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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 113 seconds  
  2. Ungodly? Mate it literally depicts gods. Just not the one you want.
  3. It's clearly a tear in his tights. Your balls may be that shape but mine certainly aren't. 😀
  4. Exactly. The only two labour PM's I would consider to be on the left in my lifetime were Wilson and Callaghan. Certainly not Blair, Brown or Starmer whom I consider to be slightly left of centre.
  5. I moved here to continue in a relationship. 20 years and counting. Who moves to Thailand for political reasons???
  6. Yes, and I wouldn't rule out other changes to the State Pension in the autumn budget.
  7. It wasn't meant to be a morality play. It was just a representation. A few minutes to display then get off. London Olympics had Mr. Bean to represent English culture. Lol. Don't take it so seriously.
  8. I'm sure the closing ceremony will get record viewing numbers. All those moralisers with their popcorn ready forensically analyzing the show for something to be offended by and blame wokeism. 😀
  9. Yeah, bless her. She's had a tough time of it lately.
  10. I agree if it's filth but people's borderlines vary when it comes to judging that. Kids love Taylor Swift, Arianne Grande, Troye Sivan etc and millions go to their concerts with half-naked dancers and lots of suggestive behavior and pelvic thrusting. I do take your point that in this case it was unexpected though. I would never censor this but would hope if parents thought that this was too explicit on t.v. they would explain to their kids what it was. There must be plenty of shows where something comes on that might be a little too near the mark and they have to do that. As for the moralisers on here, they've got an off switch. And thank you for your contention that anyone can avoid Pride. Many on here can't seem to, and moan about it being shoved down their throats. Nice to talk to someone that has differing views but tries to explain rather than attack. 🙂
  11. Same. And a nice smile from my injector. 🙂
  12. Actually the refrain is 'we contributed towards a pension'. State Pension is based on the amount of contributions you've paid. The more you've paid in, up to a maximum of 35 years, the more you get as your entitlement. Semantics maybe but it's an important distinction that it's based on the amount you've contributed rather than the amount they'd like to pay you, like a salary.
  13. It's not just an LGBT+ thing and it's not just art. The annual naked bike rides in public? The Japanese penis festivals? Nudist beaches? Endless naked figures in public art museums? Virtually naked men and women at Brazilian festivals. 90% straight and showing a lot more than this. You see more on a public beach. If some people weren't so determined to be offended by it, it would pass without much notice. It's something that should raise an eyebrow at most but some think it's the fall of the West. The whole thing is being misrepresented and overplayed. 😀
  14. I've not recovered from my first trip to Pattaya, seeing an old farang on a Harley Davidson with a young Thai girl on the back. 😮
  15. Ah, I wondered how long it would take you out yourself. LGBT+ are fascists, pedophiles and perverts eh? Sad, tired old perjoratives and insults. Shame your traditional morals don't include basic decency.
  16. And so they should be able to unless they commited a crime. As far as I'm aware long beards, pride flags and English flags are perfectly legal.
  17. I notice that some of the elderly people here have those three-wheeled electric scooters. Much safer if you stay off the main road and just poodle around the village. I might treat myself. RIP Wisut.
  18. Don't forget the BNP. You don't join a white-supremacist party without being a white-supremacist.
  19. Fair point. Just loose wording. He has of course been a member of racist parties in the past, but I accept that he's had an epiphany and found a new target.
  20. Popes are stll calling gay people f****ts
  21. Ali-Al- Shakati means "my apartment" in Arabic. 🙂
  22. I wasn't, I was stating a fact and a matter of public record. But it's a moot point now you mention it.
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