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Posts posted by rotary

  1. The Thais i know don't bother about it, they say its to small , so they just have all the Bodywork and Widow Chips done yearly.

    Got a mate who has gone this way,

    Speaking to him yesterday and he said he is paying 15K Baht each year.

    That price is acceptable but ......... its a 9 year old Chevrolet pickup.

    I thought 1st class insurance was not available after 5 or 7 years (??????????)

    I have a 11 year old pick and last several years paying B7500 for 1st class insurance but they only insure my pick up for about 1/2 the real value.

  2. All this hoopla over Benghazi does not make me proud to be an American. The Republican party has only straws to grasp. They are a dying party comprised of intolerant racists. Hate and fear is their mantra.

    Eventually the real money makers (who in yet another scandal have been deliberately targeted by the IRSrolleyes.gif )

    The real money makers are Republican PACs?


    But you're right, they are good at making money - for themselves and their corporate paymasters.

    You've only got to look what the idiots in Kansas have done, cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations, which has resulted in being downgraded and costing the state half a billion dollars in revenue just this year.

    These beneficiaries are not growing the economy, they are parasites, allowed by the Republicans to bleed it dry.

    It will never happen but there should be a flat tax rate for all no matter what the income level is and an end to all these tax breaks. Then fire 90% of the IRS because they are no longer needed.

  3. My experience with discounts on new cars in Thailand since 1988 has been that seldom if ever you get any discount. You might get a number rounded off as in 903,000 becomes 900,000 but from my experience there is no dealing like in the USA. It is possible to get, as other posters have stated, radios, chrome bumpers, window tint, insurance, etc. I bought a Ford Everest several years ago, made my best deal with a few extras, then I wanted a few extras I was going to pay for but as soon as I started asking the salesman just kept saying no problem I add for free. Ha Ha. i got about B20K more freebies without much effort but it cost 1.2M so they wanted that sale.

  4. Since 1988 I would be around 800,000 kms total. With one vehicle, a Ford Ranger base model pick up doing 400,000 kms of that without 1 repair other than regular maintenance . That's why i laugh when folks tell me how good their XXXXX model pick up is after all they have 100,000 kms with no repairs.

  5. We have a house in an gated community on a golf course. A woman moved in and believe it or not started a dog kennel with about 25 dogs in several houses she bought. While I do not like it not so much due to noise but due to the folks she has looking after the dogs it looks like not much if anything can be done. A guy close to this kennel who bought several houses as an investment, who stands the to lose the most works in the legal world. He said he was going to see what could be done and now after several years nothing done and the line went dead there. The problem is worse than ever but looks like nothing can be done as I assume this legal eagle would have got the ball rolling, I have not tried anything as I stay there only a few days a year and I fear the repercussions if I started trying to do something and failed. The dog breeder is fairly old so I am hoping father takes care of the problem as it appears there is no real legal recourse with no zoning laws.

  6. The best car is a pick up. Cheaper to buy in some cases, cheaper to repair in all cases, easier to find a place to repair, holds its value better, and the list goes on. Due to tax and repair cost along with holding their value a pick up is the best. Now the GF might not think so as it is not her baht and it does not look high class some think.

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