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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. Thx @phetphet That could be an option, but that said, A) I must be absolutely sure that it arrives as an International Transfer. B) I Had transfers (to myself) to BBL via Wise which were "tagged" as "long stay" arrive as transfer from another Thai Bank, so that is why the question. The Hospital Bank account is with CitiBank, so no idea how that works. In the mean time I have send an email to Wise with that same question and I will report back when they reply, but they said that they are extremely busy.
  2. Question, as anyone ever used Wise Transfer to pay a Hospital Bill? I need to have an operation and my insurer has asked me to pay the bill myself at first and then send it to them and they will reimburse me. Now I would like to Pay the Estimated charges before the operation via a Wise Transfer, but because Wise "likes" to send money via another Thai Bank account and thus not showing up as International Transfer, I wonder how I could transfer this money in? Any thoughts (of course I could send it via my Bank direct, but I would prefer using Wise (better exchange Rate)) TiA The Hospital has provided me with their Swift Code etc etc already.
  3. Sorry but I can’t compare Thailand to France as I have never lived there. Using 3kW a a day in Thailand nowadays is not a lot, but that said maybe you should not go for Solar but go for a 5/15A meter because if you stay below 50 units usage for 3 months your subsequent bills would be 0 THB (if you stay under that)
  4. On a good day I am getting about 2-2.5 back spinning kW ???? from that, it helps but is no comparison to a real inverter.
  5. No idea, I think @Crossy better answer that but I have connected 3 x 330W panels to a 1000VA one
  6. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/grid-tie-inverter-scl-fti-d1000b-1000vafti-d600b-600va-monitor-pure-sine-i768508173-s12199051309.html?
  7. Charges have been the same but the discounts have eased off. When getting an average price of 5,4 THB per unit, you are using (I guess) around +/- 600 Units per month. Did you notice it is very hot outside and this thus means your aircons / fridge have to work MUCH harder to reach the set temperature. BIL was also complaining about his bill, when asked how many fans he had running, he said 7 at a time, and when asked how many fans he would run during the cold months, he said 0. Look here for a bit more detail about the electricity BILL.
  8. Question, are there any consequences for a Thai if they don’t vote? The reason why I ask is because I saw that voting here is compulsory. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_Thailand
  9. Depends from where you go and to which border. If going from Pattaya to Ban Laem Border (Sa Kaeo Province) it will be much faster then those 4 hours because the 331 / 304 / 359 route they take is nowadays all 4 lane highway. And especially that 359 Highway is usually "empty"
  10. Glad that it came back on!
  11. ???? A friend of mine once rented an apartment in Pattaya and he told me one day that the Power was off from early morning or so. At around 2pm when the power was still off he found out what was going on, the owner of the apartment block was deep in to debt due to gambling, so they used the money for the PEA and also the Cable TV and the Water to pay their debt with as end result, No Electricity for approx 3-4 days. My friend moved out very soon afterwards did not want to experience that again
  12. Contact the PEA and ask https://www.pea.co.th/en/Contact Their number is. 1129
  13. Don’t worry, my under consideration period once lasted 45 days, no problems with IO, overstay etc etc. edit: just go back on the day they said you have to go back and wait and see, maybe they even will call, they did in our case
  14. MJCM

    I day,

    Yep, but don’t get stopped by Police / Immigration on the way to the airport
  15. MJCM

    I day,

    Lots of answers in your topic from yesterday
  16. Please note, I recall you say that you don’t have your own place yet, so You can’t compare your current situation with the future. There are a lot of factors to look out for - insulation of the room / house - how big is the room - does the room gets sunshine during the day or only in the afternoon - is it well shaded etc etc. example: our old house is much better insulated then our current house, one fan would be good enough for the whole living room, but our current house (build on the quick) needs at least 2-3 fans. Same for the bedroom as the bedroom gets much more shade the aircon doesn’t have to work that hard. So do that test again when living in your definite place (and same temperatures preferably ???? )
  17. I guess it’s the same period, but indeed we have to wait and see what really transpires because TiT
  18. In the article it says. So my guess it is for 4 periods (April - May, May - June, June - July, July — August)
  19. What's the difference between a cat and a frog? A cat has nine lives, but the frogs croaks every night.
  20. hF-yWN_Xs4lBT_ow.mp4
  21. How was copper wire invented? Two lawyers fighting over a penny
  22. Why are lawyers buried 12 feet under? Because deep down they’re really good people.
  23. What do you call a tiny mother? A minimum.
  24. True, but why not do the same as previously, and discount on a sliding scale like this so a lot more people benefit.
  25. Maybe this helps https://www.jrailpass.com/faq/temporary-visitor
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