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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Yeah, you only have to look at his long criminal record to see how much he's done for our country. 🙂
  2. He did. Lives in Spain in a luxury villa. Just comes over to stir up trouble.
  3. Mocking the death of D-Day soldiers. How tasteful. They fought for freedom not censorship.
  4. Richard, if you want a competitive discussion you need to get your facts straight. You call it perjoratively a "trans supper". It wasn't a trans re-enactment of The Last Supper. "The moral panic over a scene of drag queens feasting at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics set off a firestorm of outrage from religious conservatives and politicians who believed the scene was a mockery of the Last Supper. Except it wasn’t about the Last Supper at all. The so-called re-enactment was a scene of a bacchanal, a feast to the Greek god Dionysus. After all, the Olympics originated in ancient Greece, and the Greek gods were a part of the culture of that time. French director Thomas Jolly, who oversaw the opening ceremony show, explained that the scene was Dionysus arriving on a table and that it was meant to be representative of the gods of Olympus celebrating the Olympic Games." https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/olympics-2024-apology-christians-last-supper-elon-musk-mike-johnson-rcna164008 It's important to acknowledge this first. Scenes of bacchanalia are shown in some very famous paintings in prominent galleries around the world and are not censored. What exactly were you offended by and what legitimates your belief that this performance should be censored? I don't wish to speak for Jingthing but I think that your allusion to trans performances being the problem is what he was criticizing. And I'm a bit disarmed when you talk about "normal people" and LGBT+ people in the same breath. It often leads to inevitable prejudicies. Shades of Peterson and his "freaks and queers."
  5. And a mosque can be anywhere that offers daily prayer. It doesn't have to be a large building necessarily.
  6. Disobeying court orders and fleeing justice are serious crimes, for whatever reason. He will have been well aware of this. No doubt he will plead persecution and apply for asylum on foreign shores. How ironic,
  7. Just a reminder that Robinson was arrested for breaking the law, not because the establishment has got it in for him. Do they think he's a threat? Yes, because he's stirring up racial hatred under the guise of patriotism and instilling fear. He has every right to an opinion but when you deliberately flout the law you pay the consequences. And true to form he's trying to avoid justice.
  8. I just had an ad on my phone that said it's perfectly o.k. to have sex at 82. That's great 'cos I live at number 74, so it's not a long way to go home.
  9. You're sounding very much like Jordan Peterson and you make the same mistakes. I'm guessing you're a fan.
  10. No, he himself said "Do you not know that chaste women stay fresh much more than those who are not chaste? How much more in the case of the Virgin, who had never experienced the least lascivious desire that might change her body?"
  11. If you mean copyright I've no idea. What's that got to do with the price of fish?
  12. It's not my interpretation, it's a fact as stated by the official tourist service for Saint Peter's Basilica's "Everything you need to know about Michelangelo Buonarroti's Pietà" . But you know best.
  13. At the time The Pieta challenged the norm of the Madonna being an older woman by characterising her as seemngly the same age as her son. Michaelangelo explained it as her appearing young due to her chastity and incorruptibility. He also put rude symbols in some of his paintings.
  14. This is nothing new though. Degas complained about young artists willing to starve for their art but not willing to learn how to draw properly.
  15. Untrue. Art has been challenging the establishment for hundreds of years.
  16. My God. Nakedness! Won't someone think of the children? 555
  17. Yeah, Cabaret is a classic musical. Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
  18. The whole idea of good art is to challenge. Great art happens when artists challenge the accepted norms. This is particularly true of visual art.
  19. The Greeks had the Olympics in the nude. Hitler had depictions of Aryan youths holding the Olympic flame. These people are well clothed, even in relation to current Olympic swimmers and divers. Ridiculous outrage over precious little.
  20. Bacchanalian women weren't waif-like. They were rather above the middle size.
  21. Yes, it was literally the feast of the Olympian god Dionysus. The Olympians were the twelve gods of Greek mythology. Hence the depiction.
  22. So appalled that children might see it you posted it on a public forum, with a helpful arrow to show where the <deleted> are.
  23. What the hell are you talking about? Lol
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