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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. Same here, Daikin FTKM's we have. They are a bit expensive to buy bit they will save you a lot of money in the long run
  2. So 1.8MW = 1.800.000W Let's assume A Solar panels is approx 500W, so that would already 1.8MW / 500 = 3600 Panels. 1 panel approx 4500 THB = 3600 * 4500 THB = 16.200.000 THB just for the Panels. WOW
  3. Spot on. Last month we stayed in a Hotel in Pattaya and to get the room cool a bit we had to set the temperature to 18c on the air con, and even then the temperature in the room was so so. In comparison we set the air con in our house to 27c first and then later when we goto sleep change it to 28c. So the air con in the Hotel is clearly in need of some maintenance / replacement. Re: Replacement. When I bought my Condo, after a while we replaced the air con in the bed room to an Inverter one and the result was that the following electricity Bill was less then half. The hotel we stayed in had however one of those device that will cut the power when you leave the room and take your room key with you so leaving the air con running was not possible
  4. For Solar to cover a leccy bill of 700k, that would require a major investment. I think @Crossy could give a good estimate on how much solar would be required to cover this ????
  5. 55555555555 As I said in the earlier post, clear as mud, and now expecting backflips after backflips. I will post our bill, when we get it very early morning on the 16th May. expected usage 160-170 units, price around 750 Thb (lets see if that comes true )
  6. We turn our GTI’s off every time we leave the house out of risk getting “caught”. Also last month we were away for over 3 weeks and all the time the system was turned off which increased our Leccy bill by almost 200%. Next month we are again away for an extended period and the system will be turned off then again as well.
  7. I will undergo a cataract operation next month, first my right eye and then after a while my left eye. The recommendation from Dr Roy (who will also do the OP) was Now I would like to hear from people who had it done what their experiences was.
  8. That is then because of the increase of Ft from 0,93 to 0,98
  9. Explaining a joke is no fun, you should find it out yourself the same as I did, but the clue is in the post already, “say the name”
  10. That is really strange because of even without the Ft discount of last month I am (I can tell you for sure tmrw as I am not at home and I have the figures in my pc) we are at 4.7ish Thb per unit on average already. that is with the 0.93 Ft charge. I must be missing something (or we are not average also ????) But again could be wrong, and will post an update tmrw. (But I know for a fact that we are NOT above the 5 THB per unit.) just thinking out loud, maybe they only mean the heavy (400> units) users as the scale is AFAIK 0 - 150 151 - 400 401>
  11. Good tip and also maybe change the file name of the subtitle file (srt) to the name of the video for example Video is called: Video.mp4 change the srt file to Video.srt look here https://wiki.videolan.org/subtitles under #3 external subtitles
  12. Good one, it first had me puzzled because I only looked at the pic but afterwards read the text above it and it was
  13. Isn’t the fee 1900 Thb?
  14. And that is what is confusing me they are increasing the Ft to 0,98 (from 0,93) and same time they are easing the price.???? And no mention of discount for under 300 units We have to wait indeed what will happen because it as usual clear as mud (I am expecting the worst and thus it only can get better ???? ) Our solar (2 GTI’s) is not really coping we are now back in the 160 Unit a month territory, but due to health issues can’t get the real system 5kW Inverter and 10 Panels up and running unfortunately
  15. I am totally confused what I am reading, the Ft charge will be increased to 0,98 Thb per unit from 0,93 Thb per unit but they are saying they are easing the electricity charges ????
  16. No need to apologize it's very informative, learned a lot. I just thought that if you just adhere to DOD then it would be enough but apparently NOT. I just cranked the volume on my PC up to 100% and could listen to it ????
  17. I can't recall, but I believe it was either from Daikin direct or one of the DIY Stores. Maybe ask your Installer / aircon maintenance guy they might have some spares.
  18. But still a great video and very very informative. ????
  19. Maybe this helps (not a Thai Bank as Thai banks don’t use IBAN https://n26.com/en-eu/blog/how-to-open-a-bank-account-in-europe edit: you could also look at Wise, they will give you a Bank account with IBAN https://wise.com/help/articles/2817401/tips-for-getting-started-with-wise?origin=topic-OQDKGx7MTsaujfEjiZmIS
  20. Probably is an understatement. The 18th and especially the 19th is mayhem. I hope no one has to travel to the airport on those days good luck finding a Taxi.
  21. @Bandersnatch In the videa At 2:50m the sound volume goes way way down.
  22. Question. When you estimated your system did you already calculate for (or thought of) getting an EV or was that later on?
  23. No need, othing wrong with my hearing rest of me has lots of problems but hearing is absolutely totally fine.
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