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Everything posted by stupidfarang

  1. Would be interesting to know by how long he over stayed. One case last year a man was found to have over stayed by 15 years! With all the 90 day reporting and the modern age of computers, am sure they could have software that pings an expired visia?
  2. yes walk, and you say she wants a divorce. It is hard to leave someone when you love them, yet what they are doing to you now is not from someone who loves you, the hurt and anger will only get worse if you stay. Many of us have been in the same situation, life will be a lot better once you get past her.
  3. Total over the top comments, "If it does all go to sheite one day, you must leave the country - you have no idea how things". If this was the case then there would be no farangs in Thailand. Yes some do over react, good idea not to live near the family in the first place.
  4. WOW! that was a message from her mother? Time to leave now.
  5. Sorry to hear the bad news. Think of this as a game of chess, plan your next moves carefully especially if children are involved. many of us have had simalar experinces, one thing I know if they are seeing other men then very unlikly they will stop. Wishing you all the best.
  6. https://ptm.police.go.th/eTicket website to find out whether or not they have unpaid fines.
  7. Officer from whar department? "make sure there is an officer with the group of police as that is also illegal".
  8. Had a few fines over the years, all ways had a photo, date, speed etc. There are more and more cameras on the overhead gantries across motorways, plus they have ways to catch you when you think you are following the speed limit, traveling from Chang Mai to BKK, I was in the 120klm lane, and I got 3 tickets. The speed said 118 to 116 on each, wife called the number on the ticket and pointed out our speed. Turns out when approaching a U-Turn section on the highway you must reduce your speed to 90klm, there were no signs on the road saying this. We paid up on two tickets (500 baht each) the third we were let off, cannot remember why.
  9. My GF had a 100,000 debt when we meet, only found out about a year after we meet. I told her I would not pay it; my view was if I paid the debt then she would not learn the lesson about money and loans. She had to arrange to pay the debt off, the 100,000 was spread over 5 credit cards. She did a deal with the banks said she only had x amount and they reduced the amount. All clear now, she has learnt the lesson. Lucky for me her family are financially well off so no worries of them asking me for money. If you lend any money to the family do not expect to get it back, do expect they will be back with their hand out. If you and your wife own land, be careful the wife doesn’t take a loan out to pay the mother. If the mother has no assets, no land etc. Then file to be bankrupt, easy way out.
  10. South Korean TV series A Shop for Killers, subtitles, good series https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26450613/
  11. If the house is in the same name as the owner of the land then sold togeather. A friend bought some land last week, had a house on the land, had to go to the sellers bank first to pay the 2million the seller had borrowed from the bank so they could get the land papers, then found out the house was in another persons name, seller sorted that out (I assume there were some papers for the house) then friend paid the balance and is now the owner of land and house. Buyer beware comes to mind.
  12. So it goes down by 10% if not sold at each auction stage, thank you for the link. I did try finding the info on google, yet no luck, so came here to ask.
  13. Hi, Anyone know what the stages are for the selling of a property the bank has reprocessed? I have heard there are 3 prices/stages in the selling. If anyone has more info on if this is true, it would be good to know as am looking at a house to buy that has sat empty for about one year as the bank try's to sell. 1) first selling price is based on current house/property price within the market 2) Second selling price, if not sold at first price then the price is dropped to a lower price. 3) Third selling price, if not sold on second price, price is lowered. 4) If not sold it goes to government auction.
  14. depends where you live, outside of the big citys no problem with queues and I have two PTT and three Bangchak stations all with in 3klm and on my way home. Plus points on the card and free bottle of water.
  15. Never use Shell as their fuel price is higher than PTT or Bangjak
  16. A stick the dogs will see and keep their distance, do not turn your back to them as that is when they will attack. Do know that if you hit a dog with a stick and someone reports you then the law is in favour of the dog and you can get a very serious fine or jail.
  17. agree, these "kids" need to go to jail, as it appears from the parents statements they are self-entitled p***ks I am from NZ and I am ashamed with what they did and all over a 500 - 1,000 baht fine! Stupid.
  18. 😄 Not upset, you are being argumentive and not offering any constructive points apart from trying to be abusive.
  19. Wrong. Agree that a foreigner cannot own land. Yet a foreigner can buy land by paying for it, the ownership of the land is different, I bought the land, and it was placed in my wife’s name. I bought the house and when exchanging the legal papers it was placed in the child’s name. Agree that a foreigner cannot own land. Need to define the whole sentence in the conversation not just a single word. Now Skip along cassidy to your next argumentive post.
  20. WTF is wrong with you. Why make comments like this? " Lousy worded OP" seems there are several people who have read my question and have given their valid opinions which have been helpful, so it seems they understood what I wrote. From your other comments on here to other people in this thread, it shows you lack conversation skills and manners. If you are unable to offer sensible comments to the conversation, then pass on by to the next news item.
  21. To be honest I hate rubber trees, yet my wife has just been given 11 rai of newly planted rubber trees. I started to study up on how best to look after the trees and what fertiliser they will need to ensure the best growth. Then discovered the wife had no interest in the trees so gave up on that for now, wait and see what happens. Interesting about the prices of land, agree that is the long term investment as there is no more land being made. We are buying a reprocessed house from the bank, is cheap an in a good area with neighbours we know, will update it with paint and a new bathroom then it will be rented out, long term investment for the child, I will not personally get a return on this. Thank you for your input
  22. Thank you, I would like to think most men would do this, especialy in Thailand where you would want to insure your child has a decent income in the future, so they are not living on 10 to 15 thousand baht a month.
  23. yes that is a worry, have thought about that.
  24. Thank you for the excellent info, good to know about the local regulations. Yes this is for the long term for my child, I will be long burid by the time it comes to cutting them down. LOL
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