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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Seems he hadn't invented paragraph alignment either. 🙂
  2. All your posts are pollocks. 🙂
  3. Jeez. I'm off to bed, Yellowtail. Good night.
  4. You should attribute, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/06/prageru-climate-change-denier-republican-donors Read how Prager thinks slavery isn't a problem.
  5. Yes, but you can listen to a song on the radio whilst your doing the washing and think, "that's good." Then when you sit down with your headphones and listen to the same song carefully you may get a fuller appreciation. Even more so if you read and understand the lyrics. By careful appreciation you may even think a bad song is actually good or vice versa. Of course there's no need to do this if you don't want to. I understand what Ellington meant; just enjoy the songs if you want to but I'm sure that he would be flattered if you displayed a deeper understanding of his work. Mingus certainly would.
  6. noun: irony the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
  7. Uncanny. This is how I imagine some of the of the posters here. 🙂
  8. Not so. Music can be enjoyed at a visceral level of course but much reward can be had through examination of music and particularly lyrics.
  9. Indeed. Pasolini's Mamma Roma caused quite a stir in the sixties with a Last Supper scene with a woman. This stuff is nothing new.
  10. I'm totally against this sort of thing. I think drag queens should stick to the classroom. 🙂
  11. You join a thread about police and Muslims having an altercation and immediately link it to Pride, which has got nothing to do with it. This says much about you doesn't it? Rather pathetic to accuse others of gaslighting.
  12. That's not your decision and it's certainly not the decision of this teacher. It's not about beliefs, yours mine or his, it's about his actions toward this pupil, which were humiliating.
  13. This mantra that it's just the fault of lack of training is specious. You cannot train an attack dog not to ever attack. They're bred for aggression and this can't always be suppressed. "This genetic history is present in the XL Bully. “These dogs, being bred for aggression, are likely to inherit aggression,” says David Sargan, a geneticist at Cambridge Veterinary School. “However well you treat them, a proportion of them may explode.”
  14. It's amazing but perhaps not surprising that most of the commentators here are appalled by the censure of a teacher but care less about the abuse of a schoolchild. Religious beliefs are what you personally believe and not what you proselytize to others. If religion is taught it should be in a broad curriculum, otherwise it becomes indroctrination. Clearly the issue here is that this man has sought to push his beliefs onto his class, including his perverse and outmoded views on homosexuality and transgender. This was no mistake, he deliberately and wilfully misgendered a vulnerable child opening her up to possible scorn and abuse by other kids. The judge summed it up perfectly.
  15. Who's saying you can't drink wine? Quality of life is not about abstention or excess. Like most things it's about balance, and moderation gives you that.
  16. I orginally started a few years ago as an exercise to see exactly what my alcohol consumption was, as I had no idea. I know that my alcohol consumption has decreased year on year, so I probably could not keep a record now. I started after I increased my alcohol intake after a tragedy a few years ago and I wanted to keep tabs on it.
  17. It's just a rough guide. I don't obsess over every last ml. You wouldn't be serious losing weight if you didn't look at your calorie intake and you wouldn't be serious exercising if you didn't keep a record of your physical effort. It's much the same with alcohol only you have much more to lose. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to keep a note of how much of a potentially health-affecting substance they're pouring down their throat. I guess the graveyard is full of them. In any case I have a spreadsheet and it's about 10 secs a day to record. A small price to pay for staying within llimits. It's not for everyone I know but I enjoy all aspects of drinking except getting p***ed which I grew out of in my mid twenties.
  18. That's interesting. Where did you get the Vedett IPA? I've only seen the Extra White and Rosé here.
  19. Thanks. That seems cheap. I read before that someone had paid 20,000. I guess it varies.
  20. Lol. You couldn't be more wrong. Firstly I can easily do without alcohol. When I first came here I did the Buddhist Lent alcohol abstinence for 3 months at a time. I haven't done it for the last few years because my Thai partner stopped. Even so, I keep a record of my alcohol consumption and will often go days or weeks without, if I wish. I'm lucky in that I don't have a compulsive or addictive nature. Secondly, I have an extensive knowledge of beer. I know my Tripel from my Doppelbock. In just the last few years since I've been keeping records I've tasted 25 Belgian beers, 30 German, 39 Thai and a number of others. Some beers are delicious, some are awful. My quest is to find the best available. And I never get p*ssd. I do it for enjoyment Thank you for your concern though. 🙂
  21. I definitely don't drink like I used to in my youth, although I've never been a heavy drinker. Fortunately I've become more interested in flavour than volume and the advent of better beer alternatives has meant I can be more discriminate in what I imbibe, which has consequently led to lower alcohol intake. There are a number of ways you can lower alcohol consumption without going teetotal.
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