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Everything posted by elfpattaya

  1. Please, you shouldn't give these details on the open forum. There are plenty of people on this forum who hate the agents and would like them all closed down. If you want to help someone please PM them.
  2. Santander did these to me, Even though I use my brothers address. they sussed I lived in Thailand, First they asked for all my Thai details, Thai address Thai bank, etc. I returned these details, and even though they confirmed by e-mail that they had received them they stopped my account. That meant money can go in but not taken out,??? Using their Chat service on their phone app, they confirmed they were in the wrong, re-opened my account, apologised and gave me 75 pounds. Since then all correspondence from them has come to my Thai address, which is when they asked for my Tax details. I returned these, but I still don't trust them. So I now have all my pensions paid directly into my Thai bank. The rate is OK but not as good as Wise. I have since cleared my Santander account except for 1 penny. The thing is I never opened a Santander account. I originally had an account with Girobank, taken over by Alliance and Leicester, taken over by Abbey National, taken over by Santander.
  3. Very good You Tube video on how to upgrade to Windows 11. I have upgraded 3 old computers to Windows 11 using the Rufus method, new installation. I couldn't get the registry method to work.
  4. Could you please tell us the code required to join this league
  5. 3BB app, you can use the OR code, accepted by Bangkok bank.
  6. I have just had a reply not to helpful, I'm ducking out now I get my pension and don"t want to get too involved with them. I am afraid my team cannot help with this as we have no access to personal data. Please resubmit your enquiry giving your full name, address and date of birth to – [email protected] I am sure colleagues there will be able to assist. Department for Work and Pensions
  7. 488 Baht 3 Baht per minute means your phone call lasted 2 Hours and 42 minutes??? You are right the numbers i supplied cost 6/7 Baht a minute. I am only trying to help. They can also be contacted on line for free https://www.gov.uk/international-pension-centre
  8. Telephone them +44 (0) 191 218 7777 I found the best time to call them is after 3 p.m UK time. They are usually very helpful when you get through. Instead of using the + sign, If using AIS use 00500 If using DTAC use 00400 If using True use 00600
  9. I have just e-mailed Mel Stride, which I then had to contact another department?? Hello Mr Stride, I am a UK pensioner resident in Thailand. Earlier this year many of us received a Certificate of Life form from the Department of Work and Pensions. For some reasons these forms have been sent out using Nederland Post, causing a delay of 3 to 4 months, and many not received at all. This has caused many people to miss the deadline, and have their pension suspended. I personally was able to make a phone call and got the deadline extended, Phone calls to the UK from Thailand are expensive. I do not understand why a UK department is using a foreign postal service, after all we have left the EU. Is it not possible to upgrade your security so that all these things could be done electronically I have 2 other UK pensions and everything is done electronically and quickly. Thanking you in anticipation of your help The e-mail address is [email protected] Please inundate them with e-mails so they they can put this right.
  10. I e-mailed them on June the 18th and got a reply on the 21st, complaining about their use of a foreign post and the delays and upsets it is causing us. It seems to take on average of 3 to 4 months for things to arrive from them. I also asked for a confirmation letter about how much my pension was, this was their reply. "I will Send you a confirmation of your state pension amount to your address but can take up to 28 days to arrive. I cant send it via email for security purposes." For security purposes??? It will probably get lost in the post. I have 2 other pensions where everything is done electronically and quickly. I shall wait until the 28 days are up and will contact them again. Gruderian is right we need too keep complaining to them until it gets sorted out. Maybe someone who is a little more articulate than I could contact Mel Stride MP, who I believe is in charge of the DWP.
  11. I deleted my Post because I didn't want to be involved in a ping pong about tax. You can live abroad and still be a UK resident for tax, for example if you visit the UK for more than 183 days in a tax year.
  12. I think you are right, i believe they are sending the forms OUT via Netherlands post, who have also had problems with strikes. But I must admit I can't confirm if that rumour is true or not.
  13. I am typing this on about a 10 year old Acer Aspire E471, works perfectly, set up on my TV to watch movies on Kodi and Sport with an IPTV player. I have changed the hard drive to SSD and added more memory, very easy to work on. I also have a Dell Inspiron 5459, which I bought for my son, load of crap, 30 Hertz refresh rate and maximum 100 Mbs LAN connection. Agree with you about Lenovo being good.
  14. Lazada
  15. My pension was reinstated on the 7th June, They confirmed by phone in march that they had received the form. I have just sent them this e-mail, hopefully they can do something about it, though I doubt it. Thanks for confirming that my pension is OK, but why did it take till the 7th June? My friend posted it in the UK in early March 2023, I gave him the completed form, while he was on holiday in late February. I received the form in very late February, even though it was posted on the 3rd of January. This is very worrying, you are obviously using a bad postal service??? because many of my friends got the notice later than I and some not at all. Surely in the 21st Century the DWP, can update their security. I have 2 other private pensions and Proof of Life with the 2 of them can be done electronically. Have you thought of sending the blank forms via e-mail rather than by a totally inadequate Postal service, where forms are going missing in the post, how secure is that. Thanks again for confirming that my pension is OK, there is no way I can live without this money. The problem is that the DWP are relying on antiquated and bad insecure postal services in the 21st century. You cannot send me confirmation of my state pension by e-mail because of security reasons, maybe it will be lost in the post. Thanks,
  16. Are the people having problems using the phone app or a PC/Mac?
  17. The form is available. It is also worth the phone call, as they sometimes take the phone call, after answering a few questions, as Proof of Life. They sent forms out in January this year I received mine in March. DWP pension form.pdf
  18. PM me
  19. I believe CCleaner is now owned by Avast. When installing CCleaner you have to opt out of installing Avast anti virus. As the OP is not computer savvy, installing an anti virus is going to cause even bigger problems. Also if the OP does not know what he is doing CCleaner can damage the registry.
  20. My Redmi note 11, Android 12, still gets it's apps from Google Play Store,
  21. I have a Redmi note 11, which is OK for my purposes, but I am not a camera buff. GSM Arena, an excellent site for phone specs etc., have done this very good and fair review of the Redmi note 11, not that flattering.
  22. I don't think so, he died August 2021
  23. I believe Tims was originally on Beach Road. I have been living here for 24 years and it has always been on Second Road, so it must have been a long time since you had that beer.
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