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Everything posted by stupidfarang

  1. at that height it is unlikly he would have died
  2. Regardless of what tag name I use it would appear there are several other people on here who think your original comment is victim blaming.
  3. As you said "who knows" so why are you following the typical thinking and victim blaming?
  4. Higher price if has a balcony and a tying point for your boat
  5. why?
  6. Makes sense, economic assessment is made to determin the effects on a country by differant means, floods, inflation, industry, population and in bkks view how it is sinking. From a quote in 2023 "Considering the rise in sea level in local waters near Bangkok is about 1.2 centimetres per year, if nothing is done to protect Bangkok's shoreline, the waterline will slowly creep further inland by about 1.3 kilometres every year," the president of the Thailand Global Warming Academy said. I did read in the last year the rate of sinking has become faster, but cannot remember by how much.
  7. Trump is the republican’s man they want as president so to be expected the Dems mention his name. Yet you may be missing the reason they made so much fun of him. They know he has a big ego, and he is sensitive and thin skin, he will lash out and talk about the Dems and rubbish them. That is the goal, keep him off the real issues the public want to hear about and get him ranting. He fell for their trap.
  8. They may be behing but they sure build a lot and have less potholes than a UK road
  9. Not Boris, had enough of his lies the first time around, and Truss, omg... deport her to the USA pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  10. Good call on mytello, I will check this out. normally I use skype to call landlines in the UK, Banks and the Gov departments.
  11. agree with needing luck, the goverment is building a biiger highway from Ranong to Phuket so am hoping to get one of the rollers from the road works, a strectch I know but a cash incentive may help.
  12. Appreciate the input, I am learning from everyones experince.
  13. The drive will be 3m wide, I have to go back and measure the length of the drive and then will work out the amount of gravel required. We will not be living in the house, only stay when visiting family nearby. Thanks for the input, appreciated
  14. agree, there is not much of a slope and the photo only shows the first layer of earth. It was raining when they placed the earth (Ranong, highest rainfall in Thailand) so am waiting until December for the dry season and then will place more earth on the drive and create a high point in the middle with run off to the sides and will place plastic drain pipes in to take the water away.
  15. Can you show where in the news it says she left the child at home alone? From what I read, the news only says they had a child
  16. Season one was excellent, looking forward to the next
  17. Excellent, just what I am hoping for. Did you use heen klook stone on the drive and how deep was the layer of stone? I am a complete amatuar on this so any advice greatly appreciated. Here is a pic of the ground we are working on, is in Ranong, land never floods.
  18. Hi, am making a drive way on good soil, have built it up by about half a meter in height and now waiting for the earth to settle. My question is about weed matt, is it a good idea to use? Will be placing heen klook (หินคลุก). It's designed for making roads and will place a layer of around 30cm. Any hints on how to get a good drive greatly appreciated.
  19. I know it is scarcasim, traditionally it is local companies who been the buyers of durian from the farmers not "corrupt oligarch-owned monopolies". As said before, with the chinese setting up wharehouses and buying, like zero dollar tours the money made is not kept in Thailand or the local communitys, just like what is happening in the frieght, trucking and courier industry in Thailand now. Farmers get a fair price as per what the market dictates, Thailand is the largest exporter to China with Vietnam coming in second. Thailand’s durian has a very good reputation for quality yet Malaysian durians get a better price due to a wider variety of flavors but cannot match the volume. Thailand will be the major supplier for now, yet they have Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and China's own developing durian farms being developed. If you think they earn more, then you do not understand the industry. I do agree about the monopolies in general, hence why we buy at our local farmers market so the money benfits the growers and is kept local instead of the profits being sent back to monopolies.
  20. The farmers do not set the price, price is subject to supply and demand. The chinese have set up many wharehouses in the south to buy durian from the farmers, they will end up cutting out the Thai buyers. This is common knowledge in Lang Suan, Sawi, Chumphon area where the main growing areas are.
  21. will be interesting to see what happens to the baht, up or down or stay the same? To be honest I am amazed how strong the baht is when you read about the economy in general.
  22. Still 45million people, just that 15million of those will get cash "The “fragile” groups, primarily state welfare cardholders, are in line for this direct cash handout"
  23. Not just the travel, this happens in many other areas, now in the south the Chinese are building large warehouses from which they buy direct from the durian growers, then on to Chinese containers on Chinese trucking companies for transport. Cut out the middleman, all profit back to China, same is happening in logistics like couriers.
  24. with a 10 year ban, it will work in his favour, the old ones will be long gone. The young thai generation want a change and this will take 10 to 20 years to happen.
  25. So he handed himself in to the police after the shooting along with the gun he used, and as stated "After finding evidence of Jagkrit's guilt, the committee decided to remove him from his advisory role". Yet they let him out on bail?????
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