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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Avoid gurus, sages, seers and prophets. And certainly don't pay anyone to advise you how to run your life. It's all in the I Ching and Tao Te Ching, which you can get for free. I tried to avoid the numinous as much as possible.
  2. I popped into our local Tops today. They were pretty well stocked for craft beers but no Carabao as yet. Also no Laobeer IPA now, which is a shame. I cheered myself up with a bottle of Weihenstephaner Vitus. I also saw a Belgian beer called Martha, but I wan't to find out something about it first.
  3. Yes, and only after your birthday. Last January I was 66 and in February I turned 67.
  4. It's probably the most delightful of all the festivals. Ice cream cone kratongs and sparing on the lanterns it's fine.
  5. Weihenstephaner and Paulaner Dunkels are great if you can get hold of them.
  6. I like Laobeer IPA. At 74b it works out to GBP 2.92 a pint which is about half what you would pay for a decent IPA in the U.K. now. In my opinion it's worth a little extra now and again, especially as it's a limited edition and might one day disappear.
  7. I think the question should be when does criticism of a particular religion become vilification? It does seem to be a bit of a slippery slope. There are aspects of all religions that can be viewed as reprehensible. How do you gauge what is acceptable to castigate and how do you police it?
  8. Not justifying, not perversions and not ChatGPT. Other than that a great sentence.
  9. Nobody cares what you like or dislike. It's about words and actions.
  10. Yes, it's consoling that it's very accurate.
  11. That's her plan. Expect an all out assault on Sunak in the coming weeks, flying the flag of right-wing nationalism....probably on GB News.
  12. It amuses me that they think that being LGBT+ is immoral but facing fear, persecution and possible execution for being who you are isn't.
  13. I would certainly say Bob is the king of cheese, on this forum at least. : )
  14. It's still the same. It's the vile government that's not.
  15. Ladies! Ladies! It's fun seeing you real men (sic) trying to scratch each others eyes out. The answer to the OP's question is that no self-respecting LGBT+ person would give a hoot what these people think. They're of no consequence.
  16. Yeah, you have to be careful with CC Travel Insurance. Read the fine print: it may only cover you when you are actually travelling, not while your staying at your destination
  17. We use Kratongs made of ice cream cones. Much more bio-degradable.
  18. I wouldn't worry about it. These days they've got the Tiktok warriors telling them all about it and what you can get cheap in 7/11. Different world these days.
  19. I agree that the Hoegaarden Rosee is awful. So syrupy. I tried Federbrau once but thought it was just another bland pale lager.
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