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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. I didn't care for Dodesukaden and it was a critical failure in Japan. I have the DVD in a box somewhere. I might dig it out again. Dreams was o.k. in parts. To Live is a masterpiece imo. Tokyo Story is on many critics top five list and rightly so. Yasujiro Ozu is my favourite Japanese director. Ozu, Naruse and Mizoguchi are the acknowledged big three. There isn't a 5 1/2 hour version of Seven Samurai as far as I am aware. The Criterion Collection version at 207 minutes is the longest I know of. I thought The Magnificent Seven was a decent western remake for once. Enjoy your viewing.
  2. Yes, I've seen both the 1958 version of The Ballard of Naryama and the 1983 remake. Quite a disturbing story. I like Kurosawa, and Seven Samurai is a masterpiece but he's not in my list of top ten favourite Japanese directors. I've not seen any Ann Hui films yet. My favourite Asian film is probably Yi-Mou Zhang's Huozhe - To Live. I recently re-watched Farewell My Concubine which I was a bit ho-hum about before but I now think it's stunning. There are so many good Asian films.
  3. European cinema is fine but my passion is classic Japanese cinema. I have 214 and have 20 or so still to watch. I'm also fond of Chinese and Viet film.
  4. Sadly it hasn't. An acquaintance of mine was attacked outside a Manchester club by youths shouting homophobic slurs. Fortunately his boyfriend is pretty handy in a fight. Another acquaintance had his front teeth smashed. I'm told that many are afraid to go to clubs now as incidents are increasing.
  5. I've been to KL once and thoroughly enjoyed it. I even shared a room with another (straight) man. Now I might be questioned. Malaysia has become more fundamental, always a bad thing.
  6. Yes, and to recommend new laws which then are assessed by the European Parliament and either passed or rejected.
  7. Taoyeablok roll-on smells nice and works well for casual use. You can get it in 7/11.
  8. Per year? That's one good night in a gay bathhouse. ????
  9. What's the interest tax position on that, Scuba, say if you hold sterling funds with them?
  10. It's not that they've forgotten, it's that they know and don't give a damn. You have your pension frozen but still pay tax on your pension. They won't be freezing tax for eligible expats any time soon.
  11. Thank you. I see a number of posts where people don't seem to understand the basic facts and debate from incorrect assumptions.. Hopefully this will help. I understand that this is a difficult and divisive issue for many and I appreciate that some people have genuine concerns but they must get the basics right to express those. concerns intelligently.
  12. Well actually two hours ago, in reference to the original article I responded on- topic with a long post explaining about gender and biological sex which clearly you didn't bother to read. Meanwhile all your posts have been off-topic. How's that for irony? ????This is becoming a squabble now. Back to the topic methinks.
  13. I didn't "whinge" about going off topic. That's up to you. There's always going to be a little off-topic stuff. My concern, as I said, was all the derisive posts, off-topic or not.
  14. This was roundly and rightly condemned by London Trans and Pride. There are always people who go too far in any walk of life. Trans activists are beaten and murdered regularly.
  15. Actually I don't see much wrong here. The shirt refers to gender and the buttons to biological sex i.e adult male humans and adult female humans, two distinct things. I'm guessing that for fitting size Amazon just have the two buttons. In any case they say in their description "Get this there are more than two genders shirt for men, women, LGBTQ, pansexual, and asexual friends. " so they cover their bases there. It's not quite the gotcha you think it is. It would be so nice if people would debate what is an interesting issue rather than just diminishing and deriding.
  16. For clarification: The vast majority of humans are born with an unambiguous biological sex that’s either male or female. While there *are some intersex conditions, they are rare. For the most part, biological sex in humans is fairly simple: People with XX chromosomes are biologically female, have ovaries and grow breasts. People with XY chromosomes are biologically male, have testicles and leave the toilet seat up. Gender identity is as difficult as sex is simple. Gender refers to our internal sense of being female, male, or something else. Webster's definition of gender? : the behavioral, cultural, or emotional traits typically associated with one sex As everything internal, it’s subjective and hard to properly define. Gender identity comes about by a mix of genes, acquired biological traits, environmental and social factors, and cultural expectations. When someone’s perceived gender doesn’t align with their biological sex, we’ve come to call them “transgender”. The other case, when sex aligns with gender, is often called “cisgender”. Definition & Meaning cis: a prefix meaning “on the same side of,” trans: a prefix meaning “on the other side of,” Transgender people may feel like they are trapped in the wrong body. Not all, but some of them are distressed by this experience, and develop what is called “gender dysphoria”, a recognized psychological condition which might severely limit their quality of life. Some transgender people prefer not to draw a distinction between sex and gender, and instead distinguish between their experienced gender and the “assigned gender” or the “gender assigned at birth”. Being transgender is neither new nor necessarily detrimental to mental health, it’s just a not-very-common variation of normal human development.
  17. If you read the whole article it gets into some murky territory, advocating to legislate on the meanings of words via a Woman's Rights Bill. From her Wikipedia page: "She is a known bigot and alt-right pundit" Lol.
  18. Butterflies are insects. Insects don't have lungs but breathe through their trachea (holes in their bodies) which need a constant flow of air, hence the need to keep on the move. They will settle but not for long. Some insects can settle longer, like mosquitos, sadly. Moving constantly also gives them better protection against predators. You never see an ant taking a nap. ????
  19. The guy has over 100 videos on his site and all but a handful are attacking the left. That's not the action of a moderate. On the few that I've partly watched there is no discourse, no debate, no response allowed from the other side, just claims, often unsubstantiated. He's full of conspiricies. He believes that queer beliefs are quote ".......a Communist plot to destabilise America" and that gay representation is "the enemy" of Christianity. If he's not ultra-right he's at least far right.
  20. For those that don't know this video was made by James Lindsay of New Discourses, an ultra-right website dedicated to Christian Nationalist conspiracy theories and anti-woke moral crusades. He was a recent guest speaker at the recent Moms for Liberty summit where a quote by Adolf Hitler was roundly cheered. From Wikiipedia - He is a proponent of the right-wing LGBT grooming conspiracy theory and has been credited as one of several public figures responsible for popularizing "groomer" as a slur directed at LGBTQ educators and activists by members of the political right.[37][38] Lindsay has referred to the Pride flag as "the flag of a hostile enemy" Always nice to have some background on these types.
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