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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. That has nothing (AFAIK) to do with your usage. Look at your outside meter what does it say?
  2. There is such warning in the app but very difficult to find and only in Thai I will see if I can extract the link. yes @Celsius indeed hijacked the topic much better if he had opened a new topic for such a important message. edit: found the link https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Digital-Banking/Bualuang-mBanking/MB-SecurityUpgrade
  3. So low income / low usage households will get the discount only. Wonder what the Ft charge (Fuel surcharge) is set to, there was talk to increase that as well
  4. First of all 2 panels is not a lot. what is the BTU of your aircon? And is it an inverter? How long does it need to run of batteries? what is the usage of your fridge during the night? (Now is a good time to test as tge fridge is working very hard because of the heat) Maybe buy a power monitor to check the usage of the fridge and then you can start to estimate your battery setup. Wont you run anything else of these batteries? Lights etc etc
  5. Yep, but don’t get stopped on the way to the airport
  6. Or when you get checked on the street. Here a recent example of Tourists that got arrested and then fined for not reporting their address to IO.
  7. Strictly speaking you are correct, but when I stayed in a Hotel in Pattaya they needed to register me where previously they couldn't be bothered. The reason was that they get surprise visits from IO to see if they registered ALL foreigners staying there and if they (IO) found out that the did not register ALL guests (Tourist Visa, Visa Exampt, Extension of Stay etc etc etc) they would be fined.
  8. Yes strictly speaking, the home owner of the private place "should" report you. If the home owner doesn't know what to do then they always can go to Immigration Have a look here. These people got arrested and fined because of:
  9. Found something 1124 is a 1.1.2 type of residential power user who receives 22-33 kV in voltage. compare that with “normal” 1125 is a 1.1.2-volt type residential home light user who receives 380/230 volts. So you receive a lot more power then normal households edit: maybe @Crossy can explain the difference?
  10. An electronic meter I guess? And 3 phases? is the type 1124 also on your bill (near to the meter reading date) listed under Type??
  11. Look closer at your bill, you will see tax (vat 7%) service charge (24ish Thb) and Ft charge.. The electricity price (basis) is still unchanged since a couple of years but only the Ft has increased, it was negative but in 2022 it started to creep up to its current price of almost 1 Thb (0,93430) per unit used
  12. Does your bill has multiple usages on them in the same month? do you get the bill directly from the pea/mea?
  13. That is the Ft charge (Fuel surcharge) 0,93430 Thb (thus almost 1 Thb) per unit. That is in place already since a couple of months. the post I answered to, said that the Taxes had doubled
  14. 1115 and 1125 are the meters installed for households in Thailand. The type you have you can see on your electricity bill. (Listed under type) The major difference between them is the electricity meter from the PEA/MEA. 1115 you will have a meter that says 5/15A on it. This one you can run your house on but don’t connect for example a 24K BTU Aircon to it. 1125 is what the majority of people will have, that is either 15/45A or a 30/100A electricity meter. With a 15/45 meter you can easily run your aircon, waterheater etc (30/100 is a much bigger one) If you have another Type then the mentioned 1115/1125 then Pea/Mea classified you as for example a business or a ToU (Time of Use) meter
  15. Same BTU? And which type of Inverter? When looking / comparing Air cons look at the SEER numbers? The Higher the SEER (afaik) the more efficient they are https://www.hvac.com/resources/what-is-seer-rating/
  16. Good for you, in my case (when I rented) the landlord wanted only to pay a small amount of the new aircon (I had installed) when I moved out. But do please note: Get an Inverter type if you get a new one.
  17. How the ..... did you come to that conclusion?? VAT is still the same at 7% Ft Charge was still the same at 0,93430 THB per UNit Edit: Electricity prices (basic) haven't changed (AFAIK) since November 2015 (the only thing changed / added since then is the Ft (Fuel surcharge) ) PEA-ElectricityTariffs.pdf
  18. Just the Hassle. The owner was a real pain in the ... He wanted a much better aircon but for very cheap and I wasn't going for it and that he didn't like. Can't recall exactly (as many moons ago), but I paid something like 20.000 THB for the aircon and he only wanted to pay something like 4000 for it. (It was only 3-4 months old). Still puzzled? Edit: YMMV of course Edit2: So if you own the condo then go ahead and replace the aircon (if it seems worth it) but if you are only renting be warned.
  19. People you just can't compare electricity bills because there are so many factors 1- How long do you run the aircons 2- How old are you aircons / How well are the maintained? / Are they of the Inverter type? 3- How low do you set the aircon? 21c or 27-28c as we set it that is a lot of difference. 4- How well insulated is your house 5- How many persons are staying in your house 6- How many aircons / fans do you run 7- How many other electricity consuming devices do you use? 8- How old / big is your Fridge? And is it Inverter type or not? etc etc etc etc
  20. About what you expect, but let's wait for the Bill for Apr - May period ????
  21. I had a major issue when I rented a condo and installed (replaced) the current air con. On moving out the owner of the Condo only wanted to pay a fraction of the Costs of the New Aircon. Fortunately my handy man had saved the aircon and removed my aircon and installed the old one and made it look like nothing ever happened. But would I recommend this to any other member NOPE. If you own it yes, replace the thing, but if you are renting (unless on a contract of 10 years+ ) No ... way Edit: Sorry not a condo but more like a Studio it was.
  22. Great post, but unfortunately lost in the masses of ignorance. They only see that their bill increases and then start complaining, no fun complaining when their bill goes down
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