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Everything posted by stupidfarang

  1. Thais know their way of the road, I think you add to the confusion, drivers will just go around you at speed, same with round abouts, they do not know how they are meant to work.
  2. Israel embassy on high alert?
  3. Resale value? I do think they are a very good car, yet two things stand out. First is the price keeps on dropping with the price war amoung the EV car companies in Thailand, the second is the resale value, I read in the past week that in Europe the resale value has dropped big time. Sorry cannot remember where I read it but google will find it for you.
  4. Check her phone, then you will have a good idea as to what is happening. Going home to see family and party is a red flag.
  5. Good to see her thinking about being a food vendor again, I hope she is successful.
  6. Thank you for the link, excellent guide.
  7. Looks good, is there a timer on it so after turning the light off it was for an extra 5 minutes or so? Could not see anything in the specs, also is this feeding straight outside? I have no exterior walls in the bathroom so will need to run a duct.
  8. Hi, we have a bathroom that has no direct outside wall for a window so am looking at placing a bathroom exhaust fan in the ceiling, any recomendations on brand, size etc?
  9. Good point about the Court order, so father can only have rights if the court allows, if he wins the case. The judge was not wrong, you have no rights over the child, only if you go to court to get those rights. Thanks for highlighting this part, good information.
  10. Under Thai law you have no rights if you are not legally married to the mother. That has been clearly told to me by a Thai Judge. Note this was in 2022, so unless the law has changed since then it still stands.
  11. If not legally married in Thailand, the father has no rights on the child, I would guess many men here prefer not to look after their children once they seperate as a ne gf or wife will not want his kids from a previouse gf/wife.
  12. Why are you blaming the women? They had a legal dispute over child custody, there is nothing in the news report saying the wife denied him access to the child or even if the child was living with her. It appears to be the ex who has murdered the ex-brother in-law and attacked the parents and you seem to show sympathy to the ex-husband?
  13. If you follow the local thai news (TV and newspapers) you will see almost daily reports of murders, life is very cheap here.
  14. According to the Small Arms Survey of 2017, Thailand boasts the highest civilian firearm ownership among ASEAN member states with 10.3 million guns. It also has the highest rate of civilian firearms per 100 people — 15.1. Of the 10.3 million guns recorded by the SAS in 2017, only around 6.2 million were legally registered. The other 4 million guns they do not know who owns them. Civilian firearm ownership in Thailand is 10 times higher than its military holdings and approximately 45 times that of law enforcement.
  15. Agree, what I noticed is it is a concrete road so would like to see a photo of the "pothole" they talked about.
  16. excellent, thanks for the recomendation
  17. "he will not lie to get into Office" are you really that stupid?
  18. 43.69 today on Wise transfer, not the best,
  19. She has a book to sell, more blah blah blah to come from her until published.
  20. How do you know this? I would guess the USSS do not publish the details of who they are guarding or how many agents. Am sure they have increased the numbers after the last attempt.
  21. If you can arrange the correct papers to have her permission to travel outside of Thailand all lined up ready for her to sign, I would think of a reason for your travel, holiday to Vietnam for a week or parents haved died, a story to tell her, play as if you are only going for a short time, not as if for good. Do not argue, maybe as someone said offer some money to have it signed. It is a game of chess. You mentioned you were married to her but divorced but are legalized as the father, check on the paperwork so there are no surprises for you. The other thing is you could try a land border crossing and see what happens, act as if you did not know you need papers to be signed. If you get turned back not a huge money loss. Good luck
  22. might be a good time to have your eyes checked, clearly it is a boat on the river
  23. You think the USA are the only ones with nuclear missiles? There are a few other places to worry about
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