I agree if it's filth but people's borderlines vary when it comes to judging that. Kids love Taylor Swift, Arianne Grande, Troye Sivan etc and millions go to their concerts with half-naked dancers and lots of suggestive behavior and pelvic thrusting.
I do take your point that in this case it was unexpected though. I would never censor this but would hope if parents thought that this was too explicit on t.v. they would explain to their kids what it was. There must be plenty of shows where something comes on that might be a little too near the mark and they have to do that. As for the moralisers on here, they've got an off switch.
And thank you for your contention that anyone can avoid Pride. Many on here can't seem to, and moan about it being shoved down their throats.
Nice to talk to someone that has differing views but tries to explain rather than attack. 🙂