    Copy of Old Driving License

    Copy of Non - O Visa

    Copy of Extension of Stay (Until Date)

    Copy of Departure Card

    Original Driving License

    Had to take three tests

    - Colors Chart

    - Break Test

    - Align two sticks

    After you pass these three tests, you go and pay (Car license only 655 THB) and get Photographed and get your license.

    If you renew a 5 year license you have to watch a video after you pass the three tests.

    Arrived at 7:30, and left with a brand new purple 5 years driving license at around 10:00.

    They told me you could go for renewal 2 months before the license and not more then 1 year after.

  13. I always transfer money from the EU to my Thai account through Online Banking. For 500.000 THB (in my case around 12.500 Euro's) my Bank in the EU charges me around 35 Euro's. You could ask your bank in the UK how much they charge and if you could transfer the money while you stay in Thailand. (BTW: It's called a Swift Transfer)

    If you transfer it this way, there is always a record (ask for it at your Thai Bank), that the money came from abroad.

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